Lecrae - Blow Your High - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
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Blow Your High
Blow Your High
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I blow your high
Hmm, Here we go again
While you're blowing them stems, I'm about to flow again
While You're Blowing Them Stems, I'M ABOUT To Flow Again
Пока ты дымишь свою солому, я собираюсь снова читать
While you smoke your straw, I'm going to read again
I know the smoke isn't the only thing going in
I Know The Smoke Isnmet the only Thing Going in
Я знаю, что дым не единтсвенная вещь, что входит во внутрь
I know that smoke is not a single thing that is going inside
I got a whole lot of truth you can roll them with
I get a whole lot of trout you can roll them with
У меня есть куча правды, с которой ты можешь завернуть их (косяки)
I have a bunch of truth with which you can wrap them (jambs)
Feel it in your chest, yes, breath
Feel it in your Chest, Yes, Breath
Почувствуй её в своей груди, да, дыхание
Feel her in your chest, yes, breathing
It's what you breathe in never thinkin' that you're blessed
It's What You Breathe in Never Thinkin 'that You're Blasseed
Это всё то, что ты вдыхаешь вовнутрь, никогда не думая, что ты освящен
This is all that you inhale inside, never thinking that you are sanctified
You hear it in the back, right, left
You hear it in the back, right, left
Ты слышишь эти сзади, справа, слева
You hear these behind, on the right, left
Your body is feeling right but your soul is getting left
Your Body Is Feeling Right But Your Soul Is Getting Left
Твоему телу нравится, но душа остаётся назадействованной (игра слов right\left)
Your body likes it, but the soul remains told (play of words right \ left)
You think you are getting high but you are really getting low
You Think You Are Getting High But You Are Relelly Getting Low
Ты думаешь, что ловишь кайф, но на самом деле сползаешь всё ниже (игра слов high\low)
You think that you catch high, but in fact you slide down everything below (playing High \ Low)
The devil got you blind from the weed that you blow
The devil Got You Blind from the Weed That You Blow
Дъявол ослепил тебя от травы, которую ты дуешь
Dyalul blinded you from the grass that you blow
You are worshipping a tree instead of worshipping the King
You are Worshiping a Tree Inst, Worshiping the King
Ты поклоняешься дереву вместо Царя
You worship the tree instead of the king
When he made everything Romans 1:23
Wen he made easing romans 1:23
Который создал всё (Послание к Римлянам 1:23) (when He made... употребленно в смысле: Когда как Он создал...)
Who created everything (a message to the Romans 1:23) (when he ... used in the sense: when he created ...)
Chase that high all the way to into the grave
Chase that High All the Way to into the Grave
Гоняясь за этим кайфом до гроба
Chasing this high to the coffin
You are lost in your low so you're high everyday
You are lost in your low so you're high evidence
Ты потерялся в своей низине, поэтому ты под кайфом каждый день (игра слов low\high)
You are lost in your lowland, so you are a high every day (play \ high)
And everything you crave only makes you a slave
Всё, что ты преследуешь, делает тебя только рабом
Everything that you pursue, makes you only a slave
And Christ is the only way you ever are goning to escape
And Christ is the only way you vay area goning to escape
И Христос - единственный способ, как ты можешь выбраться
And Christ is the only way you can get out
If it's one hitter, quitter, get it
Run it's One Hitter, Quitter, Get it
Если это один косяк, неудачник, дерзай
If this is one jamb, loser, dare
In your mind that your time's going pass
In your mind that your time's going pass
Чтобы время прошло (быстрее) в твоей голове
So that time passes (faster) in your head
And if you are going get it, spit it, lick it
And IF You Are Going Get it, Spit it, Lick it
Если решил, заслюняв его, облизни
If he decided, clinging him, doused
You got one life and it isn't going last
You Got One Life and It Isn't Going Last
У тебя одна жизнь, и она не будет продолжаться вечно
You have one life and it will not last forever
You are not stimulated, you are manipulated by a hater
You are not stimulated, you are manipulated by a haater
Тебя не торкает (на самом деле), тобою манипулирует Завистник
You do not stick (in fact), the envious manipulates you
And he hates it when you are rehabilitated
And he hats it when you are rehabiliteded
И он завидует твоему выздоровлению (дословно: когда ты реабилитируешься)
And he envies your recovery (literally: when you are rehabilitated)
If smoke is the evidence, you're taking his benevolent gift
If smoke is the evidence, You're Taking His Benevolent Gift
Если дым - это свидетельство, что ты потребляешь "великодушный" его дар
If smoke is evidence that you consume a “generous” gift
And telling him split while you're inhaling your hit , so get up
And Telling Him Split While You're Inhaling Your Hit, So Get Up
И говоря ему 'свали', пока ты вдуваешь (очередной) затяг, давай приходи в себя
And telling him 'dumps' while you are blowing (another) tightening, let's come to your senses
Ohh, you think you high but you really getting low
Ohh, you Think You High But You Really Getting Low
Ты думаешь только, что кайфуешь, на самом деле опускаешься ниже и ниже (игра слов high\low)
You only think that you are high, you actually sink below and lower (playing High \ Low)
Yeah, you're going hate it but I had to let you know
Yeah, You're Going Hate it But I Had to Let You Know
Я знаю, тебе это не понравится, но я тебе должен поведать
I know you will not like it, but I have to tell you
That in the end we all are going die, can't escape it if you try
That in the end We All Are Going Die, CAN'T Escape it IF You Try
Что в конце мы все умрем, не уйдешь от него, если захочешь
That at the end we all die, you will not leave him if you want
I know your lighters are up but I will blow your high (Eyyy!)
I KNOW YOUR LIGHTERS ARE UP BUT I Will Blow your High (Eyy!)
Я знаю, что вашь зажигался подняты, но я сдую твой кайф
I know that the dash was lit up, but I will blow your buzz
I will blow your high (Eyyy!) I will blow your high
I Will Blow Your High (Eyy!) I Will Blow Your High
- \\ -
- \\ -
I know you're trying to free your mind
I Know You're Trying to Free Your Mind
Я в курсе, что ты пытаешься освободить свой мозг
I am aware that you are trying to free your brain
But you are just wasting time
But you are just Wasting Time
Но ты попросту теряешь время
But you simply lose time
And Jesus is alive
And jesus is alive
И да... Иисус жив
And yes ... Jesus is alive
Wait a minute you all
Wait a minute you all
Let me take it down a river while they are rolling down the hedonism boulevard
Let me take it down a river While the Are Rolling Down the Hedonism Boulevard
Позволь мне спуститься по реке, пока они катиться по бульвару жажды наслаждений
Let me go down the river while they roll along the thirst for pleasure boulevard
Anything that got them fiending, maybe money or the Lamborghini in the magazine about the sports cars
Anything That Got Them Friending, Maybe Money or The Lamborghini in the Magazine About the Sports Cars
Всё, от чего они тащятся, деньги, Ламборджини в журнале спортивных тачек
All that they are being squealed from, money, Lamborghini in the magazine of sports cars
Everybody is wanting satisfaction
(Спроси меня за остальное)
(Ask me for the rest)
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