ЕГЭ On-line - Test 1 ЕГЭ English On-line - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни ЕГЭ On-line - Test 1 ЕГЭ English On-line
ЕГЭ по английскому языку «Аудирование» On-line
Unified State Examination in English “Listening” On-line
Задание 1.
Exercise 1.
Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A-G. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только 1 раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.
Match each speaker's statements 1-6 with the statements given in list A-G. Use each letter representing a statement only once. There is one extra statement in the assignment.
A. The speaker believes that most people don’t realize the complexity of his/her hobby.
A. The speaker believes that most people don’t realize the complexity of his/her hobby.
B. The speaker believes that his/her hobby is strange.
B. The speaker believes that his/her hobby is strange.
C. The speaker believes that his/her sport is safer than people think.
C. The speaker believes that his/her sport is safer than people think.
D. The speaker thinks he/she is different from most people who have the same hobby.
D. The speaker thinks he/she is different from most people who have the same hobby.
E. The speaker uses the knowledge gained from doing his/her hobby in a different activity.
E. The speaker uses the knowledge gained from doing his/her hobby in a different activity.
F. The speaker believes other people would benefit by taking up his/her hobby.
F. The speaker believes other people would benefit by taking up his/her hobby.
G. The speaker thinks his father had a direct influence on starting his/her hobby.
G. The speaker thinks his father had a direct influence on starting his/her hobby.
Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3
Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3
Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker 6
Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker 6
Задание 2.
Task 2.
Вы услышите диалог между двумя активистами общественного движения. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А1-А7
You will hear a dialogue between two social movement activists. Determine which of the above statements A1-A7
• соответствуют содержанию текста (1-True),
• correspond to the content of the text (1-True),
• какие – не соответствуют (2 – False)
• which ones do not correspond (2 – False)
• и о чём в тексте не сказано, т.е. на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not Stated).
• and what the text does not say, i.e. Based on the text, neither a positive nor a negative answer can be given (3 – Not Stated).
A1. Dave started his involvement with environmental issues because he was worried about pollution.
A1. Dave started his involvement with environmental issues because he was worried about pollution.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
A2. Dave and Susan went to the same university.
A2. Dave and Susan went to the same university.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
A3. Dave and Susan both felt that they were helping the world when they attended demonstrations against pollution.
A3. Dave and Susan both felt that they were helping the world when they attended demonstrations against pollution.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
A4. It is possible to see salmon in the river Thames on any day in the year.
A4. It is possible to see salmon in the river Thames on any day in the year.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
A5. Until comparatively recently the Thames was heavily polluted.
A5. Until comparatively recently the Thames was heavily polluted.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
A6. Susan completely agrees with Dave that people today are more aware of environmental problems than people had been when they were younger.
A6. Susan completely agrees with Dave that people today are more aware of environmental problems than people had been when they were younger.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
A7. People who live in cities don’t care as much about global warming as people who live on the coast.
A7. People who live in cities don’t care as much about global warming as people who live on the coast.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
Задание 3.
Task 3.
Вы услышите рассказ студента. В заданиях А8-А14 выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.
You will hear the student's story. In tasks A8-A14, select the number 1, 2 or 3 that corresponds to the answer option you have chosen.
A8. Dave started his involvement with environmental issues because he was worried about pollution.
A8. Dave started his involvement with environmental issues because he was worried about pollution.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
A9. Dave and Susan went to the same university.
A9. Dave and Susan went to the same university.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
A10. Dave and Susan both felt that they were helping the world when they attended demonstrations against pollution.
A10. Dave and Susan both felt that they were helping the world when they attended demonstrations against pollution.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
A11. It is possible to see salmon in the river Thames on any day in the year.
A11. It is possible to see salmon in the river Thames on any day in the year.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
A12. Until comparatively recently the Thames was heavily polluted.
A12. Until comparatively recently the Thames was heavily polluted.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
A13. Susan completely agrees with Dave that people today are more aware of environmental problems than people had been when they were younger.
A13. Susan completely agrees with Dave that people today are more aware of environmental problems than people had been when they were younger.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
A14. People who live in cities don’t care as much about global warming as people who live on the coast.
A14. People who live in cities don’t care as much about global warming as people who live on the coast.
True False Not stated
True False Not stated
Дороги Меняют Цвет - Неси мне свет
Funtime Proz - Merry Xmas and Happy New Year
Нозима - Ты еще меня не знаешь
Екатерина Филатова - Танцы на стеклах
Евгений Родыгин - Свердловский вальс
Евгений Гришковец - монолог о любви
Артур Пирожков - Плачь, детка,я не ревную
Tony Q Rastafara - Bla Bla Bla
Неусыпов Георгий - Перевернуть весь мир
Boudewijn de Groot - Welterusten, Mijnheer De President