Speed up - Little do you know - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Speed up - Little do you know
Тебе невдомёк,
You are not aware
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep
How I'm Breaking While You Fall Asleep
Что я разрываюсь на части, пока ты спишь.
That I break into pieces while you are sleeping.
Little do you know
Little Do You Know
Тебе невдомёк,
You are not aware
I'm still haunted by the memory
I'M Still Haunted by the Memory
Что меня до сих пор преследуют воспоминания.
That I am still pursued by memories.
Little do you know
Little Do You Know
Тебе невдомёк,
You are not aware
I'm trying to pick myself from piece by piece
I'M Trying to Pick Myself from Piece by Piece
Что я пытаюсь собрать себя по кусочкам.
That I'm trying to collect myself in pieces.
Little do you know
Little Do You Know
Тебе невдомёк,
You are not aware
I need a little more time
Что мне нужно, чтобы прошло ещё какое-то время.
What I need to have passed some more time.
[Pre-Chorus: Sierra]
[Pre-Chorus: Sierra]
Underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside
Underneath it all i'm held capteve by the house inside
Вдобавок ко всему, я остаюсь в плену у внутренней пустоты.
In addition to everything, I remain captive at the inner void.
I've been holding back for the feel that you might change your mind
I've Been Holding Back for The Feel that You Might Change your Mind
Меня удерживает чувство, что ты ещё можешь передумать.
The feeling that you can change your mind holds me.
I'm ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight
I'M Ready to Forgive You But ForGetting Isa A Harder Fight
Я готова простить тебя, но забыть будет гораздо сложнее.
I am ready to forgive you, but it will be much more difficult to forget.
Little do you know
Little Do You Know
Тебе невдомёк,
You are not aware
I need a little more time
Что мне нужно, чтобы прошло ещё какое-то время.
What I need to have passed some more time.
[Chorus: Alex]
[Chorus: alex]
[Припев: Alex]
[Chorus: Alex]
Away, away
Всё в прошлом, всё в прошлом.
Everything is in the past, everything is in the past.
I love you like you've never felt the pain, away
I Love You Like You've Never Felt the Pain, Away
Я люблю тебя, словно тебе никогда не было больно. Всё в прошлом.
I love you, as if you were never hurt. All in the past.
I promise you don't have to be afraid, away
I Promise You Don '
Я обещаю тебе: ты можешь ничего не бояться. Всё в прошлом.
I promise you: you can not be afraid of anything. All in the past.
The love you see right here stays
The Love You See Right Here Stays
Любовь, которую ты видишь, будет вечной.
The love you see will be eternal.
So lay your head on me
So Lay your head on me
Так положи свою голову мне на плечо.
So put your head on my shoulder.
[Verse 2: Alex]
[Verse 2: Alex]
[2 куплет: Alex]
[2 verse: Alex]
Little do you know
Little Do You Know
Тебе невдомёк,
You are not aware
I know you're hurt while I'm sounding asleep
I Know You're Hurt While I'm Sounding Asleep
Что я знаю о твоей боли, когда притворяюсь спящим.
What I know about your pain when I pretend to be sleeping.
Little do you know
Little Do You Know
Тебе невдомёк,
You are not aware
All my mistakes are solely drowning me
All my mistakes are solely drowning me
Что все мои ошибки топят меня одного.
That all my mistakes are drowning me alone.
Little do you know
Little Do You Know
Тебе невдомёк,
You are not aware
I'm trying to make it better piece by piece
I'M Trying to Make Its Better Piece by Piece
Что я пытаюсь восстановить всё по кусочкам.
That I'm trying to restore everything by pieces.
Little do you know
Little Do You Know
Тебе невдомёк,
You are not aware
I love you till the sun dies
I Love You Till The Sun Dies
Что я буду любить тебя, пока не погаснет солнце.
That I will love you until the sun goes out.
[Chorus: Alex & Sierra]
[Chorus: Alex & Sierra]
[Припев: Alex & Sierra]
[Chorus: Alex & Sierra]
Away, just wait
Away, Just Wait
Всё в прошлом, просто подожди.
Everything is in the past, just wait.
I love you like I've never felt the pain, just wait
I Love You Like i've Never Felt the Pain, Just Wait
Я люблю тебя, как будто я никогда не чувствовала боли. Просто подожди.
I love you, as if I had never felt pain. Just wait.
I love you like I've never been afraid, just wait
I Love You Like i've Never Been Afraid, Just Wait
Я люблю тебя, как будто я никогда ничего не боялась. Просто подожди.
I love you, as if I had never been afraid of anything. Just wait.
Our love we see right here stays
OUR LOVE We See Right Here Stays
Наша любовь, которую мы видим, будет вечной.
Our love that we see will be eternal.
So lay your head on me
So Lay your head on me
Так положи свою голову мне на плечо.
So put your head on my shoulder.
[Chorus: Alex & Sierra]
[Chorus: Alex & Sierra]
[Припев: Alex & Sierra]
[Chorus: Alex & Sierra]
Away, away
Всё в прошлом, всё в прошлом.
Everything is in the past, everything is in the past.
I love you like you've never felt the pain, away
I Love You Like You've Never Felt the Pain, Away
Я люблю тебя, словно тебе никогда не было больно. Всё в прошлом.
I love you, as if you were never hurt. All in the past.
I promise you don't have to be afraid, away
I Promise You Don '
Я обещаю тебе: ты можешь ничего не
I promise you: you can not
The love you see right here stays
The Love You See Right Here Stays
So lay your head on me
So Lay your head on me
[Outro: Alex & Sierra]
[Outro: Alex & Sierra]
[Окончание: Alex & Sierra]
[Ending: alex & sierra]
Lay your head on me
Lay your head on me
So lay your head on me
So Lay your head on me
‘Cause little do you know
‘Cause Little Do You Know
I love you till the sun dies
I Love You Till The Sun Dies
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