Japanther - Seventy Nine - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Japanther

Название песни: Seventy Nine

Дата добавления: 30.08.2024 | 23:16:09

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Japanther - Seventy Nine

It was the summer of the 70's and we were running out of gasoline
It was the Summer of the 70's and We Were Running Out of Gasoline
Jimmy Carter was the president and we were made to feel like aliens
Jimmy Carter Was the President and We Were Made to Feel Like Aliens

Now it's the summer of the 80's and you were just a tiny baby
Now it's the Summer of the 80's and You Were Just a Tiny Baby
No idea what you're part of or what the president has started
No idea What You're Part of or President Has Started


Было одно лето из 70-х, и тогда мы бежали от сожжения бензином,
It was one summer from the 70s, and then we fled from burning gasoline,
Джимми Картер тогда был президентом, и мы были тут как иностранцы.
Jimmy Carter was then president, and we were here as foreigners.

Теперь вот одно лето из 80-х, и ты просто крошечный ребёнок,
Now here is one summer from the 80s, and you are just a tiny child,
Не знаю, ты часть того, что было, или президента только избрали?
I don’t know, you are part of what happened, or the president was only elected?
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