пастор Назаров Дмитрий Андреевич - 07 АВГУСТА 2016. ЖЕЛАНИЕ БЫТЬ БОГОМ. - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни пастор Назаров Дмитрий Андреевич - 07 АВГУСТА 2016. ЖЕЛАНИЕ БЫТЬ БОГОМ.
Today I want to offer us to reflect on one of the most interesting and still, in my opinion, the misunderstood statements of our Lord: Jesus answered them: is it not written in your law: I said: you are gods? In. 10:34. And I suggest that we ask ourselves the question: do we have a desire to be gods? And if there is such a desire, then what should we do with it? Let's turn to one of the blessings of God, given to us in the Old Testament: the Lord will make you the head, not the tail, and you will only be at the height, and you will not be the bottom of the second. 28:13. What is the meaning of this blessing? The fact that if we are in the position of the chapter, then we have the power to control what is happening. Now let's look at the New Testament, which is promised to the winner there: who wins and observe my deeds to the end, I will give power over the Gentiles. 2:26. From here you can see that God offers and even commands us to be in the position of power, management, influence - tell me, is this not the position in which He is located? I am trying to say that we are inherent in the desire to be the way he, and ap. Pavel inspires us: so, imitate God, like a child of lovers EF. 5: 1. And recently we already talked about two imitation options: about imitation of the external and how to imitate, reflecting and comprehending the meaning of the actions of the one we imitate. In the first case, it will iron funny and stupid, in the second it is exactly what pleases the heart of the father! And even if we do not realize our desire to be like a god, then it is present and manifested in us in one way or another, so it is much better to know that it is in us and develop the right attitude towards this in us. Notice that with any of our desires we have to work in order to learn how to live with him and treat him correctly. If we suppress desires or convince ourselves that they are not there, then as a compressed spring, sooner or later they “shoot” and in our life there is a serious destruction, if we go along a different path and indulge in desires, then they destroy us, begin to become obsessive and uncontrollable. Therefore, the best thing is to recognize the fact of having desires and look for a god of wisdom to do with them, because we ourselves sometimes cannot understand this. Firstly, you need to clearly understand: the desire with which we deal is sinful or not. Those. To learn from the word of God how it relates to one or another desire. And there is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. For example, a sexual desire in a marriage is a blessing and this is what God says about it: console your wife’s wife, kindly doe and perfectly sulfur: may her breasts lure you at any time, with her love constantly. Prut. 5: 18-19. Those. God literally says that the more sex the husband and wife has, the better it is for family life! But in other cases, sexual desire is sinful and even thoughts about intimate relationships with his spouse, the Bible calls sin! This is a very striking example that the desire is not condemned in principle, but the boundaries are established in which it acts as a blessing, and by giving up for which it becomes a sin leading to the destruction of life: honey exudes the mouth of a stranger, and softer than her speech; But the consequences from her are bitter, like wormwood, sharp, like a mudfoiled sword; Her legs descend to death, her feet reach the underworld. Prut. 5: 3-5. Exactly the same situation with our desire to be gods, it is not condemned in principle, but certain standards are established, during which this desire “works” as a blessing: the word is true: if anyone wishes, a good deed wishes. 1 Tim. 3: 1. The bishop in this context is the position of power and influence in the church. This is the position of God's governor, i.e. The one who can reason between the brothers in case of disputes and give an assessment of whether this or that teaching is true or is it heresy. This is the same as described in relation to priests in the Old Testament: the priest’s mouth must store the lead, and they are looking for the law from his lips, because he is the messenger of the Lord Savaof. Small. 2: 7. And such people are pleasing to God and is very necessary for His earthly church! But in the same place, where it is said that the desire to be in the position of power is not sinful, but on the contrary is righteous and kind, the conditions under which it is possible is given: the bishop should be blank, one wife, sober, chaste, dean , honest, strange, teacher, not a drunkard, not a biyts, not grumpy, not greedy, but quiet, peaceful, not fingering, well -controlled by his house, containing children with all honesty; For who does not know how to manage his own house, will he bake about the Church of God? 1 Tim. 3: 2-5. We can “expand” this in the direction of what we are talking about today: if you (or I) want to be “like gods”, then we must understand that power always implies self -discipline and responsibility. I deliberately used this phrase “like gods”, what would we look at the most sad moment in our history, where the devil tempts the first people: Oh?
пастор Назаров Дмитрий Андреевич - 05 МАРТА 2017. ГОРОД В КОТОРОМ МЫ ЖИВЕМ
пастор Назаров Дмитрий Андреевич - 14 ФЕВРАЛЯ 2016. ЖИВАЯ НАДЕЖДА.
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