Nick Howard - Unbreakable - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Nick Howard - Unbreakable
Standing on a ledge see the past before me
Standing On A Ledge See The Past Before Me
Стою на краю и вижу позади своё прошлое,
Standing on the edge and see behind my past,
Pick out all the bruises one by one
Pick Out All The Bruises One by One
Пересчитываю синяки по одному,
I recalcify bruises one by one,
Feel a little cold but there's warm there somewhere
FEEL A LITTLE COLD But There's Warm There Somewhere
Чуть вздрагиваю от холода, но где-то там тепло,
Slightly shudder from the cold, but somewhere there warmly,
But not where you come from
But Not WHERE You Come From
Но только не там, откуда ты.
But not there, where are you from.
Staring at my face in a broken mirror
Staring At My Face in a Broken Mirror
Вглядываюсь в своё отражение в разбитом зеркале,
I peer into my reflection in a broken mirror,
Pick up all the pieces make them one
Pick Up All The Pieces Make Them One
Собираю осколки воедино.
I collect fragments together.
You might be strong, but you'll never hurt me
You Might Be Strong, But You'll Never Hurt Me
Ты можешь обладать силой, но никогда не причинишь мне боли:
You can enjoy strength, but never hurt me pain:
There's nothing stronger than love
Нет ничего крепче любви.
There is nothing stronger than love.
Kick me down, break my skin
Kick Me Down, Break My Skin
Сбей меня с ног, рассеки кожу,
Fear me from the legs, picking the skin,
Call me names call me anything
Call Me Names Call Me Anything
Оскорбляй меня, называй как угодно,
Insult me, call as you like
So come on try your best to hurt me
SO Come On Try Your Best To Hurt Me
Ну же, постарайся ранить меня изо всех сил,
Well, try to hurt me with all my might,
You'll never see me suffering
You'll Never See Me Suffering
Ты никогда не увидишь, что я страдаю.
You will never see what I am suffering.
I'm unbreakable
I'm unbreakable
Я неуязвим,
I am invulnerable
I'm stronger than I've ever known
I'm Stronger Than I'Ve Ever Known
Я сильнее, чем когда-либо,
I am stronger than ever,
I'm unbreakable
I'm unbreakable
Я неуязвим.
I am invulnerable.
You're never going to bring me down down down
You're Never Going to Bring Me Down Down
Тебе никогда не сломить меня,
You never break me
Life is like a puzzle spread out on the table
Life Is Like A Puzzle Spread Out On The Table
Жизнь похожа на мозаику, рассыпанную на столе.
Life is similar to the mosaic, scanned on the table.
Maybe I'm the piece that will never quite fit
Maybe I'm The Piece That Will Never Quite Fit
Быть может, я – та деталь, которая никуда идеально не подходит,
Perhaps I am that part that does not fit anywhere
Say what you want but you'll never phase me
Say What You Want But You'll Never Phase Me
Говори что угодно, ты не разобьёшь меня на части.
Say anything, you will not break me apart.
I quite like me like this
Я достаточно в себе,
I am enough in myself,
Kick me down, scrape my skin
Kick Me Down, Scrape My Skin
Сбей меня с ног, расцарапай кожу,
Sat me from the legs, swallow skin,
Call me names you'll never win
Call Me Names You'll Never Win
Оскорбляй меня – никогда не добьёшься победы.
Insult me - you will never achieve victory.
Sticks and stones could never cut through my thick skin
Sticks and Stones Could Never Cut Through My Thick Skin
Мою толстую кожу ничем не пробить.
My thick skin is not poured.
I'm unbreakable
I'm unbreakable
Я неуязвим,
I am invulnerable
I'm stronger than I've ever known
I'm Stronger Than I'Ve Ever Known
Я сильнее, чем когда-либо,
I am stronger than ever,
I'm unbreakable
I'm unbreakable
Я неуязвим.
I am invulnerable.
You're never going to bring me down down down
You're Never Going to Bring Me Down Down
Тебе никогда не сломить меня,
You never break me
You'll never change me, I'm standing on a higher ground
You'll Never Change Me, I'm Standing On a Higher Ground
Тебе не изменить меня, я выше этого.
You do not change me, I'm above it.
I'm unbreakable
I'm unbreakable
Я неуязвим,
I am invulnerable
You're never going to bring me down down down
You're Never Going to Bring Me Down Down
Тебе никогда не сломить меня.
You never break me.
I see a light in the tunnel and it fades you out
I See A Light In The Tunnel and It Fades You Out
Я вижу свет в туннеле, и он затмевает тебя,
I see the light in the tunnel, and he overshadow you,
The angel on my shoulder's gonna shut you down
The Angel On My Shoulder's Gonna SHUT YOU DOWN
Ангел на моём плече заставит тебя замолчать,
Angel on my shoulder will silence you,
Help me fight every battle till you go away
Help Me Fight Every Battle Till You Go Away
Поможет мне в каждой битве, пока ты не исчезнешь.
It will help me in every battle until you disappear.
I will never break
Я никогда не сломаюсь,
I will never break
I am not you victim you can't hurt me
I Am Not You Victim You Can't Hurt Me
Я не твоя жертва, тебе не ранить меня,
I'm not your victim, you do not hurt me
Here I stand with my head held high
И я по-прежнему стою с высоко поднятой головой.
And I still stand with a highly raised head.
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