SCP-Containment Breach - Ending B3 - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: SCP-Containment Breach

Название песни: Ending B3

Дата добавления: 14.08.2024 | 04:12:12

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни SCP-Containment Breach - Ending B3

Голос 1: Sir, we found a dead Class-D on the walkway outside Gate B. He's got multiple gun shot wounds in his chest. I'd assume he was shot when we were fighting SCP-682. (Сэр, мы обнаружили мёртвого сотрудника класса D на дорожке, на его груди множество огнестрельных ранений. Полагаю, что он был застрелен, когда мы сражались с SCP-682.)
Voice 1: Sir, we found a dead Class-D on the walkway outside Gate B. He's got multiple gun shot wounds in his chest. I'd assume he was shot when we were fighting SCP-682.
Голос 2: I'd like to know how the hell did a Class-D get past the gate. Deliver me the security tapes from all the cameras near the gate and find out who was stationed there, before and during 682's escape attempt. (Я хочу знать, какого чёрта D-Класс прошёл через ворота? Проверьте все камеры охраны у ворот, до и во время попытки побега SCP-682.)

Voice 2: I'd like to know how the hell did a Class-D get past the gate. Deliver me the security tapes from all the cameras near the gate and find out who was stationed there, before and during 682's escape attempt.
Голос 1: Roger that sir. (Понял, сэр.)

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