Sixtynine - F.A.W.C. - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Sixtynine - F.A.W.C.
1. Мне кажется - скоро весна и свобода.
1. It seems to me - Spring and freedom soon.
Вода. Разговенье от голода года.
Water. Disagreement from the hunger of the year.
Охота. Охота особого рода -
Hunting. Hunting of a special kind -
For All Wild Cats.
For All Wild Cats.
Исскуство и кич. Божество и добыча.
Art and kitsch. Divine and prey.
Альянс целомудрия и неприличья.
Alliance of chastity and indignant.
Ты вряд ли предложишь изысканней дичи
You are unlikely to offer more refined game
For All Wild Cats.
For All Wild Cats.
Мы - Sixty Nine.
We are Sixty Nine.
Mеня зовут Вис Виталис
Menya's name is VIS Vitalis
Я не из тех, кто смотрит в жизнь из-за кулис
I am not one of those who are looking into life because of the curtains
Вот гул затих, я вышел на подмостки.
Here the hum fell silent, I went out onto the stage.
Весь мир вокруг, он враг.
The whole world is around, he is an enemy.
Он искренний и жесткий.
He is sincere and tough.
Ты хочешь быть, как кот, что ходит сам по себе?
Do you want to be like a cat that walks on its own?
Ты хочешь выйти во вход, что нарисован на стене?
Do you want to go into the entrance, what is drawn on the wall?
Ты просто следуй за мной, я расскажу про себя.
You just follow me, I will tell you to myself.
Я вижу тебя. Я знаю, что ты жил любя.
I see you. I know that you lived loving.
Пел песни и писал стихи. Все были в общем-то, глухи.
He sang songs and wrote poetry. Everyone was in general, deaf.
Ты, как щенок искал тепла, тебя пинали (не со зла), -
You, like a puppy, were looking for warmth, you were kicked (not from evil) - -
Такие правила игры. Всяк хочет быть царем горы
Such rules of the game. Everyone wants to be the king of the mountain
Все бьют своих, чтоб быть страшней,
Everyone beats their own to be worse,
Чем ближе ты, тем бьют сильней.
The closer you are, the stronger they beat.
Любовь есть боль, чем ближе к ней,
Love is pain than closer to it,
Тем все больней, больней, больней.
All the more painful, more painful, painful.
Простая формула. Весь свод законов простой.
Simple formula. The entire set of laws is simple.
И я ушел, и жил как ветер в усадьбе пустой.
And I left, and lived like the wind in the estate is empty.
Я видел сотни пар очей, я слышал тысячи речей,
I saw hundreds of pairs of eyes, I heard thousands of speeches,
Я тек, как воздух и ручей, и я стал дикий и ничей.
I am a text like air and stream, and I became wild and nobody.
Кому то плач, кому то смех. Кому то мяч, кому то мех,
Someone crying, someone laughter. Someone is a ball, someone fur,
Кому калач, кому орех, - и потому все против всех.
To whom kalach, to whom nuts - and therefore everything is against all.
Я знаю - у любой монеты две стороны
I know - any coin has two sides
Что б ты ни выбрал, это - продолженье войны.
Whatever you chose, this is the continuation of the war.
Я просто не хочу отдаваться борьбе.
I just don't want to surrender to the struggle.
Я просто сам по себе.
I am just on my own.
Ты сам по себе, мир твоя территория
You yourself are, your world
Ты тот, кто шалеет от запаха воли
You are the one who rummages with the smell of will
Ты свой, ты живой, ты бродяга, ты воин
You are your own, you are alive, you are a tramp, you are a warrior
Ты не из тех, кто бывает спокоен
You are not one who is calm
Молчанья, рыданья, опавшие листья
Silence, sobbing, fallen leaves
Искренность, выстрелы, поиски истины
Sincerity, shots, searching for truth
Кошечки киски высокое близкое
Cat pussy tall close
Не шаришь по русски - втыкай по английски:
Do not rummage in Russian - stick in English:
Cj, c`mon
CJ, C`Mon
It's easy to reside in your own reality
It's Easy to Reside in Your Own Reality
So, don't be afraid and alarmed of fatality
SO, Don`t Be Afraid and Alarmed of Fatality
Just take it away, you've got some of ability
Just Take it Away, You've Got Some of Ability
And always be sure in your stormy fertility
And Always Be Sure in Your Stormy Fertility
You catch then you cut, all you can see
You Catch the You Cut, All You Can See
No one can stop you, MAN, be free, you've got to be free
No one can stop you, man, be free, you've got to be free
You've got to get in before you get out
You've got to get in before you get out
It makes you dance (DANCE!!!), that's what is gonna be about
It Makes You Dance (Dance !!!), That's What is gonna be about
If somewhere you were stopped by any sticky reazon
If somewher you were stoppeed by Any Sticky Reazon
Try to find out your lovely huntin` season
Try to find out lovely huntin` season
It's great to get high by your mind and your body, buddy
It's Great to Get High by Your Mind and Your Body, Buddy
So, never be worst, we always can STUDY
SO, Never Be Worst, We Always Can Study
That's DARKNESS but you can pass it through
That's Darkness But You Can Pass It Through
Everything is great, HEY, MAN, I'M TALKING TO YOU!!!
EVERYTHINGS GREAT, Hey, Man, I'M Talking to You !!!
Mind all your steps, be real in your soul
Mind All Your Steps, Be Real in Your Soul
It's my advice for you and for all wild wild cats
It's my advice for you and for All Wild Wild Cats
2. Инстинкт. Сила лжи продолжения рода
2. Instinct. The force of lies continuation of the genus
Сильнее, чем смерть. Увертюра и кода.
Stronger than death. Embossed and code.
Вот все, что нам надо - Любовь и Свобода,
That's all we need - love and freedom,
For All Wild Cats.
For All Wild Cats.
Отчайся, ничей, страх кастратов домашних,
Overwhelmed, nobody, fear of households,
Здесь все против всех. Ты не наш, ты из наших.
Everything is against everyone here. You are not ours, you are from ours.
Любовь и Свобода! Да истинна блажь их
Love and freedom! Yes, they are true
For All Wild Cats
For all Wild Cats
For All Wild Cats, man
For all wild cats, man
...........весна-лето 1997, зима 2000, осень 2003.
........... Spring-summer 1997, winter 2000, autumn 2003.
Слова и музыка - Вис "W" Виталис.
Words and music - VIS "W" Vitalis.
Английский фрагмент - Роман "CJ" Мешков.
The English fragment is the novel "CJ" bags.
Клавишные - W.
Klavic - W.
Гитары - Low Bob, Ильдар Абдеев.
Guitars - Low Bob, Ildar Abdeev.
Бас-гитара - Роман "CJ" Мешков.
Bas Gitara - the novel "CJ" Speks.
Рэп - W, Роман "CJ" Мешков.
Rap - W, novel "CJ" bags.
Вокал, бэк-вокал, - Карина Кожевникова.
Vocals, backing, - Karina Kozhevnikova.
Программирование ударных - W.
Shock programming - W.
Аранжировка - S9.
Arranging - S9.
В песне цитируются строчки из стихотворений Бориса Пастернака и Константина Кинчева.
The song quotes the lines from the poems of Boris Pasternak and Konstantin Kinchev.
Запись - WILDCATS RECORDS (с)(р) 2000-2003.
Record - WildCats Records (C) (P) 2000-2003.
Запись голосов и гитар - Студия "Стрит", (звукорежиссер - Виктор "Мутант", 2000).
Record of voices and guitars - Studio "Street", (sound engineer - Victor "Mutant", 2000).
Частичная запись голосов и гитар - студия аArt, 2003.
Partial record of votes and guitars - Aart Studio, 2003.
Сведение - Вадим Голутвин при участии W, студия "Про Звук", 2004.
Supplies - Vadim Golutvin with the participation of W, studio "About sound", 2004.
Все права зарезервированы.
All rights are reserved.
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