Проснулся этим утром
Woke up this morning
То чем я уже не являюсь
Then I'm not already
Я слышу как все это зовет меня
I hear how it all calls me
Не знаю, что им нужно
I do not know what they need
Все чего я боюсь заставило меня остаться
All I'm afraid forced me to stay
Все чего я боялся стало вчерашним днем
All I was afraid of happening yesterday
Вещи, которые однажды были под контролем
Things that were under control
Я их отпустил, я бы предпочел упасть
I let them go, I would prefer to fall
Видишь, я не сопротивляюсь, я их отпущу
See, I do not resist, I will let them
Я посреди загадки, отпусти меня
I'm in the middle of the riddle, let me go
Woke up this morning
Woke Up This Morning
Things I used to be no more
Things i Used to Be No More
I heard them calling
I Heard Them Calling
What they want from me, don't know
What the Want From Me, Don't Know
Everything I fear makes me stay
Everything I Fear Makes Me Stay
All there is to fear is yesterday
I came to know the things that once were in control
I Came to Know The Things That OnCe Were In Control
I let it all come out to reach, I'd rather fall
I Let It All Come Out to Reach, i'd Rather Fall
You see its not that I resist, I let them go
You See Its Not That I Resist, I Let Them Go
I'm in the middle of the riddle, let me go
I'm in the Middle of the Riddle, Let Me Go
Modwheelmood - Things Will Change
Modwheelmood - Scene
Modwheelmood - SUNDAY MORN1NG
Modwheelmood - Paranoid
Modwheelmood - Sleep
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