Red Elvises - Show Is Over - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Red Elvises

Название песни: Show Is Over

Дата добавления: 21.09.2024 | 02:52:39

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Red Elvises - Show Is Over

Just a week ago they were happy
Just a Week Ago They Were Happy
Playing Romeo and Juliet
Playing Romeo and Juliet
Life was like a stage full of colored lights
Life Was Like A Stage Full of Colored Lights
Painted moons and sweet romance.
Painted Moons and Sweet Romance.

The show is over it was fun
The Show Is Over It Was Fun
You could bring the curtains down
You COULD Bring the Curtains Down
It’s time to take a final bow
It’s time to take a final bow
It’s over now.
It’s over Now.

Romeo walks home, rents a foreign film
Romeo Walks Home, Rents a Foreign Film
Juliet drinks wine with her friend
Juliet Drinks Wine with Her Friend
Kings and fools asleep
Kings and Fools asleep
And Shakespeare is writing better plays with a happy end.
And Shakespeare is Writing Better Plays with A Happy End.

The show is over it was fun
The Show Is Over It Was Fun
You could bring the curtains down
You COULD Bring the Curtains Down
It’s time to take a final bow
It’s time to take a final bow
It’s over now.
It’s over Now.

Только неделю назад они были счастливы
Only a week ago they were happy
Играли в Ромео и Джульетту
Played in Romeo and Juliet
Жизнь переходила на стадию, полную Цветных огней...
Life went to the stage full of colored lights ...
Нарисованные луны и сладкий роман.
Drawn moons and a sweet romance.

Конец игры...это смешно...
The end of the game ... it's funny ...
Ты можешь снять занавески
You can remove the curtains
Пришло время делать заключительный поклон...
It's time to make a final bow ...
Теперь всё кончено.
Now it's over.

Ромео идет домой,
Romeo goes home
Берет в прокате иностранный фильм...
Takes a foreign film at the box office ...
Джульетта пьет вино со своим другом
Juliet drinks wine with her friend
Короли и спящие дураки...
Kings and sleeping fools ...
И Шекспир пишет более шорошие игры... со счастливым концом.
And Shakespeare writes more rustling games ... with a happy ending.

Конец игры...это смешно...
The end of the game ... it's funny ...
Ты можешь снять занавески
You can remove the curtains
Пришло время делать заключительный поклон...
It's time to make a final bow ...
Теперь всё кончено.
Now it's over.
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