сияж - f r a m e s - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: сияж

Название песни: f r a m e s

Дата добавления: 20.10.2024 | 01:20:37

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни сияж - f r a m e s

Frames of days
Frames of Days
We're walking everyday
We're Walking EVERYAYDAY
But it has no changes
But it has no changes

The same process
The Same Process

Who we are in that game
Who are in that game
We strive to understand
We Strive to Understand
Only dust in the wind
Only Dust in the Wind

Wait for us in the end
Wait for us in the end

Destroying our home
Destroying OUR Home
Like parasites
Like Parasites
Selfish mind
Selfish Mind
To say to all bye
To sell to all bye

Through the
Through The
Of Meaning of life
OF Meaning of Life

Come to me
Come to me
And look in my eyes
And look in my eyes

How does it feel
How does it feel
Emptiness inside?
Emptiness Inside?

Do we have an instant?
Do We have an instant?
What changes everything
Of these moments
Of these Moments
Our whole life consists

We continue our cycle
We Continue OUR CYCLE
Over and over again
Over and Over Again
We're dying for nothing
We're Dying for Nothing
Fucking Existence away
Fucking Existence Away


Кадры жизни
States of life

Мы ходим каждый день,
We walk every day

Но разницы нет
But there is no difference

Тот же процесс
The same process

Кто мы в этой игре?
Who are we in this game?
Стремимся понять
We strive to understand
Только пыль по ветру
Only dust in the wind
Будет нас ожидать
Will expect us

Разрушая наш дом
Destroying our house
Как паразит
As a parasite
Эгоистичный настрой
Selfish attitude
Прощай этот мир
Goodbye this world

Чтоб жить
To live


Подойди ко мне
Come to me
И в глаза посмотри
Look into the eyes

Как тебе ощущение
How do you feel
Пустоты что внутри
Emptiness that is inside

Есть ли мгновенье
Is there a moment
Что изменит здесь все?
What will change everything here?
Из этих моментов
From these points
Состоит бытиё
It consists of being

Продолжая наш цикл
Continuing our cycle
Снова и снова еще
Over and over again
Мы умрем ни за что
We will die for nothing
К черту само существо.
To hell with the very creature.