NF - Leave Me Alone - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: NF

Название песни: Leave Me Alone

Дата добавления: 03.09.2024 | 01:09:00

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни NF - Leave Me Alone

Ву, да
Тихий, тихий, тихий, тихий, эй (да), оставь меня в покое!

Leave me alone
[Стих 3]

Помните, что в «Нет имени» я сказал известность? (Ага-ага)
[Verse 1]
Сказал тебе, что я повесил трубку, это было не так (оставь меня в покое) (неправильно, неправильно)
Panic-stricken, handle business, not a joke, yeah
Наконец -то перезвонил ему, мы не разговаривали долго (нет)
Manners missin', travel different, no control, yeah
Он спросил меня, как я, я прислал ему эту песню (оставь меня в покое, тихо, тихо, тихо)
Time to listen, time to zip it, keep it closed
Да, думаю, он обиделся, он казался отключенным (выключен)
My description, highly gifted, take some notes, yeah
Я написал ему в ту ночь, чтобы спросить, что он думал (оставь меня в покое, тихо, тихо, тихо)
Lack of interest, why'd you visit? Hit the road, yeah
Потребовалось пару дней, чтобы получить ответ
I'm kinda twisted, so keep your distance, be a ghost
Но как только я наконец сделал, он сказал, что эта песня отстой (оставь меня в покое, тихо, тихо)
Yeah, see I'm inventive, but quite the menace, you ain't know?
Почувствуйте симптомы, не смог пропустить их, бороться с ними
Well then I'm offended, let's jog your memories, here we go, yeah
Затем я прикрепляю и переворачиваю их, поднял обратно
I went from nobody to kinda famous
Нет, ну, ты должен получить (оставь меня в покое, тихо, тихо, тихо)
Hide my plaques inside the closet, I just can't explain it
Кого вы разбиваете? Настроение переключаться, не приходи на кухню
My wife, she tells me that she's proud and thinks that I should hang 'em
Вы должны послушать, приготовьте записи для моих рук Blisterin '
But I just leave 'em on the ground right next to my self-hatred
Так что настойчивы, не забывайте об этом, держите напряжение, душа изгибается
Yeah, yeah, mental health, where's my mental health?
Нет притворства, открытого, низкого процента, так сумасшедший (оставь меня в покое)
Diagnosed with OCD, what does that mean? Well, gather 'round
Весь консенсус, поток огромный, без ученика, допинг стимул
That means I obsessively obsess on things I think about
Покажите интенсивную, такую ​​притяжательную, агрессивную тон, следите за своим шагом, когда я ... (оставь меня в покое)
That means I might take a normal thought and think it's so profound (Leave me alone)
Ruminating, fill balloons up full of doubts
Держи мои воздушные шары и прикройте мое лицо (вверх по лицу)
Do the same things, if I don't, I'm overwhelmed (Leave me alone)
Я чувствую, как они взвешивают меня каждый день (да, каждый день)
Thoughts are pacing, they go 'round and 'round and 'round
Я должен отпустить их и посмотреть, как они уплывают (да, уплыть)
It's so draining, let's move onto something else, fine (Oh) (Leave me alone)
Но мне боюсь, если я это сделаю, я буду больше бояться
Runnin' the game, but they don't even know it
Оставь меня в покое (да), оставь меня в покое, да (да, да, да)
Like I'm undercover and don't wanna blow it
Оставь меня в покое, оставь меня в покое (да, да, да)
I come out of nowhere, they don't even notice
Оставь меня в покое, оставь меня в покое (да, оставь меня в покое)
The flow is so cold, you would think it was snowin' (Oh) (Leave me alone)
Да, оставь меня в покое, оставь меня в покое, ай, оставь меня в покое!
I'm under the weather, but wind isn't blowin'

I got an umbrella for difficult moments
You got to admit it, I'm very devoted
Эй, да
I'm out in the rain, but it don't always open, so I… (I, I)
Тихий, тихий, тихий, тихий, эй (да), оставь меня в покое!
Ву, да
Hold up my balloons and cover up my face
Тихий, тихий, тихий, тихий, эй (да), оставь меня в покое!
I can feel them weighin' on me every day
Эй, да
I should let 'em go and watch 'em float away
Тихий, тихий, тихий, тихий, эй (да), оставь меня в покое!
But I'm scared if I do, then I'll be more afraid (More afraid)
Ву, да
Tell them how I feel, but they don't wanna change (Don't wanna change)
Тихо, тихо, тихо, тихо, эй
Tell them how I feel, but they remain the same (Same)
Оставь меня в покое
Loosen up my grip, they say that's not okay
Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy, leave me alone! (Oh!)

Ayy, yeah
Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy (Yeah), leave me alone!
Woo, yeah
Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy (Yeah), leave me alone! (Leave me alone)

[Verse 2]
I hate when they debate if we're underrated
We're so overlooked that they're lookin' over our numbers, Nathan (Leave me alone)
We don't do enough interviews or go out in public lately
We don't post enough on our socials
To keep the buzz from fading (Leave me alone)
Let it fade, yeah, let it fade
Once it's decimated, then you drop a song outta nowhere
And all the fans embrace it (Leave me alone)
Then the buzz will surface again, it's part of my operation
I don't need advice from my doubts right now
End of conversation (Leave me alone)
Shut your mouth, yeah, shut your mouth
Better tone it down, close it now
If you make a sound, I'ma change the dial (Leave me alone)
Funny how they be acting loud, comin' unannounced
It's floating 'round
Man, the kid is wild, pretty vile, true (Leave me alone)
I'm kinda funny but don't really show it
I keep it together but have a disorder
I go to my room and I sit in my corner
And talk to myself in a language that's foreign (Leave me alone)
I think of a rhyme and I have to record it
But know if I don't, I'll wake up in the mornin'
And question my life again, always avoiding
I hate to be different, but hate to be normal, so I... (Leave me alone)
Hold up my balloons and cover up my face
I can feel them weighin' on me every day
I should let 'em go and watch 'em float away
But I'm scared if I do, then I'll be more afraid
Tell them how I feel, but they don't wanna change (Wanna change)
Tell them how I feel but they remain the same (They remain the same)
Loosen up my grip, they say that's not okay
Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy
Leave me alone!

Ayy, yeah
Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy (Yeah), leave me alone!
Woo, yeah
Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy (Yeah), leave me alone!

[Verse 3]
Remember back in "NO NAME," I said fame called? (Yeah, yeah)
Told you I hung up, it kinda felt wrong (Leave me alone) (Wrong, wrong)
Finally called him back, we didn't talk long (No)
He asked me how I'd been, I sent him this song (Leave me alone, quiet, quiet, quiet)
Yeah, think he took offense, he kinda seemed off (Off)
I texted him that night to ask what he thought (Leave me alone, quiet, quiet, quiet)
It took a couple days to get a response
But once I finally did, he said this song sucks (Leave me alone, quiet, quiet, quiet)
Feel the symptoms, couldn't miss 'em, wrestle with 'em
Then I pin and flip 'em, brought some back up
No, well, you should get some (Leave me alone, quiet, quiet, quiet)
Who you dissin'? Mood is switchin', don't come in the kitchen
You should listen, cookin' record for my hands are blisterin'
So persistent, don't forget this, hold the tension, soul is bendin'
No pretendin', open-ended, low percentage, so demented (Leave me alone)
Whole consensus, flow tremendous, no apprentice, dope incentive
Show intensive, so possessive, tone aggressive, watch your step when I... (Leave me alone)
Hold up my balloons and cover up my face (Up my face)
I can feel them weighin' on me every day (Yeah, every day)
I should let 'em go and watch them float away (Yeah, float away)
But I'm scared if I do then I'll be more afraid
Leave me alone (Yeah), leave me alone, yeah (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Leave me alone, leave me alone (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Leave me alone, leave me alone (Yeah, leave me alone)
Yeah, leave me alone, leave me alone, ayy, leave me alone!

Ayy, yeah
Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy (Yeah), leave me alone!
Woo, yeah
Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy (Yeah), leave me alone!
Ayy, yeah
Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy (Yeah), leave me alone!
Woo, yeah
Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ayy
Leave me alone
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