John Zorn 2012 The Gnostic Preludes - Full Album - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни John Zorn 2012 The Gnostic Preludes - Full Album
John Zorn — американский композитор-авангардист, саксофонист, музыкальный продюсер, основатель лейбла Tzadik и движения еврейской авангардной музыки Radical Jewish Culture . Один из лидеров современного музыкального авангарда. Творчество Зорна отличает жанровое разнообразие: в его арсенале работы в джазовой стилистике, сочинения академической авангардной музыки, сочетания хардкора, клезмерской музыки и свинга, сладжа и нойза, электро-акустические эксперименты, неидиоматическая импровизация.
John Zorn is an American composer of the avant-garde, saxophonist, music producer, founder of Tzadik label and the movements of Jewish avant-garde music Radical Jewish Culture. One of the leaders of the modern musical avant -garde. Zorn's work is distinguished by genre diversity: in his arsenal of work in jazz style, compositions of academic avant-garde music, combinations of hardcore, Clezmer music and swing, sweet and noise, electrical-acoustic experiments, non-non-humoric improvisation.
The Gnostic Preludes — последнее творение маэстро в его мистическом поиске в развитие таких работ, как In Search of the Miraculous , The Goddess: Music for the Ancient of Days и At The Gates Of Paradise.
The Gnostic Preludes is the last creation of the maestro in his mystical search in the development of such works as in Search of the Miraculous, The Goddess: Music for the Ancient of Days and At the Gates of Paradise.
Едва ли не самая красивая музыка Джона Зорна, которую он когда-либо писал!
Perhaps the most beautiful music by John Zorn, whom he had ever written!
Музыкант обращается к простоте камерной музыки интимного ансамбля арфы, вибрафона и гитары, вдохновленный минимализмом Райха, Райли и Гласса, а также мировыми эзотерическими традициями. Музыка лирична и гипнотична.
The musician turns to the simplicity of the chamber music of the intimate ensemble of the harp, vibrophone and guitar, inspired by the minimalism of Reich, Riley and Glass, as well as world esoteric traditions. The music is lyrical and hypnotic.
John Zorn 2012 The Gnostic Preludes
John Zorn 2012 The Gnostic Preludes
Label: Tzadik
Label: Tzadik
Format: CD, Album
Format: CD, Album
Country: US
Country: Us
Released: Feb 2012
ReleASD: Feb 2012
Genre: Jazz, Classical
Genre: Jazz, Classical
Style: Contemporary Jazz, Contemporary
Style: Contemporary Jazz, Contemporary
1 Prelude 1: The Middle Pillar 6:39
1 Prelude 1: The Middle Pillar 6:39
2 Prelude 2: The Book Of Pleasure 6:06
2 Prelude 2: The Book of pleasure 6:06
3 Prelude 3: Prelude Of Light 5:56
3 Prelude 3: Prelude of Light 5:56
4 Prelude 4: Diatesseron 4:35
4 Prelude 4: Diatesseron 4:35
5 Prelude 5: Music Of The Spheres 8:14
5 Prelude 5: Music of the Spheres 8:14
6 Prelude 6: Circumambulation 6:34
6 Prelude 6: Circumambulation 6:34
7 Prelude 7: Sign And Signal 6:22
7 Prelude 7: Sign and Signal 6:22
8 Prelude 8: The Invisibles 3:35
8 Prelude 8: The Invisibles 3:35
John Zorn: Composed By, Arranged By
John Zorn: Composed by, Arranged by
Carol Emanuel: Harp
Carol Emanuel: Harp
Bill Frisell: Guitar
Bill Frisell: Guitar
Kenny Wollesen: Vibes, Bells
Kenny Wollesen: Vibes, Bells
Recorded and mixed December 2011 at East
Recorded and Mixed December 2011 At East
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