Дети Азраила - Remember me. - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Дети Азраила - Remember me.
Remember Me!
- I Think about you. Tell me what should I do?
- I Think ABOUT You. Tell Me What Shoup I do?
My heart is aching. Stay in my memory.
My Heart is Aching. Stay in My Memory.
I need you! I miss you!
I Need You! I Miss You!
- Don't forget, remember me
- Don`t Forget, Remember Me
- The way is free! Remember me!
- The Way is free! Remember Me!
My satisfaction - to stay in your memory!
My satisfection - to stay in your memry!
I'll miss you! As always I do.
I'll Miss You! As always i do.
- Remember me!
- Remember me!
Правду услышал, друзья подсказали, что мало стихов, мало песен писал я
I heard the truth, my friends suggested that there were few poems, I wrote few songs
Тебе посвящая, не зная что чувства мой мозг отключали.
Devoting to you, not knowing that my brain was turned off.
Как правильно выразить это? наверное нету на этой планете
How to express it correctly? Probably not on this planet
Людей, у которых похожи сюжеты на наши с тобой, где я болен тобой,
People who have the plots of ours with you, where I am sick with you,
Ты мною больна и это сводит с ума.
You are sick with me and it drives me crazy.
Помни меня, помни эти слова! Без тебя эта жизнь бесконечно пуста.
Remember me, remember these words! Without you, this life is infinitely empty.
Нету тепла, нету света, я гдето потерян в себе, для других меня нету!
There is no warmth, there is no Sveta, I am somewhat lost in myself, for others there is no me!
Куча советов... Да что они знают?! Умники тоже!... Меня окружают очи пустые.
A bunch of advice ... What do they know?! Clever men too! ... I am surrounded by the eyes empty.
Они мне чужие, совсем не такие, как были твои.
They are strangers to me, not at all like yours.
Только в них горели страсти огни
Only passions burned in them.
- I Think about you. Tell me what should I do?
- I Think ABOUT You. Tell Me What Shoup I do?
My heart is aching. Stay in my memory.
My Heart is Aching. Stay in My Memory.
I need you! I miss you!
I Need You! I Miss You!
- Don't forget, remember me
- Don`t Forget, Remember Me
- The way is free! Remember me!
- The Way is free! Remember Me!
My satisfaction - to stay in your memory!
My satisfection - to stay in your memry!
I'll miss you! As always I do.
I'll Miss You! As always i do.
- Remember me!
- Remember me!
Убивая себя вспоминаю все лето, где вместе с тобой,
When killing myself, I remember all summer, where with you,
Несмотря на запреты нарушили это.
Despite the prohibitions violated this.
Отпетые дети не спят до рассвета в Ашраме заветов.
Odled children do not sleep until dawn in the Ashram of the Covenants.
Южные ночи на пляже короче казались.
Southern nights on the beach seemed shorter.
Прохожие люди, но мы не стеснялись.
Passers -by, but we were not shy.
Нашей порочностью так наслаждались, что даже за золото
Our depravity was so enjoyed that even for gold
Не отказались смотреть эти шалости.
They did not refuse to watch these pranks.
Аисты позже доставили новости. В 9 попал, был уверен до точности.
Storks later delivered the news. In 9 I got, I was sure to accuracy.
В крайности впал, что я все потерял... НЕТ... ТЫ ПОТЕРЯЛА!
He fell out of extreme that I lost everything ... no ... you lost!
Но все отрицала.
But she denied everything.
Дальше начало конца, где сначала мигом стерает болезнь мертвеца.
Further on the beginning of the end, where at first the dead man’s illness will instantly.
Но смерть отказалась принять беглеца, ее дочь влюблена
But death refused to accept the fugitive, her daughter is in love with
В это сердце безумца.
In this heart is a madman.
- I Think about you. Tell me what should I do?
- I Think ABOUT You. Tell Me What Shoup I do?
My heart is aching. Stay in my memory.
My Heart is Aching. Stay in My Memory.
I need you! I miss you!
I Need You! I Miss You!
- Don't forget, remember me
- Don`t Forget, Remember Me
- The way is free! Remember me!
- The Way is free! Remember Me!
My satisfaction - to stay in your memory!
My satisfection - to stay in your memry!
I'll miss you! As always I do.
I'll Miss You! As always i do.
- Remember me!
- Remember me!
Околдованный ветром пустынным, в тоске я царапаю шею себе до крови.
Belated by the wind deserted, in longing I scratch my neck to my own blood.
Свинцовые слезы застыли в груди, я стою на песке
Lead tears froze in my chest, I stand in the sand
Из часов, где пути разошлись в поясах мировых
From the clock where the paths parted in the world belts
Мир на двоих и мы оба для мира!
The world is for two and we are both for the world!
В лирике жизни любовь победила.
In the lyrics of life, love won.
Сердце открыла, но разум затмила.
The heart opened, but the mind overshadowed.
Я живу для тебя...
I live for you...
Just remember me!
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