Irish The Players Brigade - Roll of Honour - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Irish The Players Brigade - Roll of Honour
Read the roll of honour for Ireland's bravest men
Read The Roll of Honour for Ireland's Bravest Men
We must be united in memory of the ten
We must be united in Memory of the Ten
England you're a monster, don't think that you have won
England You're a Monster, Donmet Think that You have Won
We will never be defeated while Ireland has such sons
We Will Never Be Defeated While Ireland Has Such Sons
Читай почетный список самых смелых людей Ирландии
Read an honorary list of the most daring people of Ireland
Мы должны объединиться в память о тех десяти
We must unite in memory of those ten
Англия – ты чудовище, не думай, что ты победила
England - You are a monster, don't think you won
Мы никогда не проиграем, покуда у Ирландии будут такие сыновья
We will never lose, as long as Ireland will have such sons
In those dreary H-Block cages ten brave young Irishmen lay
In Those Dreary H-Block Cages Ten Brave Young Irishmen Lay
Hungering for justice while their young lives ebbed away
Hungering for Justice While Their Young Lives Ebbed Away
For their rights as Irish soldiers and to free their native land
For Their Rights as Irish Soldiers and To Free Their Native Land
They stood beside their leader the gallant Bobby Sands
They Stood Beside Their Leader The Gallant Bobby Sands
В ужасных H-блоках (тюремный корпус в форме буквы H – типичный форм-фактор для таких построек), десять смелых молодых ирландцев полегли
In terrible H-blocks (a prison case in the form of the letter H-a typical form factor for such buildings), ten brave young Irish were flying
Голодуя за правосудие, пока их молодые жизни угасали
Starving for justice, while their young lives faded away
За права ирландских солдат и свободу родной страны
For the rights of Irish soldiers and freedom of their native country
Они стояли насмерть вместе со своим лидером, галантным Бобби Сэндсом
They stood to death with their leader, gallant Bobby Sands
Now they mourn Hughes in Bellaghy, Ray McCreish in Armagh's hill
Now the Mourn Hughes in Bellagy, Ray McCreish in Armagh's Hill
In those narrow streets of Derry they miss O'Hara still,
In Those Narrow Streets of Derry the Miss O'hara Still,
They so proudly gave their young lives to break Britannia's hold
They So Proudly Gave Their Young Lives to Break Britannia's Hold
Their names shall be remembered as history unfolds
Their Names Shall Be Remembered as History Unfolds
А теперь Хьюза оплакивают в Бэллахи, Рэя МакКриша – на холмах Арма
And now Hughes is mourned in Bellahs, Ray McCrisha - on the hills of Armma
А на узких улочках Дерри тоскуют по О’Хара
And on the narrow streets of Derry longing for O’Hara
Они гордо отдали свои жизни, чтобы ослабить хватку Британии
They proudly gave their lives to weaken the grip of Britain
И их имена будут помнить, покуда пишется история
And their names will remember how the story is written
Through the war torn streets of Ulster the black flags did sadly wave
Through The War Torn Streets of Ulster The Blags Flags Did Sadly Wave
To salute ten Irish martyrs, the bravest of the brave
To Salute Ten Irish Martyrs, The Bravest of the Brave
Joe McDonnell, Martin Hurson, Kevin Lynch, Kieran Doherty
Joe McDonnell, Martin Hurson, Kevin Lynch, Keran Doherty
They gave their lives for freedom with Thomas McElwee
They Gave Their Lives for Freedom with Thomas Mcelwee
На раздираемых войной улицах Ольстера черные флаги развиваются с грустью
On Olster's streets, black flags develop with sadness with sadness
Приветствуя десять ирландских мучеников, смелейших из смелых
Welcoming ten Irish martyrs who are daring from daring
Джо МакДоннел, Мартин Харсон, Кевин Линч, Киран Догерти
Joe McDonnel, Martin Harson, Kevin Lynch, Kiran Daherti
Отдали свои жизни за свободу вместе с Томасом Макэлви
Gave their lives for freedom with Thomas MacAlvi
Michael Devine from Derry you were the last to die
Michael Devine from Derry You Were The Last to Die
With your nine brave companions, with the martyred dead you lie
With your Nine Brave Companions, with the Martyred Dead You Lie
Your souls cry out "Remember, our deaths are not in vain
Your Souls Cry Out "Remember, Oour Deaths are not in vain
Fight on and make our homeland a nation once again"
Fight on and Make Our Homeland a Nation Once Again "
Майкл Дэвайн из Дерри, ты был последним, кто умер
Michael Davin from Derry, you were the last to die
С девятью смелыми соратниками, покойниками-мученниками ты лег в одну могилу
With nine brave associates, dead, marens you lay down in the same grave
Ваши души кричат «Помните, наши смерти не были напрасны
Your souls shout “Remember, our deaths were not in vain
Сражайтесь дальше и сделайте нашу родину единой нацией снова!»
Fight further and make our homeland a single nation again! ”
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