Юля Волкова - Stars - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Юля Волкова - Stars
How did we ever go this far ?
How DID We Ever Go this Far?
You touch my hand and start the car
You Touch My Hand and Start the Car
And for the first time in my life
And for the first time in my life
I'm crying
I'M Crying
Я звезда, ты звезда.Нас приказано сжечь.
I am a star, you are a star. It is ordered to burn.
Кто-то сдал и достал aдреса наших встреч.
Someone handed over and took out ADRES of our meetings.
Потолки по глазам и никто не найдет.
The ceilings are in the eyes and no one will find.
Соскользнут голоса,и сломается лед.
Voices slide, and ice will break.
Я ничья без ключа,и могила постель.
I am a draw without a key, and the grave of the bed.
И пора выключать,и они на хвосте.
And it's time to turn off, and they are on the tail.
Улыбнись, развяжи,занавесь зеркала.
Smile, untie, crank up the mirror.
Разорви и скажи,yмерла, умерла.
Try and tell me, he died, died.
Замыкай или же cтановись никакой.
Close or get a bit.
И рука не дрожит.Все в порядке с рукой.
And the hand does not tremble. All in order with the hand.
Можно мстить дважды два. На такси и соси.
You can take revenge twice two. By taxi and suck.
А простить никогда,никогда не проси.
And never ask, never ask.
Хорошо, хорошо.Я придумала месть.
Good, good. I came up with revenge.
Порошок все что есть.Умножаю на шесть.
The powder is all that is.
Не звони, не звони,я устала, я устала.
Do not call, don't call, I'm tired, I'm tired.
Я тебя не хочу,
I do not want you,
Ты меня зae...лa
You are me ... la
Are we in space ? Do we belong ?
Are we in space? Do We Belong?
Someplace where no one calls it wrong
Someplace Were No One Calls It Wrong
And like the stars we burn away
And Like the Stars We Burn Away
The miles
The Miles
How did we ever get this far ?
How different We Ever Get this far?
It shouldn't have to be this hard
It is shouldn`t lave to bes hard
Now for the first time in my life
Now for the first time in my life
I'm flying
I'M Flying
Никогда ничего,ничего не начать.
Never nothing to start.
Никогда никого,yмирать и молчать.
Never nobody, to see and be silent.
Не искать, не любить, не жалеть и не спать.
Do not look, do not love, do not regret and do not sleep.
Никогда, никуда никого не пускать.
Never, never let anyone go anywhere.
Не вдвоем. И убьем и приснится вода.
Not together. And kill and dream of water.
Не твое. Не мое. Провода. Провода.
Not yours. Not mine. Wires. Wires.
Героин. Пульса нет. Только ты не при чем.
Heroin. There is no pulse. Only you have nothing to do with it.
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How did we ever go this far ?
How DID We Ever Go this Far?
You touch my hand and start the car
You Touch My Hand and Start the Car
And for the first time in my life
And for the first time in my life
I'm crying
I'M Crying
Are we in love ? Do we deserve
Are We in Love? Do We Deserv
To bear the shame of this whole world ?
To Bear The Shame of this Whole World?
And like the night we camouflage
And Like The Night We Camouflage
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