SHAI LINNE - Election ft. Willie Will - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: SHAI LINNE

Название песни: Election ft. Willie Will

Дата добавления: 19.09.2024 | 19:30:25

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни SHAI LINNE - Election ft. Willie Will

(Willie Will)
Наша свободная воля помогла нам, когда мы нащупали
Peep it son, no need to run from the truth
Наша вера - это рука, которая схватила веревку, и Бог положил нас в лодку
We need to come to understand Ephesians 1
Неа! Без извинений я отрицаю эту аналогию
We see in love the Father predestined
Реальность- мы были мертвы на дне моря
We seem to have a problem with the doctrine of election
Я был опухшим трупом с надеждой больше
We keep stressin’ and leave guessin’ leadin’ to depression
Пока Иегова Господь нырнул с берега до полу океана
Because it’s God’s love we question
Да, я был трупом, и я пахл так, как это
Well sit back and take a deep breath in
Я буду простым, почему Бог выбрал меня? Потому что он чувствовал себя так!
And exhale, let’s set sail, the word of God is refreshin’
Он привел меня, а не акт моей воли
Let’s be real with it, the Bible obviously talks
Вдохнул жизнь в мои легкие и не просил моего разрешения
about predestination so we gotta deal with it
На протяжении всей Библии есть основные примеры этого
I’ll be a fake attorney by His grace and mercy
Страницы от проходов, таких как воспитание Лазаря
And present my case so let’s take a journey for the sake of learning
Вместо того, чтобы обсуждать подарок мастера
First turn to Romans 8:28-30
Мы должны счастливо восхвалять его великодушную спасение дикарей
Zoomin’ in on verse 29, read the first line
Пришло время увидеть суверенитет Бога и Его первенство
“Those whom He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to
Его святая династия управляет божественным указом
the image of His Son”- Exhibit #1
Почему он выбирает некоторых, а не других, чтобы увидеть Иисуса?
People try to use an argument lacking common sense
Наш Бог в небесах- Он делает все, что угодно!
Concerning the foreknowledge of God thinking the logic fits
Dudes are saying He looked out into the future ages
With illumination seeing all that would choose salvation
And those men were chosen by God because they chose Him
But that’s not what the passage has spoken
It says those He foreknew He predestined
If he foreknew everybody, is everybody predestined?
Is everyone His object of affection?
If so, then what’s the point of the doctrine of election?
It’s spiritual but let me make it plain so u see the miracle
And praise His Name instead of taking His grace in vain
It isn’t complicated, we all evaded the God that made us
And traded in His truth for a lie
Worshiping what God created more than God who is glorified
Corroborated our death, our lives are an abomination
But if the Father’s aim is to bestow mercy
Then it’s not to say that He was obligated but that God is gracious
As God’s enemies we deserve to be crushed
We’re dirty enough to be eternally cursed and turned into dust
And if he did it He would be perfectly just to murder me but
He decided to show mercy to us
I didn’t choose God, God chose me
Gave me a new heart and it wasn’t because I was holy
But if I chose G-O-D then God owes me, the only reason
I first walked thru them church doors is
Psalm 65 verse 4, why do I know God?
Matthew 11:27 says it best and
Those that have been predestined keep pressin’
It’s a deep message, I only see blessin’ in election
’ma see the blessin’, yo it’s not even a question
How God in His perfection wrote the doctrine of election

(shai linne)
God in His perfection wrote the doctrine of election
Cause He’s sovereign, there’s no question and that got some people stressin’
But no option but election can account for our protection
Godly direction or perfected bodily resurrection, yo!
Don’t let the thinking of modern men fool ya
God does what He wants- that’s what it means to be Sovereign Ruler
It’s deep but not complicated- with complete confidence I’ll state it:
Peep it- it’s how God has always operated
He’s the greatest, fam- His amazing plan made His hand
Save the man Abraham from a pagan land
Who can argue with the people that God chooses?
Israel and not Egypt, Peter and not Judas
Humanly speaking, it should have been Saul and not David
The inheritance should have been Esau’s and not Jacob’s
The truth it speaks brightly so you can see rightly
A huge, mighty God who chooses the least likely
Still some contest it as a phony doctrine
But if we’re really dead in sin, predestination is the only option
With reservations they fume inside
There’s hesitation because it’s devastating to human pride
This truth is the sober kind that you’re prone to find
In passages like Romans 9- it’s so divine it’ll blow your mind
We are the clay and we’ve been formed by the Potter
None can come to the Son unless they’re drawn by the Father
“But God draws everybody” That’s what some cats say
It can’t be that way because all who are drawn are raised on the last day
Because of original sin and all of our despicable deadness within
Election must be unconditional then
Some people say that we were drowning in the ocean
Barely floating until God threw us the rope then
Our free will helped us as we groped
Our faith is the hand that grabbed the rope and God put us back in the boat
Nope! Without apology I deny that analogy
Reality- we were dead at the bottom of the sea
I was a swollen corpse with hope no more
Until Jehovah the LORD dove from the shore to the ocean floor
Yeah, I was a corpse and I smelled like it
I’ll keep it simple, why did God choose me? Because He felt like it!
He brought me out, not an act of my volition
Breathed life into my lungs and didn’t ask for my permission
Throughout the Bible there’s major examples of this
Pages of passages like the raising of Lazarus
Rather than debating the Master’s gift
We should be happily praising His magnanimous saving of savages
It’s time we see God’s sovereignty and His primacy
His holy dynasty running things by divine decree
Why does He choose some and not others to see Jesus?
Our God is in the heavens- He does whatever He pleases!
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