Noize MC - Lenin Has Risen - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Noize MC - Lenin Has Risen
Вы не в курсах? Ленин тут ожил.
Are you not in the courses? Lenin came to life here.
Как, зачем и где?
How, why and where?
Никто не в знает правда - зачем он тут нужен
No one knows the truth - why is he needed here
Но он тут и там - везде.
But he is here and there - everywhere.
Невероятно, я в шоке пацаны, братва
Incredible, I'm shocked boys, lads
Его лысина сверкает, как звезда
His bald head sparkles like a star
На кремлёвской башне - высится пик Ленина
On the Kremlin tower - Lenin peak rises
И идут тут люди иногда...
And people sometimes go here ...
Вы не в курсе - его смерть были клинической
You don't know - his death was clinical
Он очнулся сразу теоретически и практически
He woke up immediately theoretically and practically
И вот он - уже здесь!
And here he is already here!
Думай дважды, прежде чем открывать рот
Think twice before opening your mouth
Хочешь сказать: "мне не нравится твоя борода"?
You want to say: "I don't like your beard?"
Ему слушает и внемлет весь народ
He is listening to him and heeds the whole people
Он как будто бы с нами был всегда
He seemed to have always been with us
Все равны... Всё что равно - равно нулю
Everyone is equal ... Everything is equal to is zero
Каждая жизнь, каждая чёртова война
Every life, every damn war
Сейчас я вам сермяжную правду пропою
Now I will pass the terrible truth to you
Ленин ожил - вот так беда!
Lenin came to life - this is the trouble!
Вы не в курсах? Ленин тут ожил.
Are you not in the courses? Lenin came to life here.
Как, зачем и где?
How, why and where?
Никто не в знает правда - зачем он тут нужен
No one knows the truth - why is he needed here
Но он тут и там - везде.
But he is here and there - everywhere.
Его тестостерон - это так олдскульно
His testosterone is so old
Он рулит тут и там - повсюду
He steers here and there - everywhere
Опускает всех врагов прилюдно
Lowers all enemies in public
Держит дух старой школы!
Holds the spirit of the old school!
Он - над нами, он под нами, он - повсюду
He is above us, he is under us, he is everywhere
Ленина звезда взошла (но это не Путин!)
The star rose Lenin (but this is not Putin!)
Он знает, как обращаться с народом
He knows how to handle the people
К нему прислушиваются люди.
People listen to him.
Скажи ему: "Конец близок!" и он выслушает тебя
Tell him: "The end is close!" And he will listen to you
Так же, его семья и все его друзья
Also, his family and all his friends
Он всегда был здесь - все равны, равно нулю
He has always been here - everyone is equal, equal to zero
"Equal - is zero", я тебе говорю!
"Equal - is zero", I tell you!
Нам не нужны супергерои! У нас есть Ленин!
We do not need superheroes! We have Lenin!
Вы не в курсах? Ленин тут ожил.
Are you not in the courses? Lenin came to life here.
Как, зачем и где?
How, why and where?
Никто не в знает правда - зачем он тут нужен
No one knows the truth - why is he needed here
Но он тут и там - везде.
But he is here and there - everywhere.
Haven't you heard? Lenin has risen!
HAVEN'T You Heard? Lenin Has Risen!
Why, what for and how?
Who, What for and How?
Nobody knows the way, the aim and the reason
Nobody Knows The Way, The Aim and the Reason
But he is alive right now.
But he is alive right now.
Unbelievable! It's a biblical miracle!
Unbelievable! It's a Biblical Miracle!
His halo is shining like a star
On the Kremlin tower's pinnacle
On the Kremlin Tower's Pinnacle
Everybody can see this light from far.
EVERYBODY CAN See this Light from Far.
Don't you know, his death was clinical,
Don'T You Know, His Death Was Clinical,
It was just a little breath holding trick.
His hearing's so sensitive to all things inimical
Think twice before you speak.
Think Twice Before You Speak.
Don't you wanna say you don't like he's back?
Don'T You Wanna Say You Don 'Like He's Back?
Don't you wanna pray? Louder! Why such slack?
Don'T You Wanna Pray? Louder! Why Such Slack?
Don't you stray from under the holy sway?
Don'T You Stray from Under the Holy Sway?
Don't behave like you're made of finer clay!
Donmet Behave Like You're Made of Finer Clay!
Everybody's equal. Equal to zero.
EVERYBODY's Equal. Equal to Zero.
Weigh every word, every syllable.
Stay flat to be inserted into the xerox...
Stay Flat to beserted into the Xerox ...
It's a miracle! Unbelievable!
It's a miracle! Unbelievable!
The New Testament is so oldschool.
The New Testament Is So OldSchool.
Download the update. Whatcha waiting for?
Download The Update. Whatcha Waiting for?
Enjoy testing it. Don't be so boastful -
Enjoy Testing it. Donmet Be so Boastful -
You can't create, better wash the floor.
You canm Create, Better Wash The Floor.
There are so many footprints, bloodstains
There are so many footprints, Bloodstains
And pieces of the smart alecs' trampled specs.
And Pieces of the Smart Alecs' Trampled Specs.
Mop it down. Mop up the renegades.
MOP It Down. Mop up the Renegades.
It's cool to break the traitors' necks.
It's Cool to Break the Traitors' Necks.
All these sinners forgot the Holy Fear.
All these Sinners Forgot the Holy Fear.
So, let'em all know the end is near.
So, let'em all know the end is Near.
And here is something that should be clear:
And here is someting that shoup be clear:
He is not back. He was always here.
He is not back. He was always here.
Everybody's equal. Equal to zero.
EVERYBODY's Equal. Equal to Zero.
Weigh every syllable, every word.
There will be no sequel for anti-heroes.
There will be no Sequel for Anti-Heroes.
Haven't you heard?!
HAVEN'T You Heard?!
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