Everything we feared was swept inside a little box got out of sight for many years while we would talk about tomorrow. Two pedestals, a crowded room, we'd both lay out our past but only touch a glass divide that grew a little wider every night. But your memory was hungry and I watched you court your shadows in reverse. And from my corner, I would curse but never say a word. Still I like to think that we shared. Still I like to think we truly cared. And sure we had our dreams, but never dared. Tell me, lover, what's in like in there? Shuffling downstairs to the Blue Room…
EVERYTHING WE FEARED WAS SWEPT INSIDE A LITTLE BOX GOT OUT OF SIGHT FOR MANY YEARS WHILE WOLD TALD TALK ABOUT TOMORROW. Two Pedestals, A Croweded Room, We'd Both Lay OUT OUR PAST ONLY TUCH A GLASS DIVIDE THE GREW A LITTLE WIDER EVERY NIGHT. BUT YOUR MEMORY WAS HUNGRY AND I WATCHED You COURT YOUR Shadows in Reverse. And from My Corner, I WOULD CURSE BUT NEVER SAY A Word. Still I Like to Think that We Shared. Still I Like to Think We Truly Cared. And Sure We Had Oour Dreams, But Never Dared. Tell Me, Lover, What's in Like in There? Shuffling downstairs to the blue room ...
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Blue room
Все наши страхи были сметены внутрь маленькой коробочки, убраны с глаз долой на много лет, пока мы говорили про завтрашний день. Два пьедестала, комната, наполненная людьми; нам бы выложить друг другу свое прошлое, но мы только касаемся стеклянной преграды, которая становится все толще каждую ночь. Но твоя память была голодна, и я смотрел, как ты «ухаживала» за своими тенями. И мне хотелось выругаться из своего угла, но я не скажу ни слова. Мне и сейчас нравится думать, что мы делились друг с другом. Мне нравится думать, что мы и вправду заботились друг о друге. И конечно, каждый мечтал о своем, но не осмеливался сказать. Скажи мне, любимая, как там? Плетемся вниз по лестнице, в Синюю комнату
All our fears were swept inside a small box, removed from sight for many years while we talked about tomorrow. Two pedestals, a room filled with people; We would have to lay out our past to each other, but we only touch the glass obstacle, which is becoming more thicker every night. But your memory was hungry, and I watched how you “looked after” for your shadows. And I wanted to swear from my corner, but I will not say a word. I also like to think that we shared with each other. I like to think that we really took care of each other. And of course, everyone dreamed of his own, but did not dare to say. Tell me, love, how is it? We wove down down the stairs, into the blue room
The Legendary Pink Dots - Slaapliedje
The Legendary Pink Dots - Harvest Babies
The Legendary Pink Dots - Andromeda Suite '98
The Legendary Pink Dots - Curious Guy
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