Supla - Motocicleta Endiabrada
Fly Project - о мале симпала о матэлану чи самба
For Bales - Американский военный марш конфедератов.
Flatsound - тексты песен
47 fights
47 fights pt 2
a morning spent thinking of a life without you
a small list of things that i normally would hide
be yourself
counting sheep
cross on my mind
destroy you
everything we saw that day and how you made me feel
fan letters
fault lines
fighting a losing war
i can't be here anymore
i exist i exist i exist
i love you, i need you, i miss you
if it has to be goodbye, let it be goodbye
if you love me, come clean
In The Absence Of Everything, I Promise To Keep You Warm
irreparable pieces
it's thursday, january 12th and this is the last time i'll talk about drowning
Learning to hate you as a self-defense
live up
losing the interest and trust i had in you
macie lightfoot, i'm broken
meow meow meow meow meow
nothing good comes from being gone
old lumina
saturday dec 14 2013
someone who will talk about anything
summer or spring
the act of holding on and letting go
the cowardly lion doesn't write love songs
the night you drifted passed
the one who gave up
the product of an angel
the repetitive nature of everyday life
these old clothes
they ll like me when i m sick
they'll like me when i'm sick
Tire Marks
uninspired noise
we'll live
we're fighting again
wednesday dec 20 2017
when we met.
you are the coffin
you had a panic attack in my bathroom
you hurt me bad
you said okay
you wanted to look for help, i wanted to sit and wait to be rescued
you were a home
You Were A Home That I Wanted To Grow Up In
You wrote 'don't forget' on your arm
You wrote.