Morcheeba - Just be yourself - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Morcheeba

Название песни: Just be yourself

Дата добавления: 04.10.2022 | 10:56:03

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Morcheeba - Just be yourself

Too much of a good thing
Too Much of a Good Thing
Has really burnt me out
I`m sick of satisfaction
I`M Sick of satisFaction
And living in a drought
And Living in A Drought

Just be yourself
Just Be yourself
Anyway that you want to
Anyway that You Want To
Just be yourself
Just Be yourself
Anyway that you can
Anyway that you can
Just be yourself
Just Be yourself
Anyway that you want to, baby
Anyway that You Want To, Baby
Just be yourself
Just Be yourself
Anyway that you can
Anyway that you can

The center of attention
The Center of Attendion
Is living on the edge
IS Living on the Edge
The thirty of second floor
The Thirty of Second Floor
I`m standing on a ledge
I`m Standing on a Ledge

Got to get this straight
GOT To get This Straight
Cos we`re running too late
Cos We`re Running to Late

Just be yourself
Just Be yourself
Anyway that you want to, baby
Anyway that You Want To, Baby
Just be yourself
Just Be yourself
Anyway that you can
Anyway that you can
Just be yourself
Just Be yourself
Anyway that you want to baby
Anyway that You Want to Baby
Just be yourself
Just Be yourself
Anyway that you can
Anyway that you can


Слишком много хороших событий
Too many good events
Сожгли меня дотла.
They burned me to the ground.
Я устала от удовольствий
I'm tired of pleasure
И жизни в бездождии.
And life in childlessness.

Просто будь собой,
Just be yourself,
Таким, каким тебе только захочется.
As you just want.
Просто будь собой,
Just be yourself,
Так, как только сможешь.
So, as soon as you can.
Просто будь собой,
Just be yourself,
Таким, каким тебе только захочется, малыш.
As you just want, baby.
Просто будь собой,
Just be yourself,
Так, как только сможешь.
So, as soon as you can.

В центре внимания
In the spotlight
Жизнь на острие,
Life on the tip,
На тридцатом этаже из двух
On the thirtieth floor of two
Я стою на краю.
I stand on the edge.

Необходимо все исправить,
You need to fix everything
Потому что мы убегаем слишком поздно.
Because we run away too late.

Просто будь собой,
Just be yourself,
Таким, каким тебе только захочется.
As you just want.
Просто будь собой,
Just be yourself,
Так, как только сможешь.
So, as soon as you can.
Просто будь собой,
Just be yourself,
Таким, каким тебе только захочется, малыш.
As you just want, baby.
Просто будь собой,
Just be yourself,
Так, как только сможешь.
So, as soon as you can.
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