Pomplamoose - Come Together - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Pomplamoose - Come Together
Come Together (оригинал The Beatles)
Come Together (original The Beatles)
Пойдём со мной (перевод Dark Alice из Перми)
Let's go with me (translation by Dark Alice from Perm)
Here come old flattop he come grooving up slowly
Here Come Old Flattop He Come Grooving Up Slowly
Вон неторопливо идёт старый вояка танцующей походкой.
There is an old warrior slowly with a dancing gait.
He got joo-joo eyeball he one holy roller
Он может вас сглазить, этот чокнутый фанатик.
He can jinx you, this crazy fanatic.
He got hair down to his knee
He Got Hair Down to His Knee
Носит волосы до колен,
Wears hair to the knees,
Got to be a joker he just do what he please
Got to be a Joker he Just Do He Please
Должно быть, он - шут, делает, что душе угодно.
He must be a jester, does what the soul pleases.
He wear no shoeshine he got toe-jam football
He Wear No Shoeshine He Got Toe-Jam Football
Блестящих ботинок не носит, у него грязь под ногтями,
Does not wear shiny boots, he has dirt under his nails,
He got monkey finger he shoot coca-cola
He Got Monkey Finger He Shoot Coca-Cola
У него ловкие пальцы, он колет себе кокаин.
He has dexterous fingers, he holler cocaine.
He say "I know you, you know me"
He Say "I Know You, You Know Me"
Он говорит: "Я знаю тебя, а ты знаешь меня".
He says: "I know you, and you know me."
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free
One Thing I Can Tell You is You Got to Be Free
Всё, что я могу сказать тебе, это - ты должен быть свободным.
All I can tell you is - you must be free.
Come together right now over me
Come Together Right now over me
Пойдём со мной, прямо сейчас, не отставай!
Let's go with me, right now, do not lag behind!
He bag production he got walrus gumboot
He Bag Production He Got Walrus Gumboot
Он пакует "товар", у него моржовый сапог.
He packs "goods", he has a walrus boot.
He got Ono sideboard he one spinal cracker
He Got Ono Sideboard He One Spinal Cracker
С Оно под ручку, может гнуться в дугу,
With it under the handle, it can bend the arc,
He got feet down below his knee
He Got Feet Down Below His Knee
Сидит в позе лотоса.
Sitting in a lotus position.
Hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease
Hold You in His Armchair You Can Feel His Disease
Втиснись в его кресло и поймёшь, как он болен.
Ride into his chair and understand how sick he is.
Come together right now over me
Come Together Right now over me
Пойдём со мной, прямо сейчас, не отставай!
Let's go with me, right now, do not lag behind!
He roller-coaster he got early warning
He roller-Coaster He Got Early Warning
Он живёт на грани, но чётко знает, где край.
He lives on the verge, but clearly knows where the edge.
He got muddy water he one mojo filter
He Got Muddy Water He One Mojo Filter
У него при себе бутылка мутной воды и волшебный фильтр.
He has a bottle of muddy water with him and a magical filter.
He say "One and one and one is three"
He Say "One and One and One is Three"
Он говорит: "Один, и один, и один - будет три"
He says: "One, and one, and one will be three"
Got to be good-looking 'cause he's so hard to see
GOT to be good-biting 'CAUSE He's So Hard to See
Нужно круто выглядеть, чтобы тебя заметили.
You need to look cool to be noticed.
Come together right now over me
Come Together Right now over me
Пойдём со мной, прямо сейчас, не отставай!
Let's go with me, right now, do not lag behind!
Come Together
Come Together
Соберёмся вместе (Val)
We will collect together (val)
Here come old flattop
Here Come Old Flattop
Вот идет бывалый чувак.
There is an experienced dude.
He come grooving up slowly
He Come Grooving Up Slowly
И идёт как обычно никуда не спеша.
And it goes as usual as usual.
He got joo-joo eyeball
He Got Joo-Joo Eyeball
Он когда-то возобнил себя выше всех.
He once reserved himself above all.
He one holy roller
He One Holy Roller
И библию променял на косяк.
And he exchanged the Bible for the jamb.
He got hair down to his knee
He Got Hair Down to His Knee
У него волосы до колен.
He has hair to his knees.
Got to be a joker
Got to be a Joker
Должно быть, он тот ещё тип.
He must be the same type.
He just do what he please
He Just Do He Please
И делает всё, что пожелает его левая нога.
And he does everything that his left leg wishes.
He wear no shoeshine
He Wear No Shoeshine
Он не носит приличной обуви.
He does not wear decent shoes.
He got toe-jam football
He Got Toe-Jam Football
Любая обувь для его ног - тиски.
Any shoes for his legs are a vice.
He got monkey finger
He Got Monkey Finger
Его руки созданы для игры на гитаре,
His hands are created to play the guitar,
He shoot coca-cola
He Shoot Coca-Cola
А он колет себе кокаин.
And he hobs with cocaine.
He say I know you, you know me
He Say I Know You, You Know Me
Он говорит: "Я познаю тебя, а ты познаешь меня.
He says: "I know you, and you know me.
One thing I can tell you
One Thing I Can Tell You
И этого достаточно для того,
And this is enough for
If you got to be free
IF YOU GOT to be free
Чтобы мир у тебя был под ногами."
So that the world is under your feet. "
Come together right now over me
Come Together Right now over me
Соберёмся вместе, прямо сейчас, вокруг меня!
Let's get together, right now, around me!
He bag production,
He Bag Production,
Он считает, что главное - это "дать миру шанс"*.
He believes that the main thing is to "give the world a chance"*.
He got walrus gumboot
He Got Walrus Gumboot
Это он придумал образ моржа.
It was he who came up with the image of a walrus.
He got Ono sideboard
He Got Ono Sideboard
Ему привычно голым ходить и обычно только сланцы на нем.
He is familiar with naked to walk and usually only shales on it.
He one spinal cracker
He One Spinal Cracker
Рядом с Оно он смог согнуться в дугу,
Next to it, he was able to bend into the arc,
He got feet down below his knee
He Got Feet Down Below His Knee
И поза лотоса стала подвластна ему.
And the pose of the lotus became subject to him.
Hold you in his armchair
Hold You in His Armchair
Но это всё на виду. Даже ты поймёшь,
But this is all in sight. Even you will understand
You can feel his disease
You can feat his disease
Как его болезнь зашла далеко.
How his disease went far.
Come together right now over me
Come Together Right now over me
Соберёмся вместе, прямо сейчас, вокруг меня!
Let's get together, right now, around me!
He roller-coaster
He Roller-Coaster
Он живёт на грани,
He lives on the verge,
He got early warning
He Got Early Warning
Но знает, где край.
But he knows where the edge.
He got muddy water
He Got Muddy Water
Мадди Уотерс** стал кумиром для него.
Maddy Waters ** became an idol for him.
He one mojo filter
He One Mojo Filter
И он всегда знает верный путь.
And he always knows the right path.
He say one and one and one is three
He Say One and One and One is Three
Он говорит один плюс один плюс один получается три.
He says one plus one plus one turns out three.
Got to be good-looking
Got to be good-looking
То есть он говорит - теперь без меня. Должно быть, красавец как прежде.
That is, he says - now without me. It must be a handsome man as before.
'Cos he's so hard to see
'Cos he's so hard to see
Не просто встретиться с ним.
Not just to meet him.
Come together right now over me
Come Together Right now over me
Соберёмся вместе, прямо сейчас, вокруг меня!
Let's get together, right now, around me!
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