Satisfaction - Womanizer - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Satisfaction - Womanizer
Where you from, how's it going?
What you from, How's it Going?
(Откуда ты, как дела?)
(Where are you, how are you?)
I know you
I Know You
(Я знаю тебя)
(I know you)
Gotta clue, what you’re doing?
Gotta Clue, What You’re Doing?
(Нужно сообщать, что ты делаешь?)
(Need to report what you are doing?)
You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here
You can Play Brand New to All The Other Chicks Out Here
(Ты можешь корчить из себя новичка с другими цыпочками)
(You can make yourself a beginner with other chicks)
But I know what you are, what you are, baby
But i know What you are, What You Are, Baby
(Но я знаю, кто ты и что собой представляешь, милый)
(But I know who you are and what you are, dear)
Look at you
Look at you
(Посмотри на себя)
(Look at yourself)
Gettin' more than just re-up
Gettin 'More than Just Re-Up
(Ощущаешь больше, чем принимая наркотик)
(You feel more than taking the drug)
Baby, you
Baby, you
(Милый, ты)
(Dear, you)
Got all the puppets with their strings up
GOT All the Puppets with Their String Up
(Добился всех марионеток с их веревками)
(Achieved all puppets with their ropes)
Fakin' like a good one, but I call 'em like I see 'em
FAKIN 'Like A Good One, But I Call' Em Like I See 'Em
(Подделывая себя хорошим, но я назову их так, как вижу)
(Falsifying myself good, but I will call them as I see)
I know what you are, what you are, baby
I Know What You Are, What You Are, Baby
(Я знаю, кто ты и что собой представляешь, милый)
(I know who you are and what you are, dear)
Boy, don't try to front
Boy, Donat Try to Front
(Парень, не пытайся выкрутиться)
(Guy, don't try to get out)
I know just what you are
I Know Just What You are
(Я просто знаю, что ты собой представляешь)
(I just know what you are)
You got the swagger of champions
You Got the Swagger of Champions
(У тебя самодовольная манера чемпионов)
(You have a self -propelled manner of champions)
Too bad for you
Too bad for you
(Слишком плохо для тебя)
(Too bad for you)
Just can't find the right companion
Just Can 'Find The Right Companion
(Просто не могу найти верного спутника)
(I just can't find the right satellite)
I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard
I guess how you have one to too Many, Makes it Hard
(Полагаю, что когда у тебя их слишком много, тебе трудно)
(I believe that when you have too many of them, it is difficult for you)
It could be easy, but that's who you are, baby
Its COULD BE EASY, but that
(Могло бы быть легче, но ты такой, милый)
(It could have been easier, but you are so dear)
Must mistake me as a sucker
Must Mistake Me as a Sucker
(Наверное, ты перепутал меня с сосунком)
(Probably you confused me with a sucker)
To think that I
To Think that I
(Подумав, что я)
(Thinking that I)
Would be a victim not another
WOULD BE A Victim Not Another
(Стала бы такой же жертвой)
(Would become the same victim)
Say it, play it how you wanna
Say it, Play It How You Wanna
(Скажи это, играй как тебе угодно)
(Tell me, play as you like)
But no way I'm ever gonna fall for you, never you, baby
But no way I'M Ever Gonna Fall for You, Never You, Baby
(Но ни за что я никогда не клюну на тебя, никогда-никогда, милый)
(But I will never bite you, never, never, dear)
Maybe if we both lived in a different world
Maybe If We Both Live in A Different World
(Может быть, если бы мы с тобой жили в разных мирах)
(Maybe if you and I lived in different worlds)
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