maverick sabre - walk into the sun - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни maverick sabre - walk into the sun
[Chorus] [Chorus]
[Chorus] [Припев]
Yeah, all i get to do yes, everything I need
Yeah, all I got to do Да, всё что мне нужно
And all i want to do and everything I want
And all I want to do И всё, что я хочу
And all i get to do everything you need to do is
And all I got to do Всё, что нужно сделать –
IS Walk into the Sun to take a walk towards the sun!
Is walk into the sun Это прогуляться навстречу солнцу!
[Verse] [verse]
[Verse] [Куплет]
I’ve Spent too Much Time Concentration on the Negating I spend a lot of time, concentrating on a negative
I’ve spent too much time concentrating on the negative Я трачу много времени, концентрируясь на негативе,
Were I Became Irrelevant, My Mind State too Sensitive exhausting myself, because I am very susceptible.
Where I became irrelevant, my mind state is too sensitive Изнуряя себя, ведь я очень восприимчивый.
And I Just Start to Smile, Just for a Moment just smile, for a moment,
And I just start to smile, just for a moment Просто улыбнусь, на мгновение,
CAUSE I Been Way too Tired of this Commotion because it is tired of this turmoil.
Cause I been way too tired of this commotion Потому что порядком устал от этой суматохи.
OH My Life IS Way too Precious to Hold it back o, My life is too expensive to drag it,
Oh my life is way too precious to hold it back О, моя жизнь слишком дорогА, чтобы волочить её,
With Little Insignificant Differences, I’m too Grown for that, content with insignificant changes. I am no longer young.
With little insignificant differences, I’m too grown for that Довольствуясь ничтожными переменами. Я ведь уже не молод.
I Know The Half, and I Rode the Path I know enough, I lived enough.
I know the half, and I rode the path Достаточно знаю, достаточно пожил.
No Time Left in this Life So Gon ’Get over that life is short, just step and go further.
No time left in this life so gon’ get over that Жизнь коротка, просто перешагни и иди дальше.
[Chorus] (x2) [chorus] (x2)
[Chorus](x2) [Припев](x2)
[Verse] [verse]
[Verse] [Куплет]
I’ve been in a place in my life where I visited where
I’ve been in a place in my life where Бывал я и там, где
Nice Things Never Came, Love Was Quite Scarce do not find good, not to get enough love.
Nice things never came, love was quite scarce Добра не сыскать, любовью не насытиться.
And I’ve Seen Through The Darkest of Nightmares seemed to be in the most terrible nightmare.
And I’ve seen through the darkest of nightmares Словно оказался в самом страшном кошмаре.
Soul Feels So Lifeless and I Know that it is frightening, mental forces are exhausted, but I know that scares it.
Soul feels so lifeless and I know that it is frightening Душевные силы иссякают, да я знаю, это пугает.
It’s Very Hard, There You Are is very difficult, it happens.
It’s very hard, there you are Это очень тяжело, так бывает.
Don’t Forget You Came So far Remember what path you have already made.
Don’t forget you came so far Помни, какой путь ты уже сделал.
And EVERYONE that left You Off, They Can Take a Run and Jump and all those who turned away from you, let them jump from the run.
And everyone that left you off, they can take a run and jump И все те, кто отвернулся от тебя, пусть прыгают с разбега.
I, I’ve had enunch of all of this I personally, tired of it.
I, I’ve had enough of all of this Я же лично, устал от этого.
[Chorus] (x2) [chorus] (x2)
[Chorus](x2) [Припев](x2)
[Bridge] [Bridge]
[Bridge] [Бридж]
IS Walk into the Sun is to meet the sun!
Is walk into the sun Это идти навстречу солнцу!
IS Walk into the Sun Walk under the sun.
Is walk into the sun Прогуляться под солнцем.
IS Walk into the Sun walk in the sun.
Is walk into the sun Пройтись в лучах солнца.
[Chorus] (x2) [chorus] (x2)
[Chorus](x2) [Припев](x2)
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