Гитара - Государственный Гимн СССР - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Гитара - Государственный Гимн СССР
Государственный Гимн Союза Советских Социалистических Республик."Сталинский" вариант.
The state anthem of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. "Stalin" option.
1922-1991. Recall, love, grieve.
Союз нерушимый республик свободных
Union indestructible republics of free
Сплотила навеки Великая Русь.
Great Rus' raped forever.
Да здравствует созданный волей народов
Long live created by the will of the peoples
Единый, могучий Советский Союз!
One, powerful Soviet Union!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Glory, our Fatherland is free,
Дружбы народов надежный оплот!
Friendship of peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Знамя советское, знамя народное
Soviet banner, folk banner
Пусть от победы к победе ведет!
Let him lead from victory to victory!
Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы,
Through the thunderstorms, the sun of freedom shone to us,
И Ленин великий нам путь озарил:
And Lenin the great way illuminated us:
Нас вырастил Сталин — на верность народу,
Stalin raised us - to loyalty to the people,
На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил!
I inspired us for labor and exploits!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Glory, our Fatherland is free,
Счастья народов надежный оплот!
The happiness of the peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Знамя советское, знамя народное
Soviet banner, folk banner
Пусть от победы к победе ведет!
Let him lead from victory to victory!
Мы армию нашу растили в сраженьях.
We raised our army in battle.
Захватчиков подлых с дороги сметем!
We’ll swim the invaders of the viles from the road!
Мы в битвах решаем судьбу поколений,
We in battles solve the fate of generations,
Мы к славе Отчизну свою поведем!
We will lead our homeland by glory!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Glory, our Fatherland is free,
Славы народов надежный оплот!
The glory of the peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Знамя советское, знамя народное
Soviet banner, folk banner
Пусть от победы к победе ведет!
Let him lead from victory to victory!
Инглиш вариант:
Inglish option:
United Forever in Friendship and Labour,
United Forever in Friendship and Labour,
Our mighty Republics will ever endure.
OUR MIIHTY Republics Will Ever Endure.
The Great Soviet Union will Live through the Ages.
The Great Soviet Union Will Live Through The Ages.
The Dream of a People their fortress secure.
Long Live our Soviet Motherland,
Built by the People's mighty hand.
Built by the People's Mighty Hand.
Long Live our People, United and Free.
LONG Live OUR PEOPLE, United and Free.
Strong in our Friendship tried by fire.
Strong in OUR Friendship Tried by Fire.
Long may our Crimson Flag Inspire,
Long May OUR Crimson Flag Inspire,
Shining in Glory for all Men to see.
SHINING IN GLORY For All Men to See.
Through Days dark and stormy where Great Lenin Lead us
Through Days Dark and Stormy Where Great Lenin Lead Us
Our Eyes saw the Bright Sun of Freedom above
OUR Eyes Saw the Bright Sun of Freedom ABOVE
and Stalin our Leader with Faith in the People,
And Stalin Oour Leader with Faith in the People,
Inspired us to Build up the Land that we Love.
Inspired Us to Build Up The Land that We Love.
Long Live our Soviet Motherland,
Built by the People's mighty hand.
Built by the People's Mighty Hand.
Long Live our People, United and Free.
LONG Live OUR PEOPLE, United and Free.
Strong in our Friendship tried by fire.
Strong in OUR Friendship Tried by Fire.
Long may our Crimson Flag Inspire,
Long May OUR Crimson Flag Inspire,
Shining in Glory for all Men to see.
SHINING IN GLORY For All Men to See.
We fought for the Future, destroyed the invaders,
We Fawght for the Future, Destroyed the Invaders,
and Brought to our Homeland the Laurels of Fame.
And Brous to Oour Homeland the Laurels of Fame.
Our Glory will live in the Memory of Nations
OUR Glory Will Live in the Memory of Nations
and All Generations will Honour Her Name.
And all Generations Will Honour Her Name.
Long Live our Soviet Motherland,
Built by the People's mighty hand.
Built by the People's Mighty Hand.
Long Live our People, United and Free.
LONG Live OUR PEOPLE, United and Free.
Strong in our Friendship tried by fire.
Strong in OUR Friendship Tried by Fire.
Long may our Crimson Flag Inspire,
Long May OUR Crimson Flag Inspire,
Shining in Glory for all Men to see.
SHINING IN GLORY For All Men to See.
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