Carrie Fletcher - Daddy's little girl. - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Carrie Fletcher - Daddy's little girl.
She lies in the grass // Она лежит на траве
She lies in the grass // She lies on the grass
And wonders to herself // И думает про себя:
And wonders to herself // And thinks to himself:
What ever happened to that special someone else? // "Интересно, что стало с тем особенным кое-кем?"
What ever happened to that special someone else? // "I wonder what happened to that special someone?"
She pushes all the memories // Она прячет все воспоминания
She pushes all the memories // She hides all the memories
To the dungeons in her mind // В самые дальние уголки своей памяти,
To the dungeons in her mind // To the farthest corners of your memory,
And blocks out all the faces that somehow made her cry // Стирая из нее лица людей, заставлявших ее плакать.
And blocks out all the faces that somehow made her cry // Erasing from her the faces of the people who made her cry.
Heartbreak after heartbreak // Одна потеря за другой,
Heartbreak after heartbreak // One loss after another,
Collecting all the fears // Она собирает страхи
Collecting all the fears // She collects fears
In her dark brown eyes that are filling up with tears // В своих карих глазах, потемневших от слез.
In her dark brown eyes that are filling up with tears.
She'd sing to all the music's that you play in your guitar // Она бы спела что-нибудь, если бы слышала мелодию,
She'd sing to all the music's that you play in your guitar // She would sing something if she heard the melody
She knows the music stops when you're forgetting who you are // Но музыка перестает звучать, когда забываешь, кто ты.
She knows the music stops when you're forgetting who you are // But the music stops sounding when you forget who you are.
Running 'round in circles // Она бегает кругами,
Running 'round in circles
But forgetting where she's been // Не помня, откуда пришла,
But forgetting where she's been // Not remembering where she came from,
Forgetting every name to all the faces that she's seen // Забывая имена, которые когда-то знала.
Forgetting every name to all the faces that she's seen // Forgetting the names that I once knew.
When life had no meaning and she'd sing so happily // Когда у жизни не было значения, она так радовалась ей,
When life had no meaning and she'd sing so happily
She'd listen to his stories while she sat on daddy's knee // Сидя у папы на коленях и слушая его истории.
She'd listen to his stories while she sat on daddy's knee // Sitting on daddy's lap and listening to his stories.
What ever happened to daddy's little girl // Что же случилось с папиной малышкой,
What ever happened to daddy's little girl
With dreams, and a future, and her perfect little world? // С ее мечтами и будущим, с ее идеальным маленьким миром?
With dreams, and a future, and her perfect little world? // With her dreams and future, with her ideal little world?
What ever happened to that smile she always wore? // Что стало с улыбкой, которую она всегда носила?
What ever happened to that smile she always wore? //What happened to the smile she always wore?
The pieces of her fragile heart are lying on the floor // Ее хрупкое сердце разбито на тысячу осколков...
The pieces of her fragile heart are lying on the floor // Her fragile heart is broken into a thousand pieces...
What ever happened? // Что же произошло?
What ever happened? // What happened?
What ever happened to daddy's little girl? // Что случилось с папиной маленькой девочкой?
What ever happened to daddy's little girl? //What happened to daddy's little girl?
And life had no meaning and she'd sing so happily // Когда жизнь не имела такого значения, ей хотелось петь от счастья,
And life had no meaning and she'd sing so happily // When life had no such meaning, she wanted to sing with happiness,
But does it really matter when that little girl is me? // Но имеет ли это значение, если эта маленькая девочка - я?
But does it really matter when that little girl is me? // But does it matter if that little girl is me?
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