Natacha Atlas - Maktoub - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Natacha Atlas - Maktoub
ya lil, ya lil,....(oh night, oh night)
ya lil, ya lil .... (Oh night, oh night)
maktub kuly si (everything is written)
Maktub Kuly Si (EVERYTHING IS Written)
maktub fil Аhlam (everything is written in dreams)
Maktub Fil Ahlam (EVERYTHING IS Written in Dreams)
maktub fil lugatil Аhlam (everything is written in the language of dreams)
Maktub Fil Lugatil Ahlam (EVERYTHING IS Written in the Language of Dreams)
maktub biannas(everything is written by people).
Maktub fil lughat il Ahlam (Written in the language of dreams)
Maktub Fil Lughat Il Ahlam (Written in the Language of Dreams)
Maktub... ya nas (It is written, oh mankind)
Maktub ... ya nas (it is written, oh mankind)
Maktub... (it is written/ foretold)
Maktub ... (it is written/ foretold)
Kulli shey maktub... (Everything is written...)
Kulli Shey Maktub ... (EVERYTHING IS Written ...)
Maktub...yaa nas, maktub... (It is written, oh mankind, written...)
Maktub ... yaa nas, maktub ... (It is written, oh mankind, written ...)
Maktub...fil lughat il Ahlam (Written in the language of dreams)
Maktub ... Fil Lughat Il Ahlam (Written in the Language of Dreams)
Maktub, maktub... (it's foretold...written...)
Maktub, Maktub ... (It's Foretold ... Written ...)
Kulli shey...maktub...fil Ahlam (Everything is... dreams)
Kulli Shey ... Maktub ... FIL AHLAM (EVERYTHING IS ... Written ... in Dreams)
Yiftakh aleinu, yiftakh aleinu
О, ночь, о ночь
Oh, night, about night
Так написано, предначертано
So written, destined
Всё предначертано
Everything is destined
Написано в мечтах
Written in dreams
Написано на языке снов, мечтаний...
It is written in the language of dreams, dreams ...
Так написано,
So it is written
О, Человечество!
Oh humanity!
Maktub - означает "так написано", Судьба, Предначертание, Предопределение Богом....
Maktub - means "as it is written", fate, destination, predestination of God ...
Это все уже написано,
All this is already written
Во времени и пространстве,
In time and space,
О том, как моя душа и твоя
About how my soul and yours
Друг друга озарили светом
Light illuminated by light
Это все уже было написано
All this has already been written
О священном огне страсти,
About the sacred fire of passion,
Поглотившим нас.
Absorbed us.
Под солнцем пустыни
Under the sun desert
На горящем песке,
On burning sand,
Твое присутствие - вода,
Your presence is water
Сохраняющая жизнь.
Preserving life.
Дикие голуби,
Wild pigeons
В лазури души
In the azure of the soul
Твоя любовь - это свет,
Your love is light
Просветивший даже незрячего.
Enlightened not the blind.
Это все уже написано,
All this is already written
И Бог знает все это,
And God knows all this,
О том, что змей открыл нам магию любви,
The fact that the snake revealed to us the magic of love,
Сделавшую нас богами
Made us gods
Это написано,
It is written,
Пред началом времен,
Before the beginning of time,
О том, что долина жизни открывается тогда,
The fact that the valley of life opens then
Когда любовь пронзает нас.
When love pierces us.
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