Goblin Slayer - Sleep, my child - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Goblin Slayer

Название песни: Sleep, my child

Дата добавления: 05.07.2024 | 23:14:03

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Goblin Slayer - Sleep, my child

Sleep, my child,
Sleep, My Child,
They dont know your wars.
They Dont Know Your Wars.
That is not who your fighting for.
That is not Who Your Fighting for.
Sleep, my child,
Sleep, My Child,
They dont know your ward.
They Dont Know Your Ward.
Always give meaning to your, and falling,
Always Give Meaning to Your, and Falling,
DIe falling for happiness
Die Falling for Happiness
Thyne path be divert
Thyne Path Be Divert

Спи, дитя мое,
Sleep, my child,
Им не ведома твоя борьба.
Your struggle is not aware of them.
Не за них ты сражаешься.
Not for them you are fighting.
Спи, дитя мое,
Sleep, my child,
Им не ведома твоя опека.
Your custody is not knowledge.
Всегда ищи смысл жить, и броском,
Always look for the point of living, and with a throw,
Броском кости на удачу
Bone of bone for good luck
Отклонится твой путь.
Your path will deviate.
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