2001 Echoes - The Best Of Pink Floyd - Hey you - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни 2001 Echoes - The Best Of Pink Floyd - Hey you
Эй, ты!
Hey, you!
Эй, ты, мерзнущий на холоде,
Hey, you, freezing in the cold,
Пожираемый одиночеством, стареющий, ты слышишь мой зов?
Devoured by loneliness, aging, do you hear my call?
Эй, ты, стоящий в проходе между рядами,
Hey, you, standing in the aisle between the rows,
c зудящими ступнями и вымученной улыбкой,
with itchy feet and a tortured smile,
Ты слышишь мой зов?
Can you hear my call?
Эй, ты, брось помогать тем, кто хоронит свет,
Hey you, stop helping those who bury the light,
Не сдавайся, дерись.
Do not give up, find it.
Эй, ты, оставленный всеми, сидящий нагим у телефона,
Hey, you, left by all, sitting naked by the phone,
Прикоснись ко мне.
Touch me.
Эй, ты, помоги мне нести мой крест.
Hey you, help me carry my cross.
Открой свое сердце, я возвращаюсь домой.
Open your heart, I return home.
Но это, конечно, всего лишь фантазия
But this, of course, is just a fantasy
Стена оказалась слишком высокой, как вы сами понимаете,
The wall was too high, as you yourself understand,
И несмотря на все его старания
And despite all his efforts
Ему не удалось освободиться,
He failed to free himself,
И в его мозгу завелись черви.
And worms started in his brain.
Эй, ты, на дороге, слепо всем угождающий,
Hey, you, on the road, blindly please everyone,
Можешь помочь мне?
Can you help me?
Эй, ты, там за стеной, бьющий бутылки в зале,
Hey, you are behind the wall, beating bottles in the hall,
Можешь помочь мне?
Can you help me?
Эй, ты, не пытайся уверить меня, что все безнадежно
Hey, don't try to assure me that everything is hopeless
Вместе мы выстоим, раздельно — рухнем.
Together we stand, separately - collapse.
Hey you,
Hey You,
Out there in the cold,
Out There in the Cold,
Getting lonely, getting old,
Getting Lonely, Getting Old,
Can you feel me?
Can you face?
Hey you,
Hey You,
Standing in the aisle,
Standing in the Aisle,
With itchy feet and fading smile,
With itchy feat and fading smile,
Can you feel me?
Can you face?
Hey you,
Hey You,
Don't help them to bury the light.
Don'T Help Them to Bury the Light.
Don't give in without a fight.
Don'T Give in Without a Fight.
Hey you,
Hey You,
Out there on your own,
Out there on your Own,
Sitting naked by the phone,
Sitting Naked by the Phone,
Would you touch me?
WOULD You Touch Me?
Hey you,
Hey You,
With your ear against the wall,
With your ear Against the Wall,
Waiting for someone to call out,
Waiting for Someone to Call out,
Would you touch me?
WOULD You Touch Me?
Hey you,
Hey You,
Would you help me to carry the stone?
Woup You Help Me to Carry the Stone?
Open your heart, I'm coming home.
Open Your Heart, I'M Coming Home.
But it was only fantasy.
But it was only fantasy.
The wall was too high, as you can see.
The Wall Was too High, As You Can See.
No matter how he tried he could not break free.
No Matter How He Tried He Cold Not Break Free.
And the worms ate into his brain.
And the works ate into his brain.
Hey you,
Hey You,
Out there on the road,
Out There on the Road,
Always doing what you're told,
Always Doing What You're Told,
Can you help me?
Can you Help Me?
Hey you,
Hey You,
Out there beyond the wall,
Out the Beyond the Wall,
Breaking bottles in the hall,
Breaking Bottles in the Hall,
Can you help me?
Can you Help Me?
Hey you,
Hey You,
Don't tell me there's no hope at all.
Donmet Tell Me There's No Hope at All.
Together we stand, divided we fall.
Together We Stand, Divined We Fall.
Эй ты, где-то вдалеке, забытая всеми,
Hey you, somewhere in the distance, forgotten by everyone,
Одинокая, стареющая...
Lonely, aging ...
Ты слышишь меня?
Can you hear me?
Эй ты, та которой не усидеть на месте,
Hey you, the one who is not to sit still,
Что стоит с потускневшей улыбкой...
What is worth with a faded smile ...
Ты слышишь меня?
Can you hear me?
Эй ты, не помогай им гасить свет,
Hey you, don't help them extinguish the light,
Не сдавайся без борьбы!
Do not give up without a fight!
Эй ты, где-то там совсем одна,
Hey you, somewhere there is completely alone,
Сидящая обнаженной у телефона...
Sitting naked by the phone ...
Можешь дотянуться до меня?
Can you reach me?
Эй ты, прижимающая ухо к стене,
Hey you pressing your ear to the wall,
Ждущая, что кто-то позовет тебя...
Waiting for someone to call you ...
Можешь дотянуться до меня?
Can you reach me?
Эй ты, не поможешь ли нести мою ношу?
Hey you, will you help to carry my burden?
Открой свое сердце, я возвращаюсь...
Open your heart, I return ...
Но это только мечты,
But it is only dreams,
Стена оказалась слишком высока,
The wall was too high
И как ты видишь...
And how do you see ...
Сколько он не старался,
How much he did not try
Он не смог вырваться.
He could not escape.
И сомнения терзают его...
And doubts torment him ...
Эй ты, где-то там в пути,
Hey you, somewhere there on the way,
Всегда делающая то, что скажут,
Always doing what they say,
Можешь помочь мне?
Can you help me?
Эй ты, там за стеной.
Hey you are behind the wall.
Бьющая бутылки в коридоре,
Beating bottles in the corridor,
Можешь помочь мне?
Can you help me?
Эй, не говори, что надежды не осталось,
Hey, don't say there is no hope left,
Вместе мы выстоим...
Together we stand ...
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