Portishead - Seven Months - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Portishead

Название песни: Seven Months

Дата добавления: 07.09.2024 | 04:50:53

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Portishead - Seven Months

How can I forget you,
How Can I Forget You,
Disregard how I feel,
Disregard How I Feel,
Silently listen,
Silently Listen,
To the words I can't see.
To the Words I Canm See.

As long as I have tried,
As long as i have tried,
As low as I can be,
As low as i can be,
I will never resign myself,
I Will Never Resign Myself,
From the trial I seek.
From the trial i seek.

Why should I forgive you,
Who shoup ​​I Forgive You,
After all that I've seen,
After all that i've Seen,
Quietly whisper,
Quietly Whisper,
When my heart wants to scream.
When My Heart Wants to Scream.

For as long as I have tried,
For as long as i have tried,
And as low as I can be,
And as low as i can be,
I will never resign myself,
I Will Never Resign Myself,
From the trial I seek.
From the trial i seek.

There's no time to rest,
There's no time to rest,
Or to reconsider,
Or to reconsider,
For this cruel unsaid,
For this Cruel Unsaid,
Won't concede.
Won`t Concede.

For as long as I have tried
For as long as i have tried
And as low as I can be
And as low as i can be
I will never resign myself
I Will Never Resign Myself
From the trial I seek.
From the trial i seek.

Как я могу забыть тебя?
How can I forget you?
Как могу чувствовать пренебрежение?
How can I feel neglect?
Молча слушать
Silently listen
Слова, которые не понимаю?
Words that I don't understand?

Так долго, как я пыталась
As long as I tried
И так низко, как я могу быть
And as low as I can be
Я никогда не откажусь
I will never refuse
От испытаний, которые ищу
From the tests that I am looking for

С какой стати мне нужно забыть тебя?
Why on earth do I need to forget you?
После всего, что я видела?
After all that I saw?
Тихонько шептать,
Whisper quietly
Когда моё сердце хочет кричать?
When does my heart want to scream?

Так долго, как я пыталась
As long as I tried
И так низко, как я могу быть
And as low as I can be
Я никогда не откажусь
I will never refuse
От испытаний, которые ищу
From the tests that I am looking for

Здесь нет времени на отдых
There is no time to rest here
Или пересматривать заново
Or revise again
Ведь эта жестокая несказанность
After all, this brutal inappropriation
Ни за что не уступит
Will not give in for anything

Так долго, как я пыталась
As long as I tried
И так низко, как я могу быть
And as low as I can be
Я никогда не откажусь
I will never refuse
От испытаний, которые ищу
From the tests that I am looking for
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