Gakupo - 7 грех-похоть - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Gakupo - 7 грех-похоть
Сегодня новая прелестница придет ко мне.
Today the new charming will come to me.
Вот та, с улыбкой дивною, женой мне новой станет.
Here, with a marvelous smile, my wife will become new to me.
Запретна сделка с Дьяволом, но сила у меня в руках -
The transaction with the devil is forbidden, but my strength is in my hands -
Любую женщину очаровать, какая только взглядом ни одарит.
Any woman to charm, no matter what gaze.
Мужчина тот, что силой обладает,
The man is the one that possesses
Любую деву вмиг околдовать, к подвалу замка, где один он обитает,
Inhabit any girl instantly, to the basement of the castle, where he lives alone,
Приглянувшихся за одной одну ведет,
Like one one leads to one,
И свой гарем довольно скоро расширяет.
And his harem is pretty soon expanding.
Либидо вкус, что яд в себе скрывает, и удовольствие клинка,который плоть тугую разрезает,
Libido taste, which is the poison in itself, and the pleasure of the blade, which the flesh cuts off,
И с кровью смешан пот, что скоро каплею пурпурною стекает...
And sweat is mixed with blood, which soon drops with purple rods ...
Коль скоро сняты были все одежды, к реальности дорога исчезает.
As soon as all the clothes were removed, the road disappears to reality.
Все старые портреты сожжены, и прошлого себя нещадно я бросаю.
All the old portraits are burned, and I throw mercilessly a past.
Забыть хочу лицо, которое завидев все смеялись.
I want to forget the face that was seeing everyone laughed.
Целую деву милую, что к сердцу прижимаю -
I kiss the girl cute that I press to my heart -
Подругу детства, обсмеявшую меня.
A childhood girlfriend who was furious.
И в день один, со всех концов страны,
And one day, from all over the country,
Бесследно, друг за дружкой девы стали уходить.
Without a trace, each other began to leave for each other.
Кто дочь утратил, кто остался без жены,
Who has lost his daughter, who was left without a wife,
Но делать нечего и выход не найти.
But there is nothing to do and there is no way out.
Желанья тон, окрашенный во тьму, и страсть, что бесконечна, неостановима;
Desires of a tone painted in darkness, and passion, which is endless, non -notostable;
Иллюзии и понимание всего; И больше не могу я быть собой,
Illusions and understanding of everything; And I can no longer be myself
Творя разврат, бросая Богу вызов, вот ночь безумия, что я желал.
Creating debauchery, throwing a challenge to God, here is the night of the madness that I wanted.
Опять прелестница придет ко мне сегодня.
Again, the liner will come to me today.
Прийди в мои обьятия, дорогая, и в танце мы закружимся с тобой.
Come in my explanation, dear, and in the dance we will spin with you.
Ты подойдешь - приму тебя с улыбкой; и в этот миг
You will come - I will accept you with a smile; And at that moment
Внезапно капли крови шелк рубашки орошают и грудь мою пронзает режущая боль...
Suddenly, drops of blood silk are irrigated and my chest pierces the cutting pain ...
Юноша, искавший свою потерянную возлюбленную,
A young man who was looking for his lost lover,
Выяснил, что она находится в замке - обители Дьявола.
I found out that she was in the castle - the abode of the devil.
Он прикинулся женщиной и предстал пред хозяином,
He pretended to be a woman and appeared before the owner,
И пронзил его насквозь железным клинком.
And pierced it through with an iron blade.
Пробита грудь отравленным кинжалом,
The chest is broken with a poisoned dagger,
И в том же самом месте я упал.
And in the same place I fell.
И с кровью смешан пот, что скоро каплею пурпурною стекает...
And sweat is mixed with blood, which soon drops with purple pounds ...
Мое разбито заклинанье, все девушки пришли в сознанье и быстро убегают из дворца.
My spell is broken, all the girls came into consciousness and quickly run away from the palace.
Последняя лишь на секунду обернулась,
The latter only turned around for a second
Она была моей подругой детства .... Подожди!
She was my childhood friend .... Wait!
Я не сказал еще, что я люблю тебя
I haven't said yet that I love you
"Let's dance in My Harem"
"Let's Dance in My Harem"
Music & Lyrics: Mothy/Akuno-P
Music & Lyrics: Mothy/Akuno-P
Vocal: Kamui Gakupo
Vocal: Kamui Gakupo
Chorus: Megurine Luka, Hatsune Miku, GUMI, MEIKO, KAITO
Chorus: Megurine Luka, Hatsune Miku, Gumi, Meiko, Kaito
Illust & PV: Suzunosuke
Illust & PV: Suzunosuke
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Translation by Narumo
Translation by narumo
The Madness of Duke Venomania
The Madness of Duke Venomania
Today again a beautiful woman comes to me
TODAY AGAIN A Beautiful Woman Comes to Me
That smiling you will become my new wife
That smiling you
A forbidden deal with the devil, this power placed in my hands
A forbidden deal with the devil, this Power Placed in My Hands
All the women that look at me are falling enchanted
All the Women that look at me are falling enchanted
With the power to charm woman
With the Power To Charm Woman
The man, to the basement of the mansion where he lives alone
The Man, to the Basement of the Mansion Where He Lives Alone
Brings one by one the women he likes
Brings One by One Women He Likes
Building up his harem
Building Up His Harem
The taste of libido that hid poison, the pleasure of the blade that cut
The Taste of Libido That Hid Poison, The Pleasure of the Blade that Cut
Blood and sweat mixed together, turn before long into drops of purple
Blood and Sweat Mixed Together, Turn Before Long Into Drops of Purple
Once the clothes come off, there's no return to reality
Once the Clothes Come Off, There's No Return To Reality
My old portraits were burned; I abandoned my past self
My Old Portraits Were Burned; I ABANDONED My PAST SELF
I want to forget that face that everyone ridiculed and laughed at
I Want to Forget that Face that Evenyone Ridiculed and Laughed at
I kiss the lovely girl as I embrace her
I Kiss The Lovely Girl as I Embrace Her
She was the childhood friend that made a fool out of me
She was the childhouse folend that make a fool out of me
From a certain day on, the woman from all over the country
From a certain day on, The Woman from All Over The Country
One by one, they became lost without notice
One by One, They Became Lost Without Notice
Some were wives; some lost their daughters
And didn't know what to do
And DIDNIT KNOW What to Do Do
The tone of libido dyed in darkness; an infinite passion without stop
The Tone of Libido Dyed in Darkness; an infinite passion without Stop
Illusions, the understanding of everything; I am no longer a person
Illusions, The Understanding of EVERYTHING; I am no Longer a Person
Doing depravities in defiance of God, this is the night of madness I wished for
Doing depravites in defense of God, this is the night of madness i wished for
Today again a beautiful lady comes to me
Today Again a Beautiful Lady Comes to Me
Come into my embrace, let's dance in this harem
Come Into My Embrace, Let's Dance in this Harem
After you approach me, I hold you close with a smile; in that instant
After You Approach Me, I Hold You Close with a Smile; in that Instant
Suddenly there is a sharp pain and blood dyes my chest
Suddenly There is a Sharp Pain and Blood Dyes My Chest
A young man that searched for his lost love
A Young Man that Searched for His Lost Love
He found out her whereabouts: the mansion where the devil dwelled
He Found Out Her Whereabouts: The Mansion Where The Devil Dwelled
The young man disguised as a woman approach the devil
The Young Man Disguized As a Woman Approach The Devil
And stabbed him in the chest with a
And Stabbed Him in the Chest with a
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