Ren and Stimpy - The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Ren and Stimpy

Название песни: The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen

Дата добавления: 13.08.2024 | 08:38:22

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Ren and Stimpy - The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen

Our country reeks of trees,
OUR Country Reks of Trees,
Our yaks are really large,
OUR Yaks are Really Large,
And they smell like rotting beef carcasses.
And They Smell Like Rotting Beef Carcasses.
And we have to clean up after them,
And we have to clean up after them,
And our saddle sores are the best.
And OUR Sadden Sores Are the Best.
We proudly wear women's clothing,
We Proudly Wear Women's Clothing,
And searing sand blows up our skirts.
And Searing Sand Blows Up Oour Skirts.
And the buzzards, they soar overhead,
And the Buzzards, They Soar Overhead,
And poisonous snakes will devour us whole,
And Poisonous Snakes Will Devour Us Whole,
Our bones will bleach in the sun.
OUR Bones Will Bleach in the Sun.
And we will probably go to hell,
And we Will Probably Go to Hell,
And that is our great reward,
And that is out Great Reward,
For being the-uh ro-yal canadian kilted yaksmen.
For Being The-Uh Roal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen.

Наша страна богата деревьями,
Our country is rich in trees,
И Яки наши большие,
And our big yaks
И они пахнут гнилыми говяжьими тушами.
And they smell of rotten beef carcasses.
И мы должны убирать за ними дерьмо,
And we must remove shit behind them,
И у нас лучшие мазоли на задницах.
And we have the best masols on the asses.
Мы гордо носим женскую одежду,
We proudly wear women's clothes,
И песок забивается в наши ягодицы.
And the sand is clogged into our buttocks.
И стервятники веют над нами,
And the vultures are over us,
И ядовитые змеи нас обгладают,
And the poisonous snakes will smell us,
Наши белые кости развеет ветер на солнце.
Our white bones will scatter the wind in the sun.
И мы вероятно, будем идти в ад,
And we will probably go to hell,
И это наша большая награда,
And this is our big reward,
Для того, чтобы быть-ну РО-ял канадский одетый в килт яксмен.
In order to be, well, Roal Canadian dressed in Kilt Yaksman.