SleepNot - Killers Are Quiet - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни SleepNot - Killers Are Quiet
Cycle of life and death supposedly
Cycle of life and death supposedly
goes 'round and 'round yet it stops with me
goes 'round and 'round yet it stops with me
Glorious hunter of my faith I have sinned
Glorious hunter of my faith I have sinned
Killers are quiet like the the breath of the wind
Killers are quiet like the breath of the wind
Filling the shadows with forms of my own
Filling the shadows with forms of my own
Raised by kindred of Get I was born
Raised by kindred of Get I was born
Abomination world in disarray
Abomination world in disarray
Killers are quiet when they seek the vitae
Killers are quiet when they seek the vitae
Reflection beckons a portal shard
Reflection beckons a portal shard
Spiritual quest I must stay in guard
Spiritual quest I must stay in guard
Stepping sideways betweens worlds I shift
Stepping sideways betweens worlds I shift
Killers are quiet when they are born with the gift
Killers are quiet when they are born with the gift
Beautiful Anguish cast out by my race
Beautiful Anguish cast out by my race
Now one that's Ageless I save my own face
Now one that's Ageless I save my own face
I write my own laws with Death I break bread
I write my own laws with Death I break bread
Killers are quiet when they come from my head
Killers are quiet when they come from my head
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Циклы жизни и смерти по общему мнению
The cycles of life and death by common opinion
Крутятся и крутятся пока, не остановятся на мне
They spin and spin until they stop at me
Великолепный охотник моей веры, которую я нарушил
Magnificent hunter of my faith that I broke
Убийцы спокойны, как дыхание ветра
Killers are calm as the breath of the wind
Чувствую тени с формами меня самого
I feel the shadows with the shapes of myself
Возбуждённые родом, которым я был рождён
Excited by the lineage I was born into
Отвращение к миру в беспорядке
Disgust at a world in disorder
Убийцы спокойны, когда они ищут стальное дерево
The killers are calm when they look for the steel tree
Отражение сигнала надкрылья портала
Reflection of the portal elytra signal
Духовный поиск я должен остаться охранять
Spiritual quest I must stay to guard
Делаю шаг в сторону миров, которые я сместил
I take a step towards the worlds that I have displaced
Убийцы спокойны, когда они рождены с подарком
Killers are calm when they're born with the gift
Красивая Боль отбрасывает по моей гонке
Beautiful Pain throws back my race
Теперь один Вечный я сохранил своё лицо
Now alone Eternal I have saved my face
Я пишу свои законы со Смертью
I write my laws with Death
Я разбил средства к существованию
I've ruined my livelihood
Убийцы спокойны, когда они выходят из моей головы
Killers are calm when they get out of my head
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