The Beatles - 9.Carry That Weight - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: The Beatles

Название песни: 9.Carry That Weight

Дата добавления: 30.05.2024 | 15:22:09

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни The Beatles - 9.Carry That Weight

Boy you're gonna carry that weight,
Boy You're Gonna Carry that Weight,
Carry that wieght
Carry That Wieght
For a long time
For a long time
Boy you're gonna carry that weight,
Boy You're Gonna Carry that Weight,
Carry that wieght
Carry That Wieght
For a long time
For a long time

I never give you my pillow,
I Never Give You My Pillow,
I only send you my invitations
I Only Send You My Invitations
And in the middle of the celebrations,
And in the midle of the celebrations,
I break down
I Break Down

Boy you're gonna carry that weight,
Boy You're Gonna Carry that Weight,
Carry that wieght
Carry That Wieght
For a long time
For a long time
Boy you're gonna carry that weight,
Boy You're Gonna Carry that Weight,
Carry that wieght
Carry That Wieght
For a long time
For a long time

Эй, тебе нести этот крест,
Hey, you carry this cross
Тяжкий твой крест надолго.
Your heavy cross for a long time.
Эй, тебе нести этот крест,
Hey, you carry this cross
Тяжкий твой крест надолго.
Your heavy cross for a long time.

Я никогда ведь не плакался,
I never cried,
Я только слал свои приглашенья
I just sent my invitations
И вот в разгар всего торжествованья
And in the midst of all triumphs
Я прерываю.
I interrupt.

Эй, тебе нести этот крест,
Hey, you carry this cross
Тяжкий твой крест надолго.
Your heavy cross for a long time.
Эй, тебе нести этот крест,
Hey, you carry this cross
Тяжкий твой крест надолго.
Your heavy cross for a long time.
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