Studio 60 on the Sunsent Strip - Model of a network TV show lyrics - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Studio 60 on the Sunsent Strip - Model of a network TV show lyrics
Дамы и господа, Джон Маучери и "Филармонический оркестр Западного Побережья" совместно с хором Лос-Анжелеской Лайт Опера и артистами Студии 60.
Ladies and gentlemen, John Mucheri and the "Philharmonic Orchestra of the West Coast" together with the chorus of Los Angeles Light Opera and artists of the studio 60.
Мы станем лучшим образцом
We will become the best sample
современного телешоу
modern television show
Каждый раз, оказываясь в этой величественной
Each time, being in this majestic
и знаменитой студии,
and the famous studio,
Мы становимся на старт, несмотря на то,
We start starting, despite the fact
что забег длится уже 20 лет,
that the race has been going on for 20 years,
И поэтому, мы надеемся, что вам плевать на кокаин,
And therefore, we hope that you do not care about cocaine,
с которым застукали нашего продюсера.
With whom our producer caught.
Они надеются, что вам плевать на кокаин с которым застукали
They hope you do not care about cocaine with whom they caught
их продюсера...
Their producer ...
Они надеются, что вам плевать на барханы кокаина, с которым застукали их продюсера...
They hope that you do not care about cocaine cranes with whom their producer caught ...
Да, трудно быть артистом, когда
Yes, it's hard to be an artist when
ты связан по рукам и ногам,
You are tied hand and foot
Обед таит опасность, если
Dinner is fraught with danger if
кусать руку, которая тебя кормит
bite your hand that feeds you
и, все-таки, каждый раз, оказываясь в этой
And yet, each time, finding himself in this
величественной и знаменитой студии,
majestic and famous studio,
Мы становимся лучшим образцом
We are becoming the best sample
современного телешоу
modern television show
и, все-таки, каждый раз, оказываясь в этой
And yet, each time, finding himself in this
величественной и знаменитой студии,
majestic and famous studio,
Мы становимся лучшим образцом
We are becoming the best sample
современного телешоу
modern television show
Я истинно верующая Христианка,
I am a truly believing Christian
меня крестили в 11 лет,
I was baptized at 11 years old
Я вознесусь на небеса, в отличии от всех этих
I will ascend to heaven, unlike all these
либералов, геев и евреев.
Liberals, gays and Jews.
И если вас унижают и оскорбляют
And if you are humiliated and insulted
наши грязные шутки,
Our dirty jokes
То, возможно, интеллигенция
Then, perhaps, the intelligentsia
получает от этого удовольствие.
Eminds it from it.
Возможно, интеллигенция
Perhaps the intelligentsia
получает от этого удовольствие.
Eminds it from it.
Возможно, интеллигенция
Perhaps the intelligentsia
получает от этого удовольствие.
Eminds it from it.
Возможно, проститутки
Perhaps prostitutes
получают от этого удовольствие.
get pleasure from it.
Это не одно и тоже.
This is not the same thing.
Возможно, словоблуды
Perhaps the wordobludes
получают от этого удовольствие.
get pleasure from it.
И пока мы тщательно изучаем
And while we are carefully studying
евангельские предания,
Gospel traditions
корпорации продолжают без смущения
Corporations continue without embarrassment
колотить свои бабки.
Pick up your grandmothers.
И, все-таки, каждый раз, оказываясь в этой
And yet, each time, finding himself in this
величественной и знаменитой студии,
majestic and famous studio,
Мы становимся лучшим образцом
We are becoming the best sample
современного телешоу
modern television show
И, все-таки, каждый раз, оказываясь в этой
And yet, each time, finding himself in this
величественной и знаменитой студии,
majestic and famous studio,
Мы становимся лучшим образцом
We are becoming the best sample
современного телешоу
modern television show
И, все-таки, каждый раз, оказываясь в этой
And yet, each time, finding himself in this
величественной и знаменитой студии,
majestic and famous studio,
Мы становимся лучшим образцом
We are becoming the best sample
современного телешоу!
Modern television show!
В прямом эфире Студия 60 на Сансет Стрип. Это вечер пятницы в Голливуде!
On live studio 60 to Sanset Streep. This is Friday evening in Hollywood!
We'll be the very model of a modern network TV show
We'll Be the Very Model of A Modern Network TV Show
Each time that we walk into this august and famous studio.
Each Time that We Walk into this august and Famous Studio.
We're starting out from scratch after our run of 20 years—And so
We're Starting Out from Scratch After Oour Run of 20 Years - And SO
We hope that you don't mind that our producer was caught doing blow.
WE Hope that You Donmet Mind that Oour Produce Was Caught Doing Blow.
We hope that you don't mind that their producer was caught doing blow.
WE Hope That You Donmet Mind that Their Producer Was Caure Dowing Blow.
We hope that you don't mind that their producer was caught doing blow.
WE Hope That You Donmet Mind that Their Producer Was Caure Dowing Blow.
We hope that you don't mind that their producer was caught doing lots of blow.
WE Hope That You Donmet Mind that Their Produce Was Caure Dowing Lots of Blow.
Yes, it's hard to be a player when at heart you've always had a hunch
Yes, it's hard to be a Player how -at Heart You've Always Had a Hunch
To bite the hand that feeds you is a scary way of doing lunch
To bite the hand that feeds you is a scary of doing lunch
But still—when we walk into this august and famous studio
But Still --wen We Walk Into this august and Famous Studio
We'll be the very model of a modern network TV show.
We'll Be the Very Model of A Modern Network TV Show.
But still when they walk into this august and famous studio
But Still Whlen Walk Into this august and Famous Studio
They'll be the very model of a modern network TV show.
They'll Be the Very Model of A Modern Network TV Show.
I am a Christian, tried and true, baptized at age 11, so,
I am a Christian, Tried and True, Baptized at AT AGE 11, so,
Unlike the liberals, gays and Jews, I'm going straight to heaven. But
Unlike The Liberals, Gays and Jews, I'M Going Straight to Heaven. But
If you feel you've been cheated and our sordid content lets you down
IF You Feel You've Been Cheated and Oour Sordid Content Lets You Down
We'll happily do the favor of an intellectual reacharound.
We'll happily do the Favor of an Intellectual Reacharound.
They'll happily do the favor of an intellectual reacharound.
They'll Happily Do the Favor of An Intellectual Reacharound.
They'll happily do the favor of an intellectual reacharound.
They'll Happily Do the Favor of An Intellectual Reacharound.
They'll happily do the favor of a hundred dollar hooker's reacharound.
They'll Happily Do the Favor of a Hundred Dollar's ReachaRound.
Harriet: That wasn't the same thing we said!
Harriet: That Wasn't the Same Thing We Said!
They'll happily do the favor of a verbal euphemistic reacharound.
They'll happily do the Favor of a Verbal Euphemic Reacharound.
We know that Evangelicals are lining up to tag our toe
We Know That Evangelicals Are Lining Up To Tag Oour Toe
And then the corporations will not hesitate to pull their dough
And the corporations Will not hesitate to pull their dogh
But still—when we walk into this august and famous studio
But Still --wen We Walk Into this august and Famous Studio
We'll be the very model of a modern network TV show.
We'll Be the Very Model of A Modern Network TV Show.
But still when they walk i
But Still whether the Walk I
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