Hypnosis Mic - Matenro Drama Track 1 - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Hypnosis Mic - Matenro Drama Track 1
Jakurai: Oh well, time to decide on the members. There’s totally nobody that interests me. (sighs)
Doppo: Похоже, она в бегах, но если Хифуми недостаточно осторожен и подвергается нападению -
[Opens Something] [Chair]
Хифуми: Не то, чтобы полицейские были бесполезны, просто решимость девушки убить меня слишком сильна. Такое ощущение, что она не позволит себе быть пойманной, прежде чем убьет меня.
Jakurai: Unlike people with skills, people who interests me are still nowhere to be found.
Джакурай: Хм ... я думаю, что я в значительной степени понимаю, что происходит сейчас. Так что, если она появляется, вы хотите, чтобы я ошеломила ее своим микрофоном гипноза?
[Door opens]
Хифуми: Короче говоря, да.
Nurse: Doctor, it’s time to start today’s appointments. I’m going to let the patient in.
Джакурай: Если это так, я не могу вам помочь; Я стараюсь не использовать микрофон гипноза как можно больше. Получение полиции или телохранителя для защиты, вы можете быть лучшим способом.
Jukurai: Ah yes, please.
Хифуми: Это не так.
Джакурай: Что?
Jukurai: Doppo-kun, you’re here again? Are you still having insomnia because of anxiety towards the future?
Хифуми: Больше чем потрясающе ее, я надеюсь, что Якурай-сан сможет ее исцелить.
Doppo: No, thanks to you doctor, I am less anxious about the future now.
Doppo: Доктор, именно поэтому мы пришли поговорить с вами.
Jakurai: Wonderful. Then, what seems to be the matter today?
Хифуми: Я очень забочусь о своей жизни, но так же сильно, я действительно хочу помочь этой девушке, которая любит меня. Якурай-сан-один из лучших врачей в мире, и разве вы не являетесь членом легендарной команды «The Dirty Dawg»? Поэтому с помощью Якурай-сан, я
Doppo: Right, excuse me. But, as you are, Doctor, I’ve a favor to ask.
Jakurai: If it’s within my capacity, I will help. Please say.
Doppo: I am extremely grateful. Actually I brought a friend with me, I will go fetch him.
[Door noises]
Jakurai: Well, it’s good that both his mind and body are sound. Instead of a doctor, he sort of sees me more as a counselor.
Doppo: Thank you so much for waiting. Let me introduce you, this is my friend Izanami Hifumi.
Hifumi: Hihi! I’m Izanami Hifumi. Call me Hifumin, okay? ❤️
Jakurai: H-Hifumin… Nice to meet you. Hifumi-kun, since this is a hospital could you please lower your voice a little?
Doppo: Aah, I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry… Hifumi, quickly say sorry for your bad manners!
Hifumin: Oh? Ah, I did bad. Sowwy! (1)
Doppo: Apologize seriously! You’re always like this. I am trying to seek help for you over here and you just keep embarrassing me. (sighs) To be fair I feel that’s my bad. Today my boss said to me, “you’re a salesman, stop making that gloomy face.” Hifumi is probably also sick of my gloomy face so that’s why he’s like this to me. No, no doubt he’s fed up for sure. Everything, everything is my bad. Hifumi being so noisy, my little brother failing exams, Today’s rain…They are all, all my fault my fault my fault…
Jakurai: (sighs) Doppo kun? How many times have I said? Don’t think that everything is your fault, please stop these negative thoughts.
Doppo: (sighs)
Hifumi: (mocking noise) Doppo, you’re funny.
Doppo: Hifumi, you’re so…I am not helping you anymore.
Hifumi: Totes my bad, sowwy! It was just a joke. Doppo, think about just how long we’ve been together.
Doppo: If I can, I want to go back to my primary school years so that I can not become friends with you.
Hifumi: (laughs) Doppo, but then you’d have zero friends.
Doppo: (grumpy voice) Even if that’s the case!
Hifumi: Uuh, how scawwy~
Jakurai: (clears throat) So? Doppo-kun, what reason did you introduce Hifumi-kun to me for? Is there something I can do to help him?
Doppo: Yes, actually, he’s being troubled by a horrible stalker.
Hifumi: Yeah like that; It’s SO bad, it blows me away. Like, if I don’t do something I could actually get killed?
Jakurai: The way Hifumi-kun puts it, it lacks a bit of credibility and tension. Is that really the case, Doppo-kun?
Hifumi: Ah, how cruel, doctor! That’s so messed up! (Doppo slaps him) Ah, violence is not the answer!!
Doppo: I am so very sorry that he keeps doing this, Doctor. Although he talks like that, what he said is true.
Jakurai: So, that means…”getting killed” is not just a metaphor or something like that?
Doppo: Indeed. I myself also witnessed bits of how crazy that stalker is. His position is pretty dangerous.
Hifumi: I know right, I’m having a crisis.
Jakurai: Why a stalker?
Doppo: He works as a host.
Jakurai: I see. In that case, is the stalker a customer of Hifumi kun’s store?
Hifumi: Yep, yep, that’s exactly it! I’ll give them my love and all, but, like, can they spare me my life?
Jakurai: Oh..it might be discourteous to say since we just met, but I can’t imagine him having such a crazy stalker.
Doppo: Ah, just as you say so, doctor.
Hifumi: (Screams) You two are both so nasty??
Doppo: To be honest, I still can’t believe that he became a host and has to work with girls.
Jakurai: That I can’t tell. Look at him, doesn’t he feel like a natural-born host?
Doppo: That…is true.
[Door opens]
Nurse: Excuse me.
Hifumi: [Gasps]
Nurse: Are you alright? Are you not feeling well somewhere?
Hifumi: Y-y-y-yes, I-I-I, a-am o-k-k-kay?
Nurse: Doctor, there are still appointments with other patients, the time…
Jakurai: Ah, it’s already this hour. I’m almost done here.
[Nurse out]
Hifumi: [gasping/shook]
Jakurai: Hifumi-kun, what is it, all of a sudden?
Hifumi: T-that, g-girl…ha-as she, l-left?
Jakurai: Oh… that, she left already.
Hifumi: Ah, jeeeeez, she totally just popped out of nowhere! Scared the heck outta me.
Doppo: I didn’t tell you beforehand, but as you just saw he’s not good at dealing with females. When he talks to women, he’ll suddenly become another person just like that.
Jakurai: Seems to me it’s beyond the level of “not good”. I take back what I said. (breathes) Hifumi-kun, you taking a gynocentric job as a host with such a personality, is amazing.
Hifumi: (Laughs awks)
Jakurai: Please tell me more details after I get off work.
Doppo: Please excuse us for disturbing you in the middle of your work. Then, I will see you later.
[door opens, hifumi gets dragged]
Doppo: Yo, let’s go, Hifumi.
Jakurai: Hmm…Doppo-kun and Hifumi-kun are a quite peculiar, interesting…
[Bell rings]
Women: Welcome!
Hifumi: Ah, Jakurai-san, over here!
Jakurai: Oh. [walks]
Doppo: Sorry doctor, you must be tired from work…
Jakurai: It’s rare that you bring friends to me for advice, which means you must be really in need of my help.
Doppo: I am very sorry for the trouble.
Hifumi: Jakurai-san, thanks much!
Doppo: …Who do you think I am saying sorry for!
Hifumi: Oh? Ooooops my bad. Sowwy!
Jakurai: Hifumi-kun, you’re a completely different person when there’s no women around. Speaking of which, if you can’t talk in front of women, how do you handle being a host?
Hifumi: Oh.. haha
Doppo: Doctor, when he puts on his suit as a host, he’ll change into another personality.
Jakurai: Hmm. I thought what just happened was already another personality - is it different from that too?
Doppo: Yes. It might be too soon to show you this time; but after you see it, you will understand the reason why he attracts crazy stalkers.
Jakurai: Got it. So, you’re needing my help for dealing with that stalker?
Hifumi: Yep. Anyways, please look at this.
Jakurai: This is…a letter?
Hifumi: It’s the inside! She wrote something totally crazy, real messed up!
Jakurai: (reads letter) “I am your woman, I am your slave, I am your possession. The whole of you makes me love, and makes me craze.” I see, this is quite something. …Hm? Is this “ink” by any chance…
Hifumi: (nervous laughter) It came with pictures of her gorey slit wrist, and another picture with her using the blood to write the letter.
Jakurai: Surely, it must have been appalling to receive this. However, isn’t it a bit of an exaggeration to say that your life is in danger?
Hifumi: That’s…
Doppo: Hifumi, show Doctor that last thing.
Hifumi: (Hesitates) Ah.
Jakurai: A knife?
Hifumi: A knife and this, letter.
Jakurai: (reads letter) “Why, why, why don’t you understand. I already sacrificed everything for you. Now I can only kill you and then commit suicide.” (gasps) Is this also written in blood?
Hifumi: The night when I got this knife and letter, that girl broke into my home and stabbed my arm.
Jakurai: Not slitting, but stabbing - that’s for sure an indication of murderous intent. Instead of talking to me here about this, you should go to the police.
Hifumi: Of course I did and even an arrest warrant was issued. But we don’t know where did that girl go.
Jakurai: On the run?
Doppo: Seems like she’s on the run, but if Hifumi is not careful enough and gets attacked —
Hifumi: Not that the cops are useless, just that the girl’s determination to murder me is too strong. It feels like she won’t let herself be caught before she killed me.
Jakurai: Hmm…I think I pretty much get what’s happening now. So if she appears, you want me to stun her with my hypnosis mic?
Hifumi: In short, yes.
Jakurai: If that’s the case I can’t help you; I try to avoid using hypnosis mic as much as possible. Getting a police or a bodyguard to protect you might be a better way.
Hifumi: That’s not it.
Jakurai: The what is?
Hifumi: More than stunning her, I hope Jakurai-san can heal her.
Doppo: Doctor, that’s the reason why we came to talk to you.
Hifumi: I care about my life a lot, but just as much, I really want to help this girl who likes me. Jakurai-san is one of the best doctors in the world, and weren’t you also a member of the legendary team “The Dirty Dawg”? Therefore, With Jakurai-san’s help, I am
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