Skyrim - Miracle of Sound - Khajiit Like to Sneak - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Skyrim - Miracle of Sound - Khajiit Like to Sneak
Khajiit like to sneak
Khajiit Like to Sneak
[Каджит хочет стащить]
[Kajit wants to steal]
Manoeuvres silken and sleek
Manoeuvres Silken and Sleek
[Тихо и гладко,]
[Quietly and smooth,]
The darkest corners we seek
The Darkest Corners We Seek
[Прячась в тёмных углах,]
[Hiding in dark corners,]
In the night
In the night
[В ночи.]
[In the night.]
So feline and fair
So Feline and Fair
[Хитёр и учтив,]
[Cunning and teaching,]
From the sands of Elsweyr
From the Sands of Elsweyr
[Из песков Эльсвейра;]
[From the sandy sands;]
And through our glistening stare
And Through Oour Glistening Stare
[И наш горящий взгляд,]
[And our burning gaze,]
Perfect sight
Perfect Sight
[Идеальный взгляд.]
[Perfect look.]
Don't leave your treasures ignored
Don'T Leave Your Treasures Ignored
[Не оставляй добро без присмотра,]
[Do not leave good unattended,]
Get bigger bolts on your doors
Get Bigger Bolts on Your Doors
[Поставь самые большие защёлки на двери,]
[Put the largest latches on the door,]
And tougher locks on your drawers
And Tugher Locks on Your Drawers
[Вешай замки потяжелей на сундуки,]
[Hang the locks of hungry on chests,]
Watch the street
Watch The Street
[Следи за улицей.]
[Follow the street.]
You see the stealth is an art
You just the stealth is an art
[Ты видишь, что скрытность - это искусство,]
[You see that secrecy is art,]
Pick your tumblers apart
Pick Your Tumblers Apart
[Держись в стороне;]
[Hold on to the side;]
You know you never can outsmart
You Know You Never Can Outsmart
[Ты знаешь ,что ты никогда не перехитришь]
[You know that you will never overwhelm]
A Khajiit
A khajiit
Be not afraid
Be not Afraid
[Не бойся,]
[Don't be afraid,]
Stick to the shade
Stick to the Shade
[Держись тени.]
[Hold on shadows.]
Khajiit like to sneak
Khajiit Like to Sneak
[Каджит хочет стащить.]
[Kajit wants to steal.]
Khajiit like to sneak
Khajiit Like to Sneak
[Каджит хочет стащить.]
[Kajit wants to steal.]
Khajiit like to sneak
Khajiit Like to Sneak
[Каджит хочет стащить.]
[Kajit wants to steal.]
The rocks of Skyrim so bleak
The Rocks of Skyrim So Bleak
[Мрачных гор Скайрима,]
[Skyrim's gloomy mountains,]
The frozen boulders and peaks
The Frozen Boulders and Peaks
[Морозных валунов и пиков]
[Frosty boulders and peaks]
We avoid
We avoid
[Мы избегаем.]
[We avoid.]
Stick to the cities replete
Stick to the Cits Replete
[Держись городских удобств,]
[Hold on city amenities,]
Move with the quietest feet
Move with the Quietest Feet
[Двигайся бесшумно,]
[Move silently,]
Make every fool on the streets
[Сделай каждого простака на улице]
[Make every simpleton on the street]
So lock your windows and pray
SO LOCK YOUR Windows and Pray
[Так закрой окно и молись,]
[So close the window and pray,]
Your jewels aren't stolen away
YOUR Jewels Arenet Stolen Away
[Чтобы твои драгоценности не стащили.]
[So that your jewelry is not pulled.]
Khajiit are coming to play
Khajiit Are Coming to Play
[Каджит придёт поиграть]
[Kajit will come to play]
With your things
With your Things
[С твоим добром,]
[With your good,]
Relieving you of your purse
Relieving YOU of your PURSE
[Избавить тебя от деньжат]
[Deliver you from money]
Throughout the guild it's dispersed
Throughhout The Guild It's Dispersed
[Рассеяв их через гильдию.]
[Scattering them through the guild.]
And while you crib and you curse
And While You Cryb and You Curse
[И пока в кроватке ты будешь нас проклинать,]
[And while in the crib you will curse us,]]
We will sing
We Will Sing
[Мы будем петь.]
[We will sing.]
Be not afraid
Be not Afraid
[Не бойся,]
[Don't be afraid,]
Stick to the shade
Stick to the Shade
[Держись тени.]
[Hold on shadows.]
Khajiit like to sneak
Khajiit Like to Sneak
[Каджит хочет стащить]
[Kajit wants to steal]
Manoeuvres silken and sleek
Manoeuvres Silken and Sleek
[Тихо и гладко.]
[Quietly and smoothly.]
Khajiit like to sneak
Khajiit Like to Sneak
[Каджит хочет стащить,]
[Kajit wants to steal,]
The darkest corners we seek
The Darkest Corners We Seek
[Прячась в тёмных углах.]
[Hiding in dark corners.]
Khajiit like to sneak
Khajiit Like to Sneak
[Каджит хочет стащить]
[Kajit wants to steal]
Manoeuvres silken and sleek
Manoeuvres Silken and Sleek
[Тихо и гладко,]
[Quietly and smooth,]
Khajiit like to sneak
Khajiit Like to Sneak
[Каджит хочет стащить,]
[Kajit wants to steal,]
The darkest corners we seek
The Darkest Corners We Seek
[Прячась в тёмных углах.]
[Hiding in dark corners.]
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