Skillet - My Beautiful Robe - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Skillet - My Beautiful Robe
My Beautiful Robe
My Beautiful Robe
Моя красивая мантия
My beautiful mantle
I want pleasure in your sight
I Want pleasure in your sight
Я хочу усладить твой взор,
I want to delight your eyes
And I want to subscribe to your delight
And I Want to Subscribe to Your Delight
Я хочу разделить с тобой восхищение.
I want to share admiration with you.
So hold on and see what I do for you
So Hold On and See What I Do For You
Так постой и посмотри, что я сделаю для тебя.
So wait and look what I will do for you.
Oh by the way, did you see me dressed in my beautiful robe?
Oh by the Way, DID You See Me Dressed in My Beautiful Robe?
О, и кстати, ты видел, какая красивая мантия была на мне?
Oh, and by the way, you saw what a beautiful mantle was on me?
My head was bleeding so red
My Head Was Bleeding So Red
Моя голова была вся в крови,
My head was all in the blood,
But of all the thorns in my crown,
But of all the Thorns in My Crown,
Но вместо шипов на моей короне
But instead of spikes on my crown
The roses blended instead
The Roses Blended Inst,
Распустились розы.
Roses blossomed.
With my beautiful robe carries on,
With my Beautiful Robe Carries on,
Вместе со своей красивой мантией
Together with its beautiful mantle
I'll carry on
I'll Carry On
Я продолжу.
I will continue.
I cut down a tree
I Cut Down a Tree
Я срезал ветки дерева,
I cut off the branches of the tree
Said, "Man would you look at me"
SAID, "Man Woup You Look at Me"
Произнёс: "Человек будет смотреть на меня".
Said: "A person will look at me."
I stuck my head in a thorn bush
I Stuck My Head in a Thorn Bush
Я засунул голову в терновый куст,
I put my head in a thorns bush
Man I was deceived
Man I Was Deceved
Боже, меня предали.
God, they betrayed me.
Oh my brother, your hands are full of sores
OH My Brother, Your Hands Are Full of Sores
О, мой брат, твои ладони изранены,
Oh my brother, your palms are wounded,
But God bless you brother, my nails are longer then yours
BUT God BLISS You Brother, My Nails Are Longer then Yours
Но, боже сохрани твоего брата, мои гвозди длиннее твоих.
But, God save your brother, my nails are longer than yours.
I was crucified with Christ but how come I am not dead?
I WAS Crucified with Christ But How Come I Am Not Dead?
Меня распяли вместе с Христом, но как вышло, что я жив?
I was crucified with Christ, but how did it happen that I am alive?
God gave me a cross but I made my own instead
God gave me a Cross but I Made My Own Inst,
Бог подал мне крест, но я сделал свой,
God gave me a cross, but I did mine,
My beautiful cross carries on,
My Beautiful Cross Carries on,
Вместе со своим красивым крестом
Together with your beautiful cross
I'll carry on
I'll Carry On
Я продолжу.
I will continue.
I cut down a tree
I Cut Down a Tree
Я срезал ветки дерева,
I cut off the branches of the tree
I nailed myself to the wood
I nailed myself to the wood
Прибил себя к стволу,
Nailed himself to the barrel
I screamed in agony
I screamed in agony
Я кричал от боли,
I shouted in pain
'Cause the glory wasn't so good
'Cause The Glory Wasn't So Good
Ведь слава не так уж и хороша.
After all, fame is not so good.
I fell to my knees and
I Fell to My Knees and
Я упал на колени,
I fell to my knees
I remember the words of God pierced so hard,
I Remember the Words of God Pierced So Hard,
Помню, как жестоко пронзили меня слова бога:
I remember how the words of God brutally pierced me:
"Your righteousness is like filthy rags" and
"Твоя праведность сравнима с грязными обносками!"
"Your righteousness is comparable to dirty castles!"
I fell to my knees and said, "God, my filthy robe!"
I Fell to My Knees and Said, "God, My Filthy Robe!"
Я упал на колени и воскликнул: "Боже, моя грязная мантия!"
I fell to my knees and exclaimed: "God, my dirty mantle!"
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