16 Horsepower - Golden Rope - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: 16 Horsepower

Название песни: Golden Rope

Дата добавления: 20.07.2024 | 21:42:44

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни 16 Horsepower - Golden Rope

Fire is the color of my true love's hair
Fire Is the Color of My True Love's Hair
Near to the father sits his golden chair
Near to the Father Sits His Golden Chair
By prayer and petition to the king on his left
By Prayer and Petition to the King on His Left
Light is the burden that i bear
Light Is the Burden that I Bar

O so enchanting are these
O so enchanting are these
Lovely chains that bind you
Lovely Chains that Bind You
Beneath their deadly weight
Beneath Their Deadly Weight
The lord's eye defined you
The Lord's Eye Defined You

With fear and tremblin'
With Fear and Tremblin '
Before the one with your wounds
Before the one with your wounds
Your eyes as empty as my savior tomb
YOUR Eyes AS Empty as My Savior Tomb

Warm is the breath of his holy spirit
Warm Is the Breath of His Holy Spirit
He who has ears to hear let 'm hear it
He Who Has Ears to Hear Let 'M Hear it
Torn were the hands of the worthy lamb
Torn Were The Hands of the Worthy Lamb
May you know his name and fear it
May You Know His Name and Fear it
There you are hangin' by the golden rope
There you are hangin 'by the golden rope
There you lie no hope
There youl no hope


Огонь - цвет волос моей возлюбленной
Fire - the color of the hair of my beloved
Рядом с отцом, сидящем в своём золотом кресле
Next to his father sitting in his golden chair
Молясь и прося у левой руки хозяина
Praying and asking the owner’s left hand
Свет это бремя, которое я несу
Light is the burden that I carry

О, как очаровательны
Oh, how charming
эти узы, что ослепляют
these bonds are blinded
Под их неумолимой тяжестью,
Under their inexorable weight,
Данной тебе глазом божьим
Given to you by the eye of God

В страхе и дрожи,
In fear and trembling
Перед тем, который с твоими ранами,
Before that with your wounds,
Твои глаза пусты, как могила моего спасителя
Your eyes are empty, like the grave of my Savior

Тепло это дыхание его святого духа
Heat is the breath of his Holy Spirit
Тот, кто имеет уши что бы слышать, пусть услышит
One who has ears to hear, let him hear
Порваны были руки достойного младенца
The hands of a worthy baby were torn
Может, ты знаешь его имя и боишься его
Maybe you know his name and are afraid of him

Вот ты, висишь на золотой веревке,
Here you are, hang on a golden rope
Не оставив надежды
Leaving no hope
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