Soundtracks - Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Soundtracks

Название песни: Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now

Дата добавления: 19.06.2024 | 03:18:16

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Soundtracks - Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now

Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now

Изгибающиеся и струящиеся волосы ангела
An angel's bending and flowing hair
И замки сливочного мороженого в воздухе
And creamy ice cream locks in the air
И перистые ущелья повсюду,
And the cirrus gorges are everywhere,
Я видел облака такими.
I saw the clouds like that.

Но теперь они просто закрывают солнце
But now they just close the sun
Они проливаются дождем и снегом на каждого.
They spill with rain and snow on each.
Так много вещей, которых я мог бы сделать
There are so many things that I could do
Но облака, изменили мой путь.
But the clouds changed my path.

Я смотрел на облака с обеих сторон ,
I looked at the clouds on both sides,
Сверху и снизу, и все же, почему-то
From above and below, and yet, for some reason
Я вспоминаю эти небесные иллюзии.
I remember these heavenly illusions.
В действительности, я не видел всех облаков.
In fact, I have not seen all the clouds.

Лунные, июньские и поднимающие тебя в высь, колеса обозрения,
Lunar, June and raising you in the heights, Ferris wheels,
И кружится голова в их танце ,
And the head is spinning in their dance,
И ты чувствуешь, как каждая сказка становится реальностью
And you feel how every fairy tale becomes a reality

Я наблюдал, как это происходит с любовью,.
I watched how this happens with love.
Но теперь это только некое шоу.
But now this is only a certain show.
Ты расстаешься с ним смеясь, когда проходишь мимо
You part with him laughing when you pass by
И если тебе не безразлично, не давай это понять, не предавай себя.
And if you are not indifferent, do not let it understand, do not betray yourself.

Я видел любовь с обеих сторон,
I saw love from both sides,
И любовь отдающую и забирающую, и все же, Почему-то я вспоминаю эти иллюзии любви, и думаю,
And the love is giving and taking it away, and yet, for some reason, I recall these illusions of love, and I think,
В действительности, я не знаю всей любви.
In fact, I do not know all love.

Слезы и страхи и ощущение гордости за право говорить вслух : « я люблю тебя» ,
Tears and fears and a sense of pride for the right to speak out loud: "I love you",
Мечты и планы и толпы зевак- я смотрел на жизнь с этой стороны.
Dreams and plans and crowds of onlookers, I looked at life from this side.
Но теперь старые друзья ведут себя странно, они качают головами и говорят что
But now old friends behave strangely, they shake their heads and say that
я изменился.
I changed.
Кое-что было потеряно, но проживая каждый день что-то было и приобретено .
Something was lost, but living every day something was and acquired.

Я видел жизнь с обеих сторон,
I saw life on both sides
Всю, от победы до потерь, и почему-то
All, from victory to loss, and for some reason
Я вспоминая эти жизненные иллюзии, думаю,
I recall these life illusions, I think
В действительности, я не знаю всей жизни.
In fact, I do not know my whole life.

(Joni Mitchell)
(Joni Mitchell)
Rows and floes of angel hair
Rows and Floes of Angel Hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And Ice Cream Castles in the Air
And feather canyons ev'rywhere
And Feather Canyons Ev'rywhere
I've looked at clouds that way
I've Loucked at Clouds that Way
But now they only block the sun
But now only Block The Sun
They rain and snow on ev'ryone
They Rain and Snow on Ev'ryone
So many things I would have done
So Many Things I Woold Have Done
But clouds got in my way
But Clouds Got in My Way
I've looked at clouds from both sides now
I've Loucked at Clouds from Both Sides Now
From up and down, and still somehow
From up and Down, and Still Soomehow
It's cloud illusions I recall
It's Cloud Illusions I Recall
I really don't know clouds at all
Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels
Moons and Junes and Ferris Wheels
The dizzy dancing way you feel
The Dizzy Dancing Way You Feel
As ev'ry fairy tale comes real
As Ev'ry Fairy Tale Comes Real
I've looked at love that way
I've Loucked at Love that Way
But now it's just another show
But now it's just Another Show
You leave 'em laughing when you go
You Leave 'Em Laughing when You go
And if you care, don't let them know
And If you Care, Donomet Let them Know
Don't give yourself away
I've looked at love from both sides now
I've Loucked at Love from Both Sides Now
From give and take, and still somehow
From Give and Take, and Still Soomehow
It's love's illusions I recall
It "love's illusions i recall
I really don't know love at all
Tears and fears and feeling proud
Tears and Fears and Feeling Proud
To say "I love you" right out loud
To say "I love you" Right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
Dreams and Schemes and Circus Crowds
I've looked at life that way
I've Loucked at Life that Way
But now old friends are acting strange
But Now Old Friends Are Acting Strange
They shake their heads, they say I've changed
They Shake Their Heads, They Say i've Changed
Well something's lost, but something's gained
Well SometHing's Lost, But Someting's Gained
In living ev'ry day
In Living Ev'ry Day
I've looked at life from both sides now
I've Loucked at Life from Both Sides Now
From win and lose and still somehow
From Win and Lose and Still Soomehow
It's life's illusions I recall
It's Life's Illusions I Recall
I really don't know life at all
I've looked at life from both sides now
I've Loucked at Life from Both Sides Now
From up and down, and still somehow
From up and Down, and Still Soomehow
It's life's illusions I recall
It's Life's Illusions I Recall
I really don't know life at all