Иван Бунин - Листопад - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Иван Бунин - Листопад
Осенняя поэма
Autumn poem
Лѣсъ, точно теремъ расписной, —
Lѣs, as if we were looking at the painted one, -
Лиловый, золотой, багряный, —
Purple, gold, crimson, -
Веселой, пестрою стѣной
Merry, colorful wall
Стоитъ надъ свѣтлою поляной.
Stands above the light glade.
Березы желтою рѣзьбой
Birch trees with yellow thorn
Блестятъ въ лазури голубой;
Shine in azure blue;
Какъ вышки, елочки темнѣютъ,
How are the towers, the Christmas trees are dark,
А между кленами синѣютъ
And between the maples there is blue
То тамъ, то здѣсь въ листвѣ сквозной
Now there, then here in the foliage through
Просвѣты въ небо, чтò оконца...
Enlightenments into the sky, what are the windows ...
Лѣсъ пахнетъ дубомъ и сосной, —
Lѣs smells like oak and pine, -
За лѣто высохъ онъ отъ солнца,
For a long time he dried up from the sun,
И Осень тихою вдовой
And Autumn is a quiet widow
Вступила нынче въ теремъ свой...
Today I entered my house ...
Какъ хорошо ей! На полянѣ,
How good she is! To the glade,
Среди широкаго двора,
Among the wide courtyard
Воздушной паутины ткани
Air spider web fabric
Блестятъ, какъ сѣть изъ серебра.
Shine like silver.
Просѣка узкая, какъ сѣни,
The avenue is narrow, like a dream,
Уводитъ въ теремъ, а по ней
Leads into the tower, and along it
Лежитъ коверъ листвы осенней
There is a carpet of autumn foliage
Среди кустарниковъ и пней.
Among bushes and stumps.
Тамъ, въ потаенномъ чернолѣсьѣ,
There, in the hidden blacks,
Всегда затишье; частый боръ
Always calm; frequent fight
Надъ нимъ темнѣетъ въ поднебесьѣ
Above him it gets dark into the skies
И окружаетъ свѣтлый дворъ.
And surrounds the light courtyard.
Сегодня цѣлый день играетъ
Today is a whole day playing
Въ дворѣ послѣдній мотылекъ
In the courtyard of the last moth
И, точно бѣлый лепестокъ,
And, like a white petal,
На паутинѣ замираетъ,
It freezes on the web
Пригрѣтый солнечнымъ тепломъ;
Covered by the warmth of the sun;
Сегодня такъ свѣтло кругомъ,
Today it is so light all around
Такое мертвое молчанье
Such a dead silence
Въ лѣсу и въ синей вышинѣ,
In the lѣsu and in the blue heights,
Что можно въ этой тишинѣ
What can be in this silenceѣ
Разслышать листика шуршанье.
Hear the rustling of the leaves.
Лѣсъ, точно теремъ расписной, —
Lѣs, as if we were looking at the painted one, -
Лиловый, золотой, багряный, —
Purple, gold, crimson, -
Стоитъ надъ солнечной поляной,
Stands above a sunny glade,
Завороженный тишиной;
Spellbound by the silence;
Заквохчетъ дроздъ, перелетая
Zakvokhchet thrush, flying
Среди подсѣда, гдѣ, густая
Among the podsѣda, where, thick
Листва янтарный отблескъ льетъ;
The foliage pours an amber gleam;
Играя, въ небѣ промелькнетъ
Playing, flashes into the sky
Скворцовъ разсыпанная стая —
Skvortsov scattered flock -
И снова все кругомъ замретъ...
And again everything around will freeze ...
Лѣсъ розовѣетъ. А въ ворота —
Lѣs pink. And at the gate -
Среди двухъ высохшихъ осинъ —
Among two dried up aspen -
Глядятъ и синева долинъ,
The blue of the valleys are also looking,
И мелколѣсье, и болота,
And small forest, and swamps,
И даль лиловыхъ деревень...
And the distance of the lilac villages ...
Какъ хорошо! Но жаль чего-то,
How good! But sorry for something
И грустно Осени весь день.
And it's sad Autumn all day.
Порой задумчиво выходитъ
Sometimes thoughtfully comes out
Она на солнце изъ воротъ
She's in the sun out of the gate
И бродитъ въ полѣ, и не сводитъ
And wanders into the floor, and does not reduce
Очей съ желтѣющихъ болотъ.
Eat the yellow marshes of the eyes.
Тамъ, по лощинамъ и полянамъ,
There, across the hollows and glades,
Густыхъ кустарниковъ бугры
Dense shrubs mounds
Раскинулись широкимъ станомъ,
Spread out in a wide camp,
Какъ темно-красные шатры.
Like dark red tents.
Тамъ путь на югъ. Съ нѣмой печалью
There is a path to the south. With my sadness
На край небесъ глядитъ она,
She is looking at the edge of heaven,
Гдѣ даль слилась съ небесной далью,
Where the distance has merged with the heavenly distance,
Мечтами тихими полна.
Full of quiet dreams.
А день уходитъ. Небо ясно,
And the day is gone. The sky is clear
Прозрачный воздухъ сухъ и тихъ,
The clear air is dry and quiet
Лѣса алѣютъ... И безгласно
Lѣsa alѣut ... and silently
Уходитъ свѣтлый день отъ нихъ.
The bright day is leaving them.
Послѣднія мгновенья счастья!
The last moment of happiness!
Ужъ знаетъ Осень, что такой
Autumn already knows what
Глубокій и нѣмой покой —
Deep and quiet peace -
Предвѣстникъ долгаго ненастья.
Forerunner of long bad weather.
Все строже вдаль она глядитъ,
She looks more and more sternly into the distance,
Все рѣзче тайное страданье
More and more secret suffering
Въ ея нѣмыхъ очахъ сквозитъ...
In her nѣmyh eyes shines through ...
Какое вѣщее молчанье!
What a total silence!
Глубоко, странно лѣсъ молчалъ
Deeply, strangely, I was silent
И на зарѣ, когда съ заката
And at dawn, when the sunset
Пурпурный блескъ огня и злата
Purple shine of fire and gold
Пожаромъ теремъ освѣщалъ.
Fire tower illuminated.
Потомъ угрюмо въ немъ стемнѣло...
Then gloomily it got dark in it ...
Луна восходитъ, а въ лѣсу
The moon rises, and in lѣsu
Ложатся тѣни на росу...
Shadows fall on the dew ...
Вотъ стало холодно и бѣло
Now it became cold and cold
Среди полянъ, среди сквозной
Among the glades, among the through
Осенней чащи помертвѣлой,
Dead autumn thicket,
И жутко Осени одной
And creepy Autumn alone
Въ пустынной тишинѣ ночной!
Into the desolate silence of the night!
Теперь ужъ тишина другая:
Now the silence is different:
Прислушайся — она растетъ;
Listen - it grows;
А съ нею, блѣдностью пугая,
And eat it, frightening with delusion,
И мѣсяцъ медленно встаетъ.
And the month slowly rises.
Всѣ тѣни сдѣлалъ онъ короче,
All tni slal it is shorter,
Прозрачный дымъ навелъ на лѣсъ —
Transparent smoke brought to the forest -
И вотъ ужъ смотритъ прямо въ очи
And now he looks straight into the eyes
Съ туманной высоты небесъ.
From the misty heights of heaven.
О, мертвый сонъ осенней ночи!
Oh, the dead sleep of an autumn night!
О, жуткій часъ ночныхъ чудесъ!
Oh, terrible hour of night miracles!
Въ сребристомъ и сыромъ туманѣ
Into silver and damp fogѣ
Свѣтло и пусто на полянѣ;
Light and empty in the meadow;
Лѣсъ, бѣлымъ свѣтомъ залитой,
Lѣs, blym flooded with light,
Своей застывшей красотой
With its frozen beauty
Какъ будто смерть себѣ пророчитъ.
As if he prophesied death.
Сова, и та молчитъ: сидитъ
Owl, and she is silent: sits
Да тупо изъ вѣтвей глядитъ...
Yes, stupidly looking out of the way ...
Порою дико захохочетъ,
Sometimes he laughs wildly
Сорвется съ шумомъ съ высоты,
It will break with the noise from the height,
Взмахнувши мягкими крылами,
Flapping soft wings
И снова сядетъ на кусты
And sit on the bushes again
И смотритъ круглыми глазами,
And looks with round eyes
Водя ушастой головой
Driving with an eared head
По сторонамъ, какъ въ изумленьи...
On the sides, like amazement ...
А лѣсъ стоитъ въ оцѣпенѣньи,
And lѣs stands in appraisal,
Наполненъ блѣ
Filling blѣ
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