Стиляги - Скованные одной цепью - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Стиляги - Скованные одной цепью
Среди нас он жил, мы шагали строем.
He lived among us, we walked in construction.
Честным парнем был, был простым героем.
An honest guy was, was a simple hero.
Но правду не скрыть – этот час настал,
But not to hide the truth - this hour has come
И вот обнажился звериный оскал…
And then the bestial grin was exposed ...
И вот обнажился звериный оскал…
And then the bestial grin was exposed ...
Скованные одной цепью, связанные одной целью,
Constrained by one chain connected by one goal,
Скованные одной цепью, связанные одной…
Sharped by one chain connected by one ...
Ты посмел посягнуть на святая святых.
You dared to encroach on the holy of holies.
Где твои идеалы? Ты плюнул на них!
Where are your ideals? You spat on them!
Ты за яркие тряпки врагу продаешься,
You are selling for bright rags to the enemy,
И с совестью, честью легко расстаешься.
And with a conscience, honor you easily part.
Но ты не победишь – наша цепь не прервется
But you will not win - our chain will not be interrupted
Скованных одной цепью, связанных одной целью
Constrained by one chain connected by one purpose
Скованных одной цепью, связанных одной целью…
Constrained by one chain connected by one goal ...
Ты под музыку толстых не смеешь плясать,
You don't dare to dance to the music of Tolstoy,
Не смеешь кривляться и нас предавать.
Do not dare to grimace and betray us.
Такого, как ты, не должно быть рядом,
Such as you should not be near
Когда мы единым идем отрядом.
When we go one by a detachment.
Нам партия – мать, комсомол – наш отец,
The party to us is a mother, the Komsomol is our father,
Ну-ка ты, стоять! Хорошо, молодец!
Well, stand! Well done!
Мы не станем петь под чужую дудку –
We will not sing under someone else's tune -
Нам радостный горн играет побудку.
A joyful horn plays a wake for us.
Скованные одной цепью, связанные одной целью
Constrained by one chain connected by one goal
Скованные одной цепью, связанные одной…
Sharped by one chain connected by one ...
Здесь не место таким подлецам и подонкам,
There is no place for such scoundrels and scum,
Здесь свои идеалы оставляют потомкам.
Here they leave their ideals to descendants.
Здесь хором поют, по теченью гребя,
Here they sing in chorus, in the end of the rowing,
Здесь в ногу идут, единенье любя…
Here they are keeping in the leg, only loving ...
Нам радостно дальше идти без тебя –
We are happy to go without you further -
Скованными одной цепью, связанными одной целью
Constrained by one chain connected by one goal
Скованными одной цепью, связанными одной целью
Constrained by one chain connected by one goal
Скованные одной цепью, связанные одной целью…
Started by one chain connected by one goal ...
Перевод песни Стиляги - «Скованные одной цепью»
Duffeur Translation - "constrained by one chain"
Collective responsibility smears like soot 1
Collective Responsibility Smears Like Soot 1
I hold somebody's hand but feel elbow 2
I Hold Somebody's Hand But Feel Elbow 2
I seek for eyes but feel look 3
I Seek for Eyes But Feel Look 3
There asses are higher than heads
There Asses are Higher than Heads
After red dawn is pink setting
AFTER Red Dawn is Pink Setting
Forged together with one chain, tied with one aim
Forged Together with One Chain, Tied with One Aim
Forged together with one chain, tied with one aim
Forged Together with One Chain, Tied with One Aim
Here are weak joints but big space 4
Here Areak Joints But Big Space 4
Here are broken memberships, from them columns are made 5
Here are one type of words for kitchen and another for streets 6
Here Are One Type of Words for Kitchen and Another for Streets 6
Here eagles are deserted inspire of them are broiler chickens
Here Eagles are deserted Inspire of them are briler
And even when I'm kissing I follow example of
And Even when I'm Kissing I Follow Example of
Forged together with one chain, tied with one aim
Forged Together with One Chain, Tied with One Aim
forged together with one chain, tied with one aim
Forged Together with One Chain, Tied with One Aim
You can believe even in lack of belief
You can Believ Even in Lack of Belief
You can do even lack of business
You can dovelen lack of business
Poor people pray, pray that
Poor People Pray, Pray that
Their poorness is assured
Their Poorness is Assured
Here you can play tuba with yourself
Here You can play tuba with your yourself
But you can play just sound off 7
BUT You can play music off 7
And if here are people that go to you
And if her are people that go to you
There will be people that will go for you 8
There will be people that will go for you 8
That like others are
That Like Others are
Forged together with one chain, tied with one aim
Forged Together with One Chain, Tied with One Aim
forged together with one chain, tied with one aim
Forged Together with One Chain, Tied with One Aim
Here women look for but find only old age
Here Women Look for But Find only Old Age
Here measure of work it's tiredness 9
Here Measure of Work Its Tirdness 9
Here aren't scoundrels in rooms trimmed with leather 10
HERE Aren'T ScoundRels in Rooms Trimmed with Leather 10
Here the first people are the same with the last
Here The First People Are the Same with the Last
Even if they are tiring like them
Even If the Are Tiring Like Them
Forged together with one chain, tied with one aim
Forged Together with One Chain, Tied with One Aim
forged together with one chain, tied with one aim
Forged Together with One Chain, Tied with One Aim
Forged together with one chain, tied with one aim
Forged Together with One Chain, Tied with One Aim
forged together with one chain, tied with one aim
Forged Together with One Chain, Tied with One Aim
Forged together with one chain, tied with one aim
Forged Together with One Chain, Tied with One Aim
forged together with one chain, tied with one aim
Forged Together with One Chain, Tied with One Aim
Forged together
Forged Together
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