League Of Legends - sad curse of the mummy - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни League Of Legends - sad curse of the mummy
Текст песни (русский):
Lyrics of the song (Russian):
Известна детям в Валоране легенда давних лет
The legend of long -standing years is known to children in Valoran
О грустной мумии, под бинтами которой сердца нет.
About a sad mummy, under the bandages of which there is no heart.
Несчастный, робкий паренек, Амуму звать его.
The unfortunate, timid guy, the Amumu call him.
Он о проклятии своем не ведал ничего.
He did not know anything about his curse.
Годами маленький Амуму искал себе приют -
For years, a small amum has been looking for a shelter -
Ведь должен он найти друзей, что примут и поймут.
After all, he must find friends that they will accept and understand.
Но сколько б ни стучался он, ни обивал порог,
But no matter how much he knocked, he did not take the threshold,
Никто не открывал ему, и был он одинок.
No one opened him, and he was lonely.
Проклятья стал он слышать шепот в тишине
Damnations began to hear a whisper in silence
О жутких страхах, что скрывал он в глубине.
About the terrible fears that he hid in the depths.
Никто и никогда не будет с ним таким дружить,
No one will ever be friends with him,
И обречен он до конца один совсем бродить.
And he is doomed to the end alone completely wandering.
Отчаяния и горя
Despair and grief
Не смог снести он вскоре.
He could not demolish soon.
Когда Амуму осознал, что натворил он вдруг,
When the Amumu realized what he had done suddenly,
Уж поздно было для него и всех людей вокруг.
It was too late for him and all the people around.
Страданием и злобой полна его душа,
His soul is full of suffering and anger,
И гнев сдержать не может он, все на пути круша.
And he cannot restrain anger, everything in the way is skewed.
Текст песни (английский):
Lyrics of the song (English):
Every child in Valoran has heard the tale before,
About the cursed mummy boy who felt his heart no more.
ABOUT THE CURSED Mummy Boy Who Felt His Heart No More.
So sad and lorn, the helpless lad, Amumu was his name,
So Sad and Lorn, The Helps Lad, Amumu Was His Name,
He ventured out to find a friend and learn about his bane.
He Ventured Out to Find a Friend and Learn ABOUT HIS BANe.
For many years, young Amumu traveled through the lands,
For Many Years, Young Amumu Traveled Through The Lands,
Determined to make friends, if only they would understand,
Determined to Make Friends, ify They Wood Understand,
But even when Amumu stood upon the ledge of home,
But Even Are Amumu Stood Upon the Ledge of Home,
His hope would disappoint him, and he would remain alone.
But then the curse began to whisper in his ear,
But the Curse Began to Whisper in His Ear,
And would confirm what was Amumu’s biggest fear,
And Woup Confirm What Was Amumu’s Biggest Fear,
It pledged that never shall someone become his friend,
It pledged that he shall be alone until his end.
It playdgeed he shall be alone until his end.
The sorrow and despair,
The Sorrow and Despair,
Became too much to bear.
Became too Much to Bear.
The moment when Amumu realized what he had done,
The Moment When Amumu Realized What He Had Done,
Too late it was, for him, for them, the evil curse had won.
Too Late It Was, for Him, for Them, The Evil Curse Had Won.
The anger and the anguish overwhelmed his fragile soul,
The Anger and the Anguish Overwhelmed His Fragile Soul,
And caused a wicked tantrum that he never could control.
And Caused a Wicked Tantrum that He Never COULD CONTROL.
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