A Matter Of Time - My Last Latter - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни A Matter Of Time - My Last Latter

Мое последнее письмо
My last letter

1.Я пишу это письмо, и океанский бриз холодит мою кожу
1. I am writing this letter, and the ocean breeze colds my skin
Скоро этот океан станет моей могилой
Soon this ocean will become my grave
я умру как герой, надеюсь, они правы,
I will die as a hero, I hope they are right
я жалею только о том, что ни сказал тебе о своих чувствах
I regret only that I did not tell you about my feelings

Пр. Я хочу вернуться домой
Etc. I want to return home
Хочу держать тебя за руку
I want to hold your hand
Хочу сказать, что любил тебя и только тебя
I want to say that I loved you and only you

2. Теперь я вижу, что умереть легко - трудно любить
2. Now I see that it is easy to die - it's hard to love
Когда мой самолет устремиться к цели
When my plane rush to the target
Я не увижу лица врагов, я увижу твои глаза
I will not see the faces of enemies, I will see your eyes
Как темные камни, замерзшие в дождевой воде
Like dark stones frozen in rainwater

Бр . Говорят, мы должны кричать
Br. They say we must scream
Вместо этого я прошепчу твое имя
Instead, I will whisper your name
И в смерти, как и при жизни,
And in death, as in life,
я останусь на веки твой
I will stay on your age

My Last Letter
My Last Letter

As I write this letter, the ocean breeze feels cool on my skin.
As I Write this Letter, The Ocean Breeze Feels Cool On My Skin.
The very ocean is soon to be my grave.
The Very Ocean is so to be my grave.
I will die a hero, I pray they are right.
I Will Die a Hero, I Pray They Are Right.
regret in life is never telling you how I feel.
Regret in Life Is Never Telling You How I Feel.

I wish I were back home.
I wish I Were Back Home.
I wish I were holding your hand.
I Wish I Were Holding Your Hand.
I wish I were telling you that I have loved you and only you
I wish I was telling you that i have lined you and only you

I see now that death is easy. It is love that is hard.
I See Now that Death Is Easy. It is love that is hard.
As my plane dives, I will not see the face of my enemies.
As My Plane Dives, I Will Not See the Face of My Enemies.
I will only, instead, see your eyes.
I will only, instead, See your eyes.
Like black rocks frozen in rain water.
Like Black Rocks Frozen in Rain Water.

I wish I were back home.
I wish I Were Back Home.
I wish I were holding your hand.
I Wish I Were Holding Your Hand.
I wish I were telling you that I have loved you and only you
I wish I was telling you that i have lined you and only you
Since I was a boy. But I am not.
Since i Was a Boy. But i am not.

They tell us that we must scream
They Tell Us that We Must Scream
I will instead whisper your name
I Will Inst, Whisper Your Name
And in death, as in life,
And in Death, as in life,
I will remain forever yours
I Will Remain Forever Yours
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