Стороны РА - True Love - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Стороны РА - True Love
Это моя жизнь
This is my life
Я против наркотиков, спида и пидарастов
I'm against drugs, speed and fagots
Моя любимая во мраке расплывается твоё лицо
My beloved, your face blurs in the darkness
Мнимые поручни спускают к низу в унисон
Imaginary handrails are lowered to the bottom in unison
Виза ????? Паралич и невесом
Visa????? Paralysis and weightlessness
Как осколок величества нехронических частот
Like a fragment of the majesty of non-chronic frequencies
Прибавлять бы количество
I would like to add more
Наше паломничество выйдет из высоток
Our pilgrimage will leave the high-rises
И накроет ледяной потоп, пар изо рта
And an icy flood will cover, steam from the mouth
Капканы из ветрин шмотья
Traps from vetrin clothes
Карма такая, что любя будет упасть нельзя
Karma is such that loving will not fall
И каплями дождя освежим
And we'll refresh you with drops of rain
Как мы были такими, как были мы
How we were, how we were
Вот тогда ещё
Then again
Пробьём сквозь тонкую оболочку режим
Let's break through the thin shell of the regime
По возрастающей скользящими движениями в Ра-ай
In ascending sliding movements in Ra-ay
Выби-РА-ай со мной ?????
Beat-RA-ay with me?????
Я не отложил тебе ещё одну зай
I didn't leave you another loan
Тебе больше не надо
You don't need anymore
Мы отдираем у деревьев кору
We strip the bark from trees
Где-то за мкадом связываем мысли тонны в одну
Somewhere beyond the Moscow Ring Road we connect tons of thoughts into one
Идём и держим нос по ветру
Let's go and keep our nose to the wind
Деревья тянут руки к небу
Trees reach out to the sky
И мы тоже тянем руки ближе к свету
And we also stretch our hands closer to the light
Я знаю что ответить левым на звонки мобил
I know what to answer with the left for mobile calls
И ты увидишь меня прежнего (таким как был)
And you will see me as before (as I was)
I seem to see when all my good deeds will be done
I seem to see when all my good deeds will be done
I'll be a tree and stretch my arms towards the sun
I'll be a tree and stretch my arms towards the sun
When all you need is love to keep you warm
When all you need is love to keep you warm
You keep on growing like so n so on
You keep on growing like so n so on
Spirits u be chillin with these hands that u be healin with
Spirits u be chillin with these hands that u be healin with
Livin with no dealin shit theres no way to be feelin it
Livin with no dealin shit theres no way to be feelin it
Guilty parties willingly burned by the dawn
Guilty parties willingly burned by the dawn
And so on and so on and so and so on
And so on and so on and so and so on
I sing as i see the stars with me seeing eye
I sing as i see the stars with me seeing eye
In the city night mood be sittin right
In the city night mood be sittin right
Jah Seelassi if you could see me now
Jah Seelassi if you could see me now
I renounce my way to die
I renounce my way to die
N then i feel it all around me
N then i feel it all around me
Like the water fallin down
Like the water falling down
From the skies above
From the skies above
Create the miracle of life
Create the miracle of life
And then you know it's all love yeah it's all love
And then you know it's all love yeah it's all love
Cant u feel it all around u
Can't u feel it all around u
True love the one and only love
True love the one and only love
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