Poets Of The Fall - Miss Imposible - - - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Poets Of The Fall - Miss Imposible - -
Она способна разглядеть
She is able to see
Четыре спутника за минуту.
Four satellites per minute.
И найти четырехлистный клевер
And find a four-leaf clover
Там, где вообще не бывает цветов.
Where there is no colors at all.
Она привычно парадоксальна,
It is usually paradoxical,
Параллельно перпендикулярна.
Parallel perpendicular.
Босиком, в ночной рубашке,
Barefoot, in a night shirt,
Она танцует под дождем,
She dances in the rain,
От заката до заката,
From sunset to sunset
Она словно смывает свою боль.
She seems to wash off her pain.
И она прекрасная, непредсказуемая,
And she is beautiful, unpredictable,
Чертовски неотразимая,
Damn irresistible
Не любить ее просто нереально.
Do not love it just unreal.
Она - мое основное чувство,
She is my main feeling
Пир во время чумы,
Feast in Time of Plague,
Но какое это имеет значение,
But what it matters,
Ведь поймать ее невозможно.
After all, it is impossible to catch it.
Она действительно может быть удобной,
She can really be comfortable
Подобно домовенкам, которые готовят кушать.
Like the domains that are preparing to eat.
Она может закатить истерику,
She can roll the hysteria
Но не настолько, чтобы сорваться.
But not so to break.
Она как конспект нужных качеств,
It is as a summary of the necessary qualities,
Море энергетики.
Sea energy.
В прозрачном пеньюаре,
In transparent peignoire,
Босиком, она танцует под дождем,
Barefoot, she dances in the rain,
От заката до заката,
From sunset to sunset
Она словно смывает свою боль.
She seems to wash off her pain.
И она прекрасная, непредсказуемая,
And she is beautiful, unpredictable,
Чертовски неотразимая,
Damn irresistible
Не любить ее просто нереально.
Do not love it just unreal.
Она - мое основное чувство,
She is my main feeling
Пир во время чумы,
Feast in Time of Plague,
Но какое это имеет значение,
But what it matters,
Это не обсуждается
This is not discussed
She can see about four satellites
She Can See About Four Satellites
Every minute of the hour
Every Minute of the Hour
And find a four leaf clover
And Find a Four Leaf Clover
Where you never saw a flower
Where You Never Saw A Flower
She's habitually paradoxical,
She's habitually Paradoxical,
A parallel perpendicular
A parallel perpendicular
Barefoot in nightgowns,
Barefoot in Nightgowns,
That's how she dances in the rain
That's How She Dances In The Rain
Sundown to sundown,
Sundown to Sundown
Like she was washing 'way her pain
Like She Was Washing 'Way Her Pain
As she is beautiful, she's unpredictable
AS SHE IS Beautiful, She's Unpredictable
Damned irresistible, is it plausible to hate her
Damned Irresistible, IS IT Plausible to Hate Her
She is my common sense, revels on decadence
She Is My Common Sense, Revels On Decadence
But what's the difference, it's impossible to bait her
But's Impossible to Bait Her
She can really be a handful
She Can Really Be a Handful
like the brownies that she bakes you
It can be a tad hysterical,
But never quite the breakthrough
But Never Quite The Breakthrough
She's some kind of an epitome,
She's Some Kind of An Epitome
The sea of intranquility
The Sea of IntranQuility
In flimsy nightgowns,
In Flimsy Nightgowns,
Barefoot she dances in the rain
Barefoot She Dances In The Rain
Sundown to sundown,
Sundown to Sundown
Like she was washing 'way her pain
Like She Was Washing 'Way Her Pain
As she is beautiful, she's unpredictable
AS SHE IS Beautiful, She's Unpredictable
Damned irresistible, is it plausible to hate her
Damned Irresistible, IS IT Plausible to Hate Her
She is my common sense, revels on decadence
She Is My Common Sense, Revels On Decadence
But what's the difference, it's an impossible debate
But What's An Impossible Debate
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