Юрий Лоза - Сто часов - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Юрий Лоза - Сто часов
Я был так долго далеко,
I have been so far away,
В дороге по тебе скучал я,
On the road I missed you,
Ты отведи мои печали
You take my sorrows
И припади ко мне щекой.
And fall to me with a cheek.
Ты всё, что есть, неси на стол,
You are all that is on the table,
Оставь на после злые вести,
Leave on the evil news after
Мы наконец-то снова вместе,
We are finally together again
Я прилетел часов на сто.
I flew at a hundred hours.
Скорей сними мою усталость,
Remove my fatigue as soon as possible
Сегодня долго не уснём,
Today we will not fall asleep for a long time,
И не грусти, пусть нам осталось
And do not be sad, let us have left
Всего лишь сто часов вдвоём.
Only a hundred hours together.
Ты изменилась, похудев,
You have changed, losing weight,
И даже выглядишь моложе,
And you even look younger
Ты стала мне ещё дороже,
You have become even more expensive for me
Таких не видел я нигде.
I have not seen such people anywhere.
Прости, я снова без цветов,
Sorry, I'm again without flowers
Hо я полдня болтался в небе,
But I dangled in the sky for half a day,
А в небе взять их просто негде
And in the sky there is simply nowhere to take them
Хоть за червонец, хоть за сто.
At least for a chervonets, at least for a hundred.
Былые встречи - миражи,
Past meetings - Mirages,
Меня ждёт путь нелёгкий дальний,
I am waiting for a difficult long far path,
Тебя венок из ожиданий
You are a wreath of expectations
Hа всю оставшуюся жизнь.
For the rest of his life.
Все утешенья - звук пустой,
All comforts - the sound is empty,
О них не может быть и речи,
There is no talk of them,
Hо верю, ты дождёшься встречи,
But I believe you will wait for a meeting
Я прилечу часов на сто.
I will fly a hundred hours.
A Hundred Hours
A Hundred Hours
I've been away so long
I've Been Away So Long
I've missed you along the way
I've Missed You Along the Way
Take away my sorrows
Take AWAY My Sorrross
And rest your cheek on me
And Rest your cheek on me
Bring all you have to the table
Bring All You have to the Table
Leave all the pressing news for later
Leave All the Pressing News for Later
We're finally together again
We're Finally Together AGain
I've flown in for about a hundred hours
I've flown in for ABOUT A HUNDRED HOURS
Hurry and rid me of exhaustion
Hurry and Rid Me of Exhaudion
It'll be long before we sleep
IT'LL BE LONG Before We Sleep
And don't be sad that we have left
And dona be sad that we have left
Only a hundred hours together
Only a Hundred Hours Together
You have changed, got thinner
You have Changed, Got Thinner
And even look younger
And Even Look Younger
You've become even more precious
You've Become Even More Precious
I've never seen anyone like you
Forgive me - I come with no flowers again
Forgive Me - I Come with No Flowers Again
But I've been dangling in the sky all day
But i've Been Dangling in the Sky All Day
And you can't get them in the sky
And you canm in the Sky
Not for ten rubles or a hundred
Not for ten rubles or a Hundred
The past meetings are mirages
The Past Meetings are Mirages
A long, hard road awaits me
A long, Hard Road Awaits Me
You are a wreath of expectations
You are a Wreath of Expectations
For the rest of my life
For the Rest of My Life
All the consolations are hollow sounds
All the consulations are Hollow Sounds
There's no point talking about them
There's no point talking ABOUT THEM
But I believe you'll wait till our next meeting
But I belile you'll Wait till out next meeting
I'll fly in for about a hundred hours
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