Legendary Pink Dots - It's The Real Thing - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Legendary Pink Dots - It's The Real Thing
I'm a tourist at the poorest place on earth.
I'M A Tourist at the Poorest Place on Earth.
I've got a straw hat, palm tree shirt...
I've got a Straw Hat, Palm Tree Shirt ...
Throw a cent, they'll lick you...
Throw a Cent, They'll Lick You ...
Bring you monkey on a stick...
Bring You Monkey On a Stick ...
Watch them, they will try to rob you blind!
Watch Them, They Will Try to Rob You Blind!
Got to read those tell-tale signs...
GOT To Read Those Tell-Tale Signs ...
Never take their word...
Never Take Their Word ...
Deep down, they know they're here to serve
Deep Down, They Know They're Here to Serve
Sun King...
Sun King ...
Hear me hum "God Save The Queen"
Hear Me Hum "God Save the Queen"
Line them up rows age 13...
Line Them Up Rows Age 13 ...
I'll take a dozen, Farmer
I'll Take A Dozen, Farmer
Five cadavers baked in lava...
Five Cadavers Baked in Lava ...
Evening you can hear hills come alive
Evenging You Can Hear Hills Come Alive
Natives gallop over mines
NATves Gallop Over Mines
Like it was Marlboro Country
Like It Was Marlboro Country
Sad it never touches me...
SAD Iter Touches Me ...
Master ...
Bwana ...
I'll take a brandy on the rocks
I'll Take a Brandy On the Rocks
Your shrunken head packed in a box...
Your shrunken Head Packed in a Box ...
Something to take home to mother!
SOMETHING To TAKE Home to Mother!
Вот это вещь
This is a thing
Я турист в самом бедном краю земли
I am a tourist in the poorest edge of the earth
На мне соломенная шляпа, рубашка в пальмах
I have a straw hat, a shirt in palm trees
Брось цент, они вылижут тебя…
Throw cent, they will lick you ...
Принесут тебе обезьянку на шесте
They will bring you a monkey on a pole
Осторожно, они ограбят тебя, и не заметишь!
Caution, they will rob you, and you will not notice!
Нужно прочесть эти болтливые вывески…
You need to read these talkative signs ...
Никогда не верь на слово…
Never take your word ...
В душе, они знают, что должны быть полезны
In the soul, they know that they should be useful
Sun king
Слышишь, как я напеваю «Боже, храни королеву»?
Do you hear how I hum “God, keep the queen”?
Выстраиваю их в ряд с 13 лет…
I have built them in a row since the age of 13 ...
Я возьму дюжину, Фермер
I'll take a dozen, farmer
Пять трупов испеклись в лаве
Five corpses baked in lava
Вечером ты слышишь, как оживают холмы
In the evening you hear the hills come to life
Аборигены скачут через мины
Aborigines jump through mines
Как в стране Мальборо
Like in the country of Malboro
Грустно, но меня это не трогает…
Sad, but it doesn't touch me ...
Bvan ...
Я возьму бренди со льдом
I'll take Brandy with ice
Твоя сморщенная голова упакована в коробочку
Your wrinkled head is packed in a box
Надо же что-то привезти маме!
We have to bring something to mom!
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