05 - Shirayukihime - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни 05 - Shirayukihime
It's still here. I was sure it'd been destroyed.
Я не могу больше этого нести, поэтому я хочу, чтобы вы доставили меня удовольствием.
Yes, it was before that woman got married. I lived here up until five years ago.
Что вы должны сделать? Вы действительно ничего не знаете, не так ли?
We'll hide here tonight. Someone will find us if we stay in that hut. The prince said he'd come again at night, didn't he?
Положите руку сюда ...
Why'd you let a stranger in anyway?
Конечно, это жарко.
The door wasn't locked?
Не прикасайтесь к нему кончиками пальцев. Держись за это правильно.
Hey, I'm not the only one they're looking for. They're looking for you too.
Затем переместите руку вверх и вниз.
There's a rumour going round that the murdered princess is lying somewhere in the forest, looking as beautiful as she did when she was alive. That prince was one of the people looking for you.
Ты делаешь это слишком мягко. Держись на более плотно. Так…
He probably couldn't believe you were still alive… So he's not going to give up coming.
Вам немного лучше, не так ли?
You and I are both wanted people, with a great reward for our capture. I'm so happy I could cry.
Не смотри на меня. Это неловко. Боже…
Hmm? Ah… That picture was still around?
Продолжайте так двигаться.
It seems as if you don't know who it is. It's me and that woman, when I was a child. She hated her own face. She was covered in freckles and had crooked teeth. That's why she used magic to create a different face, one that she wanted. She was beautiful enough to make the king fall in love, but that was also why mirrors didn't show her reflection.
Что? Я снимаю твою одежду. Вы можете сказать, посмотрев, не так ли?
Вы тоже должны позаботиться здесь.
Because of her looks, she was concerned about how I looked. Especially after she married the king. She kept on repeating “the most beautiful will be the most loved”, just like a curse. That's why I kept on giving her the answer she wanted.
I said it before, didn't I? That woman and I didn't have much of a reason. It really was ridiculous enough to make someone laugh.
Только не переставай перемещать руку. Ты тоже здесь действительно напряженно. Ты выглядишь так, будто хочешь, чтобы я добрался до тебя там.
That's right. I think my mother is much more beautiful in this picture too.
Они стали еще сильнее, когда все, что я сделал, это трогал их. Но этого недостаточно, не так ли? Вам нравится обращаться примерно.
Не держитесь так крепко вдруг! Все, что я сделал, это слегка пробежал ногти.
The mirror's answer probably won't change. If you ask it who is the fairest of them all, you'll probably appear in the mirror.
Вы можете отпустить сейчас. Я не доволен тем, как ты меня заводил, и я больше не могу его принимать.
No. I don't have any way of finding out. That's because the mirror is broken. Even after I defiled you, the mirror still chose you. It annoyed me, but I honestly had a feeling that would happen. Nothing would change, no matter what I did.
Я могу войти в тебя сейчас, не так ли?
But then people would know I lied about killing you, wouldn't they? That's why I broke it. Even though it had magic cast on it, it was still just a mirror. There'd be no way of fixing it if it was smashed to pieces.
Ответьте мне.
That's right. I destroyed her precious mirror, so this time you're going to answer.
Ты уже такой влажный. Ты хочешь меня или нет? Ты так много знаешь, не так ли?
Who is the fairest of them all?
Ну, я полагаю, вам удалось. В следующий раз умоляйте меня.
Say it again.
Лежа на спине сейчас.
That's right.
Подождите минуту. Делать то же самое, что и в прошлый раз, не будет интересным.
A reward for giving the right answer. If you make a mistake, you'll have a hard time. Prepare yourself for that.
Повернуть другой путь. Я говорю вам повернуть в другую сторону и спуститься на четвереньки.
Don't run away. I'll do something like this…
Что? Что вы имеете в виду, это невозможно?
There's an obvious mark on your neck. Your skin is really pale, so it's really noticeable.
Вы можете сделать это, не так ли? Ну давай же.
Not just here… Shall I make lots of marks where they can be seen?
Ты так удивительно выглядишь.
Hmm? Is that so? Shall I stop that for today then?
Вы чувствуете, что это трогает вас? Войду внутрь тебя ...
Well, I'm going to do something similar though.
Ты действительно теплый внутри. Это происходит плотно ... это действительно хорошо. Я собираюсь войти в тебя, не останавливаясь ...
Come on. Open your mouth.
Я внутри тебя. Когда я ввожу тебя сзади, это касается где -то другое, не так ли? Как здесь ... глубоко внутри ...
You're getting a little wet down there. Did having your neck bitten feel good?
Ты слишком плотный. Немного расслабиться.
I'm not wrong. You're really wet now that I'm kissing you while touching you. You like being touched there, don't you? You're really trembling just because I'm caressing you.
У тебя снова слезы на глазах.
So it really feels good enough to make you hold onto me?
Привет. Я хочу увидеть твое лицо, пока мы делаем это в конце концов.
I'll touch you even more then.
Ты так плотно, что я не могу легко выйти ...
How shameful of you to cry out in an erotic voice. Aren't you even more sensitive than before?
Ах ... делать это таким образом действительно чувствует себя более расслабляющим.
You're a natural at this, aren't you? Princess…
Это чувство превосходства? Или чувство власти?
My finger is already inside. It should be easy for me to put one more in.
Ну, я полагаю, это не имеет значения, что.
It's deep inside you, making an indecent sound. You like it when I'm moving my finger inside you, don't you? Just like this…
Я собираюсь начать двигаться. Не закрывайте глаза. Посмотрите, что делается с вами, и кто это делает.
I like the sound of your voice.
Эй ... почему ты так напрягался? Ты не собираешься сказать, что мне приятно смотреть на меня, не так ли?
Don't cover your mouth. You're embarrassed that I'm hearing your voice like this, aren't you? Even your ears are red. How cute.
Смотреть. Я собираюсь двигаться быстрее.
I don't mind you holding back, but you'll eventually feel so good that you can't stop yourself from crying out. If I enter you…
Что? Вы уже собираетесь приехать? Я только только что вошел в тебя.
You can tell I'm getting hard too, can't you?
Хорошо, тогда продолжай. Я собираюсь достать это сейчас. Не думайте, что мы еще не закончили.
I can't bear it any longer, so I want you to pleasure me with your hands.
Ты действительно плотный ...
What should you do? You really don't know anything, do you?
Put your hand here…
Я иду…
Of course it feels hot.
Видеть, что на твоих бледных бедрах действительно.
Don't just touch it with the tips of your fingers. Hold onto it properly.
Привет. Почему ты так лежишь? Я сказал тебе, что мы еще не закончили, не так ли?
Я еще совсем не удовлетворен. Мы еще не останавливаемся, принцесса.
Then move your hand up and down.
You're doing it too gently. Hold on tighter. Like this…
You've got a little better at this, haven't you?
Don't stare at me. It's embarrassing. Jeez…
Keep on moving like that.
What? I'm taking off your clothes. You can tell by looking, can't you?
You've got to take care of up here too.
Just don't stop moving your hand. You're really tense here too. You look like you want me to touch you there.
They got even harder when all I did was touch them. But this isn't enough, is it? You like being treated roughly.
Don't hold on so tightly all of a sudden! All I did was run my nails across slightly.
You can let go now. I'm not satisfied with the way you've been turning me on and I can't take it any longer.
I can enter you now, can't I?
Answer me.
You're already so wet. Do you want me or not? You know that much, don't you?
Well, I suppose you succeeded. Beg me in a cuter way next time.
Lie on your back now.
Wait a minute. Doing the same thing as last time won't be interesting.
Turn the other way. I'm telling you to turn the other way and get down on all fours.
What? What do you mean it's impossible?
You can do it, can't you? Come on.
You look amazing like that.
Can you feel it touching you? Going inside you…
You're really warm on the inside. It's going in tightly… It feels really good. I'm going to enter you without stopping…
I'm inside you. When I enter you from behind, it touches somewhere different, doesn't it? Like here… Deep inside…
You're too tight. Loosen up a little.
You've got tears in your eyes again.
Hey. I want to see your face while we're doing this after all.
You're so tight that I can't get out easily…
Ah… Doing it this way really does feel more relaxing.
Is it a sense of superiority? Or a sense of power?
Well, I suppose it doesn't matter which.
I'm going to start moving. Don't close your eyes. Watch what's being done to you and who's doing it.
Hey… Why did you tense up like that? You're not going to say that it feels good to look at me, are you?
Look. I'm going to move faster.
What? You're already about to come? I've only just entered you.
Alright, go on then. I'm going to take it out for now. Don't think that we're done yet though.
You're really tight…
I'm coming…now…
Seeing that against your pale thighs is really .
Hey. Why are you lying down like that? I told you we're not done yet, didn't I?
I'm not at all satisfied yet. We're not going to stop yet, Princess.
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