Rise Against - Make It Stop - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Rise Against - Make It Stop
Bang bang go the coffin nails
Bang Bang Go The Coffin Nails
Тук-тук - забиваются гвозди в гробы,
Tuk-Tuk - clogged nails in the coffins,
Like a breath exhaled
Словно испущенные вздохи,
Like emitted sighs,
Then gone forever
Then Gone Forever
Они ушли навечно.
They gone forever.
It seems like just yesterday
IT Sems Like Just Yesterday
Я как будто во вчерашнем дне,
I seem to be in yesterday,
How did I miss the red flags raise?
How Did I Miss The Red Flags Raise?
Как же я пропустил поднятие красных флагов?
How did I missed the raising of the red flags?
Think back to the days we laughed
Think Back to The Days We Laughted
Вспомни дни, когда мы смеялись,
Remember the days when we laughed,
We braved these bitter storms together
We Braved These Bitter Storms Together
Выстаивая самые жестокие бури.
Exposing the most cruel storms.
Brought to his knees he cried
Brought to His Knees He Cried
Он кричал, когда его поставили на колени,
He shouted when he was put on his knees,
But on his feet he died
But On His Feet He Died
Но умер, не склонившись.
But died, not bending.
What god would damn a heart?
What God Would Damn A Heart?
Какой бог мог бы проклясть душу?
What kind of God could curse the soul?
What god drove us apart?
Какой же бог разлучил нас?
What kind of God separated us?
What god could...
What God Could ...
Какой бог мог...
What kind of God could ...
Make it stop
Make It Stop.
Let this end
Let This End.
Прекратите это,
Stop it
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge
Восемнадцать лет выброшены на ветер!
Eighteen years have been thrown into the wind!
It's come to this
IT'S Come to this
До этого дошло,
Before that came
A weightless step
A Weightless Step.
Невесомый шаг
Weightless step
On the way down singing
On the Way Down Singing
В пропасть, поём
In the abyss
Woah, woah
Woah, Woah
Ооо, ооо...
Ltd., LLC ...
Bang bang from the closet walls
Bang Bang From The Closet Walls
Бах-бах доносится из кабинета,
Bach Bach comes from the office,
The schoolhouse halls
The Schoolhouse Halls.
Школьные холлы,
School Halls
The shotgun's loaded
The Shoto Loaded
Дробовик заряжен,
Shotgun is charged,
Push me and I'll push back
Push Me and I'll Push Back
Толкни меня - и я отвечу.
Pushing me - and I will answer.
I'm done asking I demand
I'm Done Asking I Demand
Мне надоело спрашивать, я требую
I'm tired of asking, I demand
From a nation under God
From a nation under god
От людей, живущих под Богом,
From people living under God
I feel it's love like a cattle prod
I Feel It's Love Like A Cattle Prod
Любовь которого я чувствую ударами кнута.
Whose love I feel kicks.
Born free but still they hate
Born Free But Still They Hate
Рождённые свободными, они всё равно ненавидят,
Born free, they still hate,
Born me no I can't change
Born Me No i Chan't Change
Рождённый собой, я не могу измениться.
Born myself, I can't change.
It's always darkest just before the dawn
IT's Always Darkest Just Before Dawn
Перед рассветом всегда темнее всего,
Before dawn always darker,
So stay awake with me let's prove them wrong
So Stay Awake With Me Let's Prove Them Wrong
Так останься же со мной, докажем их неправоту!..
So stay with me, we will prove their wrong! ..
Make it stop
Make It Stop.
Let this end
Let This End.
Прекратите это,
Stop it
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge
Восемнадцать лет выброшены на ветер!
Eighteen years have been thrown into the wind!
It's come to this
IT'S Come to this
До этого дошло,
Before that came
A weightless step
A Weightless Step.
Невесомый шаг
Weightless step
On the way down singing
On the Way Down Singing
В пропасть, поём
In the abyss
Woah, woah
Woah, Woah
Ооо, ооо...
Ltd., LLC ...
The cold river washed him away
Холодная река смыла его,
The cold river washed him
But how could we forget?
But Howe Could We Forget?
Но как же он мог забыть?
But how could he forget?
The gatherings hold candles
Пожаты свечи, но
Plays candles but
But not their tongues
But Not Their Tongues
Не их дар речи,
Not their speech gift,
And too much blood has flown from the wrists
And Too Much Blood Has Flown from the WristS
И слишком много крови пролито руками
And too much blood spilled hands
Of the children shamed for those they chose to kiss
Of the Children Shamed for Those The Chose to Kiss
Детей, опозоренных их же избранниками.
Children disgraced by their own chosenses.
Who will rise to stop the blood?
Who Will Rise to Stop The Blood?
Кто восстанет, чтобы прекратить кровопролитие?
Who will rise to stop bloodshed?
We're calling for
We're Calling For
Мы взываем,
We call
Insisting on
Insisting ON.
A different beat
A Different Beat.
На смене мотива,
At changing the motive
Yeah, a brand new song
Yeah, A Brand New Song
Да, на совершенно другой песне...
Yes, on a completely different song ...
Make it stop
Make It Stop.
Make this end
Make This End.
Прекратите это,
Stop it
This life chose me, I'm not lost in sin
This Life Chose Me, I'm not Lost in Sin
Жизнь выбрала меня, я не погряз в грехах,
Life chose me, I'm not mired in sins,
But proud I stand of who I am
But Proud I Stand Of Who I Am
Но я горжусь тем, что остаюсь собой
But I am proud of what remains myself
I plan to go on living
I Plan to Go On Living
И не собираюсь умирать.
And I'm not going to die.
Make it stop
Make It Stop.
Make this end
Make This End.
Прекратите это,
Stop it
All these years, pushed to the ledge
All these Years, Pushed to the Ledge
Все годы, брошенные на ветер!..
All the years thrown on the wind! ..
But proud I stand of who I am
But Proud I Stand Of Who I Am
Но я горжусь тем, что остаюсь собой,
But I am proud to go myself,
I plan to go on living
I Plan to Go On Living
И не собираюсь умирать.
And I'm not going to die.
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